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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. ​So does the zoom not flop out or does it?!

    You can't keep the truth from these pages as easily as you can some of the other bum licking parts of the internet

    ​let's see when it launches.... do you not think this guy gave feedback to Canon? Could it not just have been a slight fault in one pre-production camera? If you have even an ounce of editorial nous... You would ask yourself these questions before clicking publish.

    once it is out... if it still happens, give them hell... For now, it is a non story and i think you know that.

  2. This is all Andrew has to say about drone use, and it is wrong (again, more talk from someone wh doesn't use drones)

    "It’s great for a drone, claims Westfall – yet the large zoom lens cannot be operated remotely so is therefore useless on a drone"

    You would just put the lens at 27mm and fly... Not many, if any, drone operators would be using a zoom while flying... Just do it with the copter. Controlling aperture would b nice, but not essential.

  3. Why do you keep banging on about 50mm.... Is your footage really that badly framed and shaky that you need over 40% of the frame to stabilize and recompose? When I have used a GH4 on a zenmuse, I rarely have to stabilize at all, unless it was crazy windy.

    To me, it feels like you have dug yourself a hole and are now trying to dig back out using the "I'm a pro, I know something you don't" attitude.

    Please inform us all how shooting at 27mm equates to 50mm, if you are using a good 3 axis gimbal and don't need to massively recompose your shots? Maybe we are all missing something?

  4. It is more than ok.... If you can control the jello on the BMPCC, it is great for drone work.

    As ever on the internet, this guy is talking about his specific needs (ultra wide panoramas) rater than considering how other people work.

    For instance we shoot drone footage for bmw and merc, usually at racetracks when they are testing their prototypes. They like aerial work and ground work to see various angles of the car in motion. Having a longer lens is often beneficial here, as we can get close ups of the cars without hovering dangerously above ridiculously expensive prototypes. We often just hover, almost like a flying tripod.

  5. ya, they are really small drones. Those tiny skyjibs are like phantoms, really.

    and ya doug, anyone shooting with small drones are clearly unprofessional. No one other than someone with $70k worth of drone and camera could ever, ever make money or great shots.

    I think that someone who thinks that only an epic and a beast of a drone is "professional" might, just might, be the insecure one.

    btw - why are you stablising and framing at nearly 50%? Don't you use a gimbal, can't you frame your shots mid air? Maybe this is how the pros do it?

  6. People talk some nonsense on here about stuff they clearly don't do.

    I shoot drone footage... I shoot alot with the goPro in narrow mode to avoid the awful fisheye. It is roughly 30mm eqv, so the guy laughing about using a 35mm eqv is talking shite.... Especially when you realise the XC10 is actually 27mm eqv

    Then the guy saying it would need a rig similar to that capable of holding an Epic. The XC10 is 2.3lb fully kitted, slightly heavier than a gh4 with lens. We have rigged up GH4s and BMPCC on a Droidworx 4 rotor many times.

    Now whether the GH4 is better will be determined by V-log and rolling shutter tests... but impossible to say, at this point, that GH4 is better. 12 stops and 4:2:2 will take some beating... and I think the smaller sensor will help rolling shutter... time will tell.

  7. Why can't people wrap their head around the idea that their needs are not the same as others.

    One of my needs is for a very light, high quality 4K camera that can fit on a small quad copter... hex at the most. Canon checked alot of my boxes,,, Though rolling shutter will need to be tested, The BM Micro is also very interesting to me, yet wont tick many boxes for you narrative guys, yet no tears about that.

    Big cameras like the FS7 don't do it for me, as I travel and shoot as light as possible... I don't sit and moan about Sony though, just because it is not for me.

  8. I've said it before, but get this baby on a drone and you have something pretty special. Lightweight enough to go on a 4 rotor drone like a droidworx.... 4K, 12 stops DR, IS, AF. Drone work rarely requires shallow DOF, I always shoot at f8 or above. You want infinity focus, generally.

    The minute someone make a gimbal for this, it will flyoff the shelves... and straight onto my drone

    Anyone moaning is just looking at it in a narrative/studio setting.

    It is a gopro on steroids. That is the target market, imho.

  9. I got a realtime shot of my mum seeing an aurora for the first time, tears rolling down her eye. Sometimes, chasing technology is worth it (I made the purchase in a last minute scramble, before we flew to Iceland after deciding the high ISO tech was worth any shortcomings).

    Of course, for narrative work, we are pretty spoilt. Just get out and shoot on whatever you can afford... If you are good, it will look good.

    Chasing tech is part of the fun, but shouldn't be used as an excuse not to film.

  10. It doesn't have a battery or swapable sensors.

    It has no NDs... Is about 1/3rd bigger and heavier. It would struggle to mount on a drone. It has no OLPF, so moire and aliasing might be an issue. It has no EVF. It takes much bigger and more expensive batteries. It currently has Max ISO of 1600.


    Canon has dual pixel AF. Canon have worldwide service centres. Canon has great colour. Canon keeps DR throughout the ISO range. Canon is a low light monster. Canon have built in gamma settings to match other cams. Canon has some kind of AF system for manual lenses. Canon works perfectly with EF lens. 

    I'm not taking any sides until I test both... But the C300 has some impressive featured and the Ursa needs EVF and battery plate to match the c300.. So price increases.

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