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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. It seems people always forget that not everyone here is making narrative work.

    My income is largely generated by shooting landscapes around the world.... High ISO is very important, to me. 

    I can add 4k and a great monitor for $1600. I am a very happy A7s user. When the A7s ii comes out... I will take the hit selling the cam and upgrade.

    I just think of buying these cams as a lease... I lose cash each year by trading up... But get the latest tech, that makes me the money to be able to take that financial hit

  2. There are people out there with enough experience to be able to assess the basic quality of a camera from watching it's footage. I personally would wager that the c300mkii has the hallmarks of v1. Poor highlight roll off and overly sharp with a videoy feel.

    ​You have access to the 4K files? Nice, the rest of us only saw a 720p version, compressed to YouTube... What about the behind the scenes video, where they clearly demonstrate insane levels of DR in the highlights? What about the part of the video where they said they graded it to fit the heist genre?

    Put simply, when you have one 720p video that has been heavily graded to suit one colourist's style, you would be crazy to use that as anything close to a definitive idea of what that camera can do.

    I do wonder if Canon/Blackmagic had accidentally uploaded the wrong video to each of their accounts... Would some here have claimed the opposite video was better, due to some pre-existing idea of what they think will be wrong with Canon/BM footage

  3.  I love how all the newbies are rushing here to defend Canon.

    ​I love how all the oldbies are rushing on here to blast Canon's every move. Even idle rumor and gossip.

    If the 5D mk IV "only" gets great 1080p with C-log.... It is still a big step ahead of Nikon and will likely be ahead of Panasonic and Sony, on overall image quality.


  4. Agree completely. At first, it made no sense to me, as it seemed about GH4 size... But it is quite a bit smaller, when stripped down for drone use. Add 12 stops and 4:2:2 at 4k and it starts to make sense.

    The IQ looks really nice, the one thing that paper specs can never measure.

  5. re: XC10

    Is no one else seeing creative possibilities?

    If you want to strap a "cheap" 4K camera onto drone, car, gimbal (or pool cue!) what are the options, right now? Especially if you need good image, AF and IS. NX1 is pretty heavy, GH4 doesn't have any IS or good AF... Neither have 12 stops (V-log might change that).

    The idea that it is just some badly thought out ENG camera leaves me scratching my head a bit.... It is clearly meant to be a bigger GoPro/crash cam, for people who care about image quality.

  6. Who here would like to see a BMPC with the new sensor? I imagine it would be restricted to 30fps, due to the internal hardware... But I bet they would still sell like crazy at around $3k?

    Grant Petty, if you're listening, there are alot of us that don't need the bells and whistles on the Ursa and Ursa mini.... I think it could be a hit.

    What do you think?

  7. Can't really see much use for the old sensor... But as the sensor line progresses, it might be worth thinking about big Ursa.... Would be great to have an ultra low light sensor, HDR sensor, high fps 1080p sensor.. etc that are hot swappable.

    I always thought RED missed a trick with the whole plug and play system by not having the sensor user upgradable. I'm sure there are limits to the Ursa system, but I could see 2-3 more sensors before a new body is required.

  8. But is someone here really interested in the Full URSA after seeing the little wonder 4995$ 4.6K sister?

    Maybe you want the 10" monitor and the full-fledged body? 

    ​and 120fps at 4.6K!

    I need to see one first hand though, the mini probably suits my needs better.... But at these prices, having two becomes an option if I have a firesale. Ursa for 2+ man work.... Mini for single shooter.

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