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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. I think we have reached saturation point, for sure.

    I have always maintained that after all the searching for "what makes something cinematic" .... The penny will drop that light, sound and camera movement are and have always been the all important factors.

    Doesn't hurt to have 4K, 15 stops DR, 12800ISO etc though! But If I were offered a choice of an Alexa with natural light and handheld only, or a GH2 with lights, gimbal/stedicam etc.... I'd always choose the latter. (For narrative, that is).

  2. I have empathy for people that get abused. I lived above a hell's angel that would beat his girlfriend close to death. No one could do anything about it as she would not go to the police and the guy would literally kill you if you had stepped in.

    I also have empathy for people who get wrongfully accused of something though. Lives can be ruined by a tweet or facebook post.

    Why can you only have empathy for one side of this coin?

  3. Latitude is bad? There is only one blown highlight in the whole thing, and that would blow if it had 30 stops DR.

    Anyway, not gonna argue about something none of us can test yet.

  4. There are some shots in there that look great, the outdoor shots are beautiful. Yes, the indoor shots are not lit perfectly and I guess the idea was to show off the DR, but I have no doubt this camera is the real deal (Same with the Ursa 4.6k)

    Fantastic options. If I can scrape the cash, i'll probably opt for the C300 II..... NDs, size and DR throughout the ISO range are a big deal to me. If the maths don't add up though, Ursa mini will be mine!

  5. Each to their own. You will have to rig up a Sony a7s or something and have a more powerful rig.

    Global shutter and DR are far more important, in my opinion, than crazy wides... For copter work. Would I prefer m43... Sure... Does s16 equal a fail... Not for me.

  6. ​That's effectively a 42mm on a super 16 sensor.  Hardly wide at all. 

    ​I've heard you can move copters away from your subject ;)

    I generally use the 1080p crop on GoPro to avoid the fisheye and I imagine that is a similar focal range....

  7. Come on folks, this looks great but it is a bit early to announce the death of Canon/Sony/Panasonic etc.

    We have all used BM products, there are always issues. The Canon will be bullet proof, Sony only slightly less... They have NDs, small battery solutions, global service centers.

    I'm buzzed about this camera... But let's hold fire on the age old debate about X being dead, long live Y.

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