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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Just made me laugh, the way you made it sound like Andrew had championed some little indiegogo camera or something. That guy "Brother"'s videos convinced me... Until then I had not seen anything really nice out of the camera, including Samsung's big budget productions, so I really was not having a dig.. Just found it funny.
  2. ​ Really? Samsung (you know, massive corporate business) had a huge marketing budget for the launch of the NX1.... It had a worldwide release with some beautiful 4K videos shot around the world and also a short film by Joseph Gordon Levitt!
  3. Nice work Micah, you really make the camera sing.
  4. The C100 is a very good deal. Maybe some here haven't used a camera with simple luxuries like built in NDs and XLRs, but it is so liberating. I'd not be buying any $6500 camera so close to NAB though.
  5. I currently have the NX1 and A7s and think there is at least 1.5 stops difference and you have to really protect the highlights on the NX1, the clipping is very ugly. I will do a shootout if I get time.
  6. Not sure GoPro can be considered niche anymore? I was on vacation this week in Iceland, we went to a place called the blue lagoon.. A big tourist attraction, and I would say 1 in 4 of the younger tourists had a GoPro to take video/photos of them in the pool. I was shocked.
  7. the nature of the beast.... I lost a chunk of change selling my FS700 + O7Q, but I am basically gambling on the fact that I will still be able to get a better camera with the money I made from the sale. That's without taking into account the money I have already made with the camera.
  8. Jimmy

    NX1-LX rumors

    The real innovation might already be in place... Letting developers access their SDK
  9. Been using both alot this week, in Iceland.... I find they compliment each other well... A7s for high contrast shots and low light (real time aurora!)... NX1 for 4K and 120fps. Both work great for timelapse, 6.5K on the NX1 is immense and helps for punching in where the lens can't reach. Stunning details. Also like the 4K 4/2/1fps mode for quick, smooth timelapse
  10. ​I don't think there is a definitive answer to what is happening. But from what I could tell in my tests, it is alot like the crop feature on the GH series. The difference being that you can crop in incremental steps, rather than just one crop mode. For instance (and again, this is guess work). 1X is taking the 4K sensor and downsampling to 1080p 1.1X is taking a 3.6K sensor crop and downsampling to 1080p 1.2X is taking a 3.2K sensor crop and downsampling to 1080p etc etc
  11. Click to view 1080p screenshots... (Focus was slightly off... Check the detail in the right of the engine).
  12. Anyone been using this feature? I have never heard it mentioned on any of the forums and video reviews. I was playing around with my C settings yesterday and was struggling to think what to put on C3 (hoping to put FF to APS-C on, to no avail). I then stumbled upon the clear image zoom mode. From all my tests, it seems it is a moveable sensor crop mode that downscales to produce very nice 1080p. It even works in APS-C mode, giving a crop factor of 3X (from FF), with little loss of quality. 1st, set Zoom to Clear Image Zoom, then set "Zoom" onto a function button and use the left and right buttons to zoom in and out... You can even have a really nice, smooth zoom from 1X to 2X by holding the right button. Apologies if this is already well known, but I found it a really cool, interesting feature. It is like having 15 extra crop modes and a rocker zoom!
  13. So... Potentially they do something that no one else is really doing.... A small, cheap, high quality 4K camera for gimbal/copter work. People cry This place is brainwashed, not sure I can be bothered anymore. Why not see what happens and how it will suit your style, if this has C-log and 12 stops DR... Is it not quite a cool thing to have in the marketplace? If it doesn't work out, at least they are trying something, rather than Nikon, who seem to come in for little/no stick considering they have no video division to piss off.
  14. Think you've answered your own question! There is no perfect camera for everyone's needs... So just make a checklist of what is most important and get the camera/s that checks as many of those boxes as possible. The D750 seems a very capable camera... I've not used one, but the images I have seen look great and has a feature set that seems to fit what you need.
  15. Very impressive. Magic really. Could it work with bracketing? Handheld HDR would be pretty cool.
  16. After taking the NX1 out on an aurora hunt, last night... I must say I am very disappointed with the low light, not just the image, but the inability to compose and focus. High ISOs don't seem to do anything to the onscreen picture after 1600 (maybe I have some setting off?). I've ordered an A7s for my trip to Iceland, will probably take the NX1 along for the ride for slo-mo and the occasional 4K shot though. NX1 is an interesting camera, but can be frustrating as hell.
  17. Where are you based j_one If you are in the UK, i'll trade you for my NX1, lens etc
  18. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/northern-lights-aurora-borealis-visible-5351582 Just got back... Could see it very, very faintly with the naked eye... Got a few shots with the NX1. That thing is pretty poor in lowlight.. Will post later
  19. For my chums in northern Europe, there is a massive Aurora tonight (KP9, highest possible)... Possibly visible all the way down in London and even northern France. Go get your camera and climb a hill.
  20. Are you noticing it in the h265 files? I have found the transcode is adding macroblocking, banding and losing info. I have tried all the paid and free ones. We need H265 editing, asap.
  21. ​Actually, I have said several times that non of us know what has happened and even suggested shutting this down until we know a little more. I am getting it. Whether he turns out to be guilty or innocent does not change my stance one iota.... My stance is, and has remained throughout, that he is just as accountable as anyone else and should follow the same procedures, when accused of a wrong doing. My innocent people are accused of wrong doing, this is why we have suspensions and inquires, rather than instant dismissal based on past actions and assumptions. The crux of your arguments is that he shouldn't even be in a position to be accountable, because he is a creative, making money and providing jobs.... an idea that I am vehemently opposed to. To those concerned about jobs... Let's look back to the Saville case, he was the biggest tv star of the 70s, how many jobs is raping a child worth? It is not an argument that holds water... If a star is doing something wrong, allowing that to continue, for the sake of others' jobs, is a dreadful concept.
  22. I may not like that you punch an editor, but I will defend to the death your right to punch an editor, because you are a megastar and missing a steak will ruin your creativity.
  23. The highlight roll off looked nice in those early shots where the sun is hitting their hair.
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