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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Your argument seems to be that there is no difference.... in which case, why care if something is shot on film or digital? It's not your money or time.
  2. You realise that film gets digitized right? You can stretch that image any which way you want. Each film stock is just another "sensor", at the end of the day.. Just an analogue one with a look that some people think is right for them. Choice is good.
  3. There are alot of valid reasons that most films are shot digitally.... But if a crafted film maker wants to use film and knows what they are doing, how is that a bad thing? It is like wanting to stop making pianos because it takes longer to tune, is heavier to carry and a digital piano can now recreate the sound (debatable). To me, The Dark Night was, visually, one of the most stunning films of a generation.... Maybe it would look just as good in digital (if a 65mm digital cam even existed then). Why take away the choice though or be unhappy that the choice is now going to be available?
  4. ​You answered your own question... The magic of having a film camera on set is the image quality and the feel.
  5. A couple of years ago, you were championing shooting 1 second 4K raw with a Nikon v1 and said it was a good way to get focused on the art.... Now 12 minutes of film is too restrictive and cold? I'm happy that film is going to be available. The more options the better....... In the right hands, it is still the most visually appealing image in the world, with a certain magic that I have yet to see with digital. I only had the pleasure to shoot 16mm at college, but it was and still is special.
  6. Cool thanks, I generally expose to protect highlight anyway as I'm not shooting people/skintones, but some cams can offer a bit of highlight recovery with log.
  7. I'm gonna test a 1DC soon.... Do you recommend ETTR?
  8. Before the inevitable "Canon sucks and have no innovation" fallout, it should be noted that the other camera producers who don't also have a vested interest in 4K tvs also do not offer consumer 4K. Nikon, Pentax, Olympus etc... As it stands, Canon are the only company that have internal cinematic 4K in a DSLR. They are innovative, it just comes at a cost. Anyway, the HDR mode sounds quite interesting, especially if the HD is properly resolved.
  9. I think alot of shooters who are now used to the DSLR experience would baulk at the size of the FS7. I am shooting in Iceland next month and seriously looking into the 1DC to save me lugging a big camera (and tripod) around
  10. Or maybe we get ripped off, like normal in the UK! I remember it being £7k inc. VAT in December though.... That is strange.
  11. It's a shame.... on paper, the NX1 is pretty special and I was buzzing when they mentioned a log like gamma.
  12. Any thoughts on doing a shoot out... 1DC (Log) v NX1 (DR Gamma)?
  13. Epic, new.... I'm addicted to high frame rates now! Scarlet Dragon is very nicely spec'd though. If the slow motion options were downscaled, not windowed, i'd be tempted. That is one of the great things about the FS700/OQ7.... the 240fps is still S35.
  14. You were saying that the drop in the shares is down to a lack of innovation though... It is at least as much to do with the rise of mobile photography. Anyway, let's hope this 50mpx camera is a sign that Canon will now start making a few cameras for niche markets.
  15. Frame rates, codec and bit rate are the only major improvements i'd have for the 1DC. If they launch a 1DC mk II that shot 4K/60fps and 1080p/120fps with 10bit to a good codec... I think that would be my last camera purchase for quite a long time. (Some kind of internal ND filters would be nice too!)
  16. Hi, I am selling this great, well looked after 4K package. I'm sure if you are looking, you know the power of this combo! Everything you need other than glass. Located in Bewdley, near Birmingham. Reason for sale, moving to RED Dragon. Package total new is £8467 (according to prices on CVP).... Looking for offers around £6500 FS700 £4435 Metabones EF to E mount - £328 Odyssey 7Q £1449 2 x 256GB SSDs - £672 Sony RAW Upgrade - £496 PEC Charge Plate - £37 SSD Lead - £20 H-SDI Lead - £20 2 x NP-F970 - 2 x £115 2 x NP-F770 - 2 x £40 Manfrotto 503 head and tripod- £700
  17. They will also blame mobile.... and, to an extent, that would be a correct thing to blame. People simply don't want to carry a phone , camera and camcorder, especially now the phone cameras are good enough. Canon will have to pay more attention to niche markets, which could be a good thing for us. I think we might see a slightly braver Canon, over the next few years. They will never be as aggressive as Sony, but they will evolve.
  18. It is valid as not many people buy these huge panels. Maybe in the states it is different, in UK, people stick to around 42", as the house rooms are just not big enough to accommodate a huge screen. No one is saying don't shoot at 4K, I am..... Just don't expect every camera maker to jump on it quite as hard as Sony, Panasonic and Samsung, who have a vested interest in pushing this tech.
  19. Yes, this is the thing..... 4K is now practically being "given away" with any new TV. Most people don't know about it or care about it, but when it doesn't influence the price, they are happy to take it (just like 3D before it). There was no big rush for consumer 3D cameras and will not be a huge rush for consumer 4K camreas (aside from mobile). Who is out there shooting their family videos on a camcorder, these days? Mobile rules the segment. Anyway, to me, this 50mpx camera signals that Canon will start releasing a few niche cameras, so it could be good news. I can see an a7S type Canon camera on the roadmap.
  20. Canon wont jump on consumer 4K any faster than they would have consumer 3D a few years back. Panasonic, Sony and Samsung have a vested interest in 4K screens, so will push out consumer 4K cameras to try and sell TVs.... Canon don't need to. They can sit back and see if anyone cares about 4K, outside of our tiny niche. My father in law has a 4K tv, I dont see him scrambling around for a 4K camcorder.... 4K was just something included in his new tv, much like 3D was before it.
  21. I guess all the weddings/fashion photographers using Canon just don't care about skintone? Canon's colour is simply beautiful. Skintones are great.
  22. Also, if you wanna compare 1DC to A7s, surely you have to factor in the Shogun/OQ7+ and various media/accessories? So $6k difference quickly becomes $3k.
  23. I've only ever shot 120 or 240fps in 2K mode.... That has some aliasing. I will try a 24fps test and let you know.
  24. I noticed the 750D specs included a HDR video mode. Could be interesting. I wonder if it is somehow utilising something similar to the dual ISO hack, or will it be combined multi exposure?
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