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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Interesting article. I think the size is the big factor, plus the dominance of Alexa when it came out. Most DPs I know wouldn't care if the camera looked like susan boyle's head, as long as it gave a good image and was usable. Kit out any of these cameras for a big production and you can barely see the camera anyway.
  2. I ran some tests when 4K prores came out (non scientific)..... Judging by eye, raw has at least 1 stop on the ProRes. Helps with the highlights.
  3. No audience will be impressed with 4K if they don't have a screen to consume 4K on. I'd choose an extra stop DR over 4K every day. The audience might not be impressed by you saying you shot raw, but they will have a sensation that it is better if they do watch it. They wont know why, but they will. Extra resolution can do that too, but not as much, if you are already shooting pristine 2K. That said, with the FS700/OQ7, you can shoot a great image in 4K ProRes... You loose about a stop. Should be fine for most shots. Like I said at the start, shoot ProRes for anything that only demands about 12 stops... If your lightmeter or exposure tools show a bit more of an extreme... switch to raw.
  4. I've been using them on a recent Fs700/OQ7 shot and was impressed. Not quite the bokeh of some of the pricier lenses, but still a nice look (think this was 35mm)
  5. ​Yea, seems like the FS700/OQ7 combo gets overlooked by alot of indie filmakers, but it really is the very, very best image out there for a sub $10k price and crazy versatile. I've had ours for just under a year and the image is sublime. Sharp 4K (to 60fps, 120fps burst), 2K (to 240p), raw, prores, 4K to HD, 13 stops, built in NDs, built in XLRs, great screen, amazing exposure tools, good low light
  6. Can't really see any justification for the F35 on the list other than "it's a bargain" in which case the FS700/OQ7 is a better bargain (4K 120fps raw!) and better suited for this forum. The F35 is truly a beast, no one on the indie scene is gonna use that. The rest looks good, though I think the NX1 has a lot to prove away from it's "on paper" specs. Looks like iPhone footage, to me.
  7. Have you thought about shooting 4K prores, but using very occasional 4K raw when you absolutely need every drop of DR? If you have time to edit raw though... I would shoot 2K/raw. I know all the hype is about 4K, but DR and color are still more important, imo and the 2K on FS700/O7Q is a joy, though you do hit some moire/aliasing at 120/240fps
  8. Hurry up people!!! Desperate to see some footage with the new gammas
  9. I got offered a 1DC for £3500 though.... if the 60p had been good enough, i'd have snapped one up, for sure.
  10. Yea, I'm just not sure I will take the FS700/OQ7 to Iceland as it is quite a beast to carry around, especially with 5 primes and a large tripod. Iceland is so amazing though, not sure anything but 4K, raw, 1-120fps would do it justice. Decisions, decisions
  11. yea, it's a great place.. if you see someone with an FS700 or flying a phantom, be sure to say hello! I will be in Iceland for the latter half of March though, which is partly prompting my need for yet another new camera ... so tempted to take the Fs700/OQ7, maybe I should just invest in some steroids
  12. 4/3 is hardly a tiny sensor, but I get your point about everything that goes with a camera. For pure image quality though, with an easy workflow for Mac, it is a good choice.
  13. Maybe BMPC shooting to ProRes. Still one of the nicest images i've ever shot
  14. Landscapes more than wildlife. I generally don't find myself going over a 200mm lens. Also, in a strange twist, I shoot the majority of my video in portrait mode (my business involves video for phones)
  15. It's possible.... Samsung already know the power of 3rd party devs through their TVs and phones. They will be thoroughly testing any apps that 3rd parties make though, so don't expect anything that could potential brick the camera, like raw on the canons. I'll be getting my dev to look at the SDK, as soon as it is out, that is for sure.
  16. thanks guys, it is a real shame. I'm really struggling to find a nice camera that will shoot 60p with good DR, highlights and colour, yet not weigh a tonne. Alot of my filming is out in nature and as much as i LOVE the FS700/OQ7 combo, it is a beast to take up mountains and stuff. A7s seems like it might be an ok option for 1080/60p?
  17. How are you finding the 60fps mode, is it sharp enough to use? I hear the s35 1080p is really nice, but can't seem to find if that extends to 1080/60p?
  18. Cheers Oliver, gonna have to rent one out and see how it compares to a kitted out FS700/OQ7 ... The idea of being able to shoot without always having an external monitor is appealing, but if the trade off is a lot more weight, then it becomes problematic.
  19. Oliver, did you ever use the FS700 + OQ7 combo? If so, how do you think they compare to the FS7 in terms of DR, low light etc? I love the combo but would quite like to have a smaller rig, FS7 could be the one, if I don't have to lose any/much DR
  20. FS7 is looking nice. I'm really tempted to sell my FS700 + OQ7 kit and trade up. Although I do love shooting raw and especially 4K/120fps. Tough, tough decision.
  21. ​People seem to massively underrate the use of lighting to create the cinematic look. It is not about recreating natural light, but enhancing it, giving a very slight unnatural, fantasy look.
  22. If you can't make something look good with 12 stops, nice highlight rolloff and some lights, you are need to work on your skills. That's the point you really can no longer blame your tools (and the reason I think the 5DRaw will keep me happy for a long, long time).
  23. You can pick up an F65 kit for about $25k now... Pretty crazy. Very, very beautiful image, but cumbersome size and workflow for anyone not shooting with a huge crew
  24. Sony and Panasonic have a bigger reason to get 4K down to consumer levels though... They sell 4K TVs.
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