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Everything posted by Liam

  1. You guys... this thread... is so... informative
  2. Oh no! 80 inches?? Show me a flaw in the image of The Wizard of Oz on a 50 foot screen On the contrary, sounds like even your future's future is the past of my current present.
  3. Well yeah if the question is "has technology gone far enough that one camera could last you the rest of your life?" It's suuuuper lame to pick the latest camera. Pick a well tested classic that you might still remember next year.
  4. I think he just meant like what the a7si can do. Not recording both at once, just an internal option and a better option externally
  5. To be clear, I'm kind of unintereted in actual documentaries. But some of my favorite fiction filmmakers have taken a lot of inspiration from them. I'll definitely mostly have to practice, but it's clearly an artform I could stand to learn more about from the pros. And thanks for all the input and resources so far
  6. Be careful if this is tooooo "to get your name out there" and not at all because you think it'll be good. I've heard working on something you don't love isn't just draining, but rarely goes well. Sorry if I'm misreading this, but if you have something you're more passionate about, that you can still do with your resources, do that. If you're good, the thing that's most "you" will be more marketable than the thing you do to fit in. People actually do want something unique. And even then.. keep doing more and more before you should expect to be noticed, really. A webseries would get more of an audience than a short film I think, and not just because they're short episodes. People keep seeing the new episodes pop up and finally decide to stop ignoring it. Why don't you want to do festivals? Youtube is a tough business
  7. I've been curious to get more into improvisation in film, but last time I tried I ended up with pretty much a montage. I figured someone with a documentary background could see a way to create a plot in it better than I had. I assume you can use B-roll to hide a seam, cut two conversations together so it feels like one, cross cut between two scenes so that you care less that each part is just a snippet... mess with the order. I don't know, I'd be interested in any input or personal experience, or just pointing me in the direction of where better to learn some of this. I know nothing in this area.
  8. So, for image quality for the most common type of film, I guess, it's very near its peak. We don't need more resolution, nor dynamic range, if you shoot it right. Film was plenty good more than 70 years ago I don't know how hdr will change things. I haven't been loving the hdr stuff i've seen, but tech for that will get better in other areas too. And plenty of current cameras work alright for hdr. 360 video and vr will advance quite a bit clearly, but it's something I don't care about. Multiple uses is just a different way to interpret the question, but a good point. Fitting in your pocket is a nice feature, but the lens you like most wouldn't fit in your pocket on its own, not including the large sensor camera. So that's 2 cameras I'm hoping for a revolution in work flow, I guess. Immediate cloud transfer and teeny files is something that could make us look back and scoff
  9. I can't judge the sharpness too well on my phone, but I've always liked this video And that's not even 444 If sharpness is the most important thing... you could go back and include 4k in your search since you already might be looking at big files from a real cinema camera, you might as well downscale in the process too And since people are listing ef mount cameras, I might as well add the BMCC with speed booster is the perfect s35 crop and an amazing image
  10. but is your computer dying of something? maybe my screen's res is basically denoising it? I feel like something's wrong here
  11. still better on vimeo, but... ? - I'm sure it would look better too if I wasn't on a 720 screen
  12. I hate both of those stories so much, I can't really judge the footage. I'm sure it's fine.
  13. @Neumann Films sure, of course. But... ^this sounds a little bit like saying, "It's not that difficult to be a great writer." Which I would think most writers disagree with. And if we aren't all amazing writers, we might want to realize it could be a better story without the part where we realize there should be another scare near the end of this 6 minute film and do our best to force an unwarranted one in the 30 seconds we have left, for instance. I was just thinking like, make it twelve minutes instead of ten if that's less jumbled. Have 13 episodes, sure. Convenience and standards are nice, but better is better.
  14. I don't know.. I honestly thought 1-5 minutes was more of a youtube standard. And I don't see any problem with infinity episodes (or as many as you need). Even if the end is just perfect, I didn't think people were really bothered by "waiting to see what happens next!!" and "wondering how it's all gonna end!!!" for a loooong time. If the end never came, it might be better than if it was only two episodes. But I'M obviously more interested in you making the story right, not caring about the rules. Not that that's the most valuable principle in a webseries.. just maybe keep it in mind, if you start to feel like you're making too many sacrifices
  15. So now that you can "react" instead of just "like".. does a "confused" reaction, for example, still contribute to the reputation points of the member who made the post? Just curious; seems like it probably shouldn't work that way.
  16. I guess I'd say C. though admittedly I lowered the saturation a little on my own before I could tell if I liked the colors
  17. @jonpais thanks, I'll look him up! that link was doing that to me on my phone, but works fine on my computer. But you can search the channel "No Money, No Help", if you're desperate to find it, haha. It's not worth too much effort anyway. @IronFilm badasssssss @kaylee sound is pretty okay for me really.. I gotta just learn the rules on normalizing it. My workflow is such a mess, it could honestly take years to boost it a smidge.
  18. I used to look down on this a little, or just not really pay any attention to it. But I was kind of forced into it. Now that I've done three films this way, I've learned a lot of course, but also other filmmakers working like this have become my favorite people ever. Jim Lujan, Daniel Robinson, and Shannon Plumb are my heroes. Anyone else I should look into? I started collecting whatever ones I could find here: https://vimeo.com/channels/nomoneynohelp (not to be too self promotional, but here's the trailer for my latest. pretty excited about it - https://vimeo.com/234085563) I'm still hoping I get help soonish, because I'm not good enough at this to do it forever. But I assume I will miss it. And it is sooo satisfying to just put "By <your name here>" at the end. I mean, maybe I'm a narcissist for that... (though if that were really the case I could list every job with my name by it, even casting director) Anyone here doing this? Or even did it once for fun? Wanna share the film or the experience? It's a lot of work.
  19. Thank ya kindly c: In this one I play twins, haha. So I'm probably officially out of live action ideas that won't require any other actors. Possible I can do another animation soon, but if people wanna start offering me stuff before then, I can save it..
  20. I'm just finishing up the edit on my 4th no budget film, made with no help.. money isn't the issue, I need people. The other day I was like, "Ooo, what if I had 20 million dollars??" Well.. nothing would be different career-wise. I love that Channel 101 was brought up here. Seems like the opposite of eoshd. I usually get a response of general disinterest and then, "You need better sound." Coolthanks... I should have written it wih better sound. Less of an issue with those guys.
  21. Yeah, I have to watch Vimeo on my tablet
  22. Weirdly phrased though.. I would respond better to a notification that says "you're playing god again!"
  23. improvised this with a friend the other day
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