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Marco Tecno

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Everything posted by Marco Tecno

  1. Avrin, you should contact that customer.
  2. Hmm. From the only users' review on b&h: Very cheap materials. The handles are hollow. The fasteners feel like they will break at any moment. There are no instructions on how to setup or balance (not even online). Their website is useless. We didn't even have the opportunity to use it since we were helpless as soon as we opened the box. Sad because it seemed to have potential.
  3. It does not seem like that anymore O:-)
  4. The video posted by avril is quite outsanding imo.
  5. Great achievement. Please share your settings, grading, luts. Did you use a polarizer?
  6. For my kind of photography, nx1 offers almost everything I need. I want fast operation, good iq, good video, fast burst, fast af, fast lenses in the range of 24-200mm equivalent (no need of a single lens in that range). I'm still missing a decent option in the range of 300-600mm equivalent, but that'd be needed for <1% of my shots. P.s. I'm perfectly fine with the af44 flash by Metz. It's remote ttl controlled by nx1 and ppwerful enough for 99.9% of my cases. Any other setup giving me the power of nx1 would have been 4x as expensive, at least.
  7. 18-200 is one of the very few nx lenses that I don't own. I read that optically is not really good. Imo the s lenses are the way to go, if you want an ois zoom.
  8. Perhaps since when the nx1 is the best and most affordable 4k photocamera? :-P
  9. Please look the date of this post of mine:
  10. Shield that was one of the many suggestions I gave to samsung, but was never implemented.
  11. Having a metabones alike option to adapt canikon lenses to nx with af and aperture would make the fortune of nx.
  12. Stunning detail. Which settings did you use in camera?
  13. of course. I was referring to the fact that samsung may decide to pull the plug for nx system, since it didn't gain momentum. I think NX system is selling more now in few months than in all its "life".
  14. DBounce: more and more ppl are now realizing how good the NX1 but, probably and very unfortunately, it's too late.
  15. Phil A reported about a price of 630$ for NX1, which is incredible and insane at the same time. In February, I paid 1.225€ for the body only, which is more than twice, considering the exchange rate. 1899 with the S lens was a good price anyway.
  16. Incredible price. Happy for those buying now at those prices, but...this is one of the reasons why samsung has never been taken seriously. A 50% price drop after one year is ridicolous. Not even a CPU or a video card depreciate at this rate.
  17. I agree, that's the right way to learn. I'm quite a newby to video editing, hence I had to learn how to use Premiere from zero. But now I know it decently. The difficult part, for me, is to get the look I'd like from a video. I'm sure the NX1 is a great piece of equipment and its fully potential has still to be unleashed. You seem to have gotten really near that potential!
  18. Mozim, perhaps not better, but even not too much worse, at least in "normal" average conditions.
  19. man, such a huge different from post! I'd like to be such a good colorist as you seem to be! p.s.: yours is, for sure, a pro quality video coming out from NX1.
  20. nx1 could do that imo, if hacked.
  21. That's for sure, but having a log like lut should help putting other luts (created for log videos). Anyway, which out of camera settings do you suggest to use with those ImpulZ luts?
  22. I also like the colors very much (and cool car, btw)!!!
  23. Kidz, not sure I understood correctly. You suggest using those LUTs instead of Andrew's one? If so, starting with which basic settings in NX1?
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