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Zero Landscape

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Everything posted by Zero Landscape

  1. I agree, PannySVHS. Thanks a lot for the nice words! 😀 Please let me know when you release a macro film. Looking forward to it!
  2. Thank you so much, PannySVHS! Really like your comment, especially the filmmakers nerdom pleasure part 🙂 A teasers sounds like a brilliant idea! Thanks!
  3. Thank you so much, mercer / Glenn! It's an honour that you follow my work, and thanks a lot for the nice words! 🙂 Yes, I agree, the 5D is very special. Both for film as for photos, very filmic! As for the feature, it will indeed have a bit the vibes of the hitman film. It's quite ambigious, also including detailed 3D scenes, so hopefully all will work out 🙂 If you use Instagram, you can follow me on zerolandscape. I haven't updated the feature stuff yet, but will probably do so in the future. Thanks for the positivity and talk to you soon, Glenn!
  4. Thank you so much, mercer! That is really great to hear! 🙂 Actually, I purchased a Alexa XT for a feature I am going to make. I still love the 5D and its capabilities. The ease of changing iso, low light, very light camera. It's wonderful, also for macro. The Alexa is way more heavier, and needs a lot of light. Beautiful image, but so is the 5D. Most likely, I will use them both in the future 🙂 Cheers
  5. Just released my short film Felix' Summer Box. Please enjoy, and let me know your thoughts.
  6. Please have a look at a music video I made for the musician Carla Bozulich, for her song Gonna Stop Killing. I used a Canon 5D Mark III, with Magic Lantern for RAW shooting. Zeiss lenses used: 35/1.4, 50/2, 100/2. http://vimeo.com/116440492 Enjoy!
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