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Everything posted by Cas1
My 72 year old dad carries a point and shoot small Samsung on his vacations, used to shoot Pentax 35mm and super 8, he does not recognise or see value in better image quality. I think the same goes for average Joe and Jane. They're already saturated with images through social media, and have no more appetite. Further more I think companies are not listening enough to end users' needs and desires. Often I think it's sheer unwillingness or laziness, as annoyances appear to be just a software setting away. Sometimes I think consumers are just an afterthought, and the real money is made else where like in medical or surveillance or military tech.
I wonder if we could some day design and order 3d printed camera's with the design and functionality we want? Personally I think there are too many menu options. I'm constantly thinking and being stressed about do I have selected the best options for capturing the fleeting scene? For instance, I find that changing the auto focussing from area to face takes way to many actions. Maybe a leaver with a simple set of AF choices: area, face, manual would do, and an AF-lock in the middle? Also I'm thinking about night shooting, I would love to have (red) glowing dials, or at least glow in the dark main dials. I've a big hands, so I love to have a deep grip and pink support, and I would love to be able to use the camera with gloves. I love mountain hiking, so 600 - 700 grams for the body is nice. Longer battery life. Today I'm still using my trusted G85, and what I find interesting is that I'm still changing my customisable settings in order to be ready to capture a moment. I think it is interesting to see there is a change and development curve to how I'm making images. LOG video, HLG and compressed raw video would be great.
How many sales are Canon losing from enthusiasts due to video shenanigans?
Cas1 replied to Andrew Reid's topic in Cameras
It's almost looks like Canon does not need to compete. I hope to see that with 3d printing, open source software EOSHD can make the ideal camera, one that does not involve the Canon Cripple hammer. To me the S1H looks 95% perfect, the only aspect that sucks there is the CAF. As for the consumer market I think that most people think their phone is good enough. So what remains are old folk who's eyesight are deteriorating (<1080p), and a few young enthusiast (art students and many bloggers) and maybe a few romantics that want a stand alone camera. Why is it so hard to make a good camera for them with all the features they want, especially because the technology is already there! ps. personally I'm looking forward to the up coming E5-mark3, a little better then my G85, with useable video phase detect CAF - I hope. I like the small portable form factor for my mountain hiking, and I like to take it under water freediving. -
Hi everyone, I'm not sure this is the right place to post it, but I keep it short: Auto ISO in manual mode! Today I discovered something new to me, which I've not seen on the internet yet. I want to record UHD movies, but with control over aperture and shutter speed AND in auto ISO, while monitoring what's going on while recording. Normal manual video mode does NOT allow this. It only allows manual ISO if you want to retain control over both aperture and shutter speed. However I'm thrilled to discover that in 4kphoto mode I can have full manual control AND AUTO ISO, and all these numbers actually show up on screen, and stay on screen change WHILE recording. sadly the exposure compensation does not work in combination. Are you guys aware of this? BTW I'm looking for an affordable underwater housing and dome port, but there is only an Ikelight housing costing me over €2000,-. Do you know of something cheaper, otherwise I'm motivated to save up for a 2nd hand GH5 and buy the much more affordable seafrogs /meikon housing for it. - Still a heavy investment for me Yes I'm looking forward to the G90, I hope they get rid of the crop in video, and add auto iso + exposure compensation in manual video mode. Oh and a linear manual focus with a number and focal range when using (presetting) manual focus. Also I like to 'design' my own display because there is either too much or not the right information on it. A waveform monitor instead of a histogram. Cheers.
It would be naive not to expect people cheering on a reduction of rights, they always do to stay in the middle and maintain accepted by their peers. Fact is the EU is less democratic then the countries we live in. Historian Carroll Quigley, foresaw this trend of increasing individual freedom shifting over to a reduction of personal freedom. According to him history is directed by technological progress. I think now is the time that machines can do many peoples work, and are making people redundant, like horses in the beginning of the past century when the car was invented. Keeping the producers/horses in good shape and happy is becoming less of a priority.
Loosing 'rights' every day, Under cultural attack every day, Being told I'm guilty of the worlds 'problems' every day, Forced to paying taxes to fund all this propaganda, Such is my life as a white male in our place of origin, Europe. We're at the most technological amazing time, why do we let this get messed up?
Happy new year mr Neumann, and others! Yes 'm looking forward to the 8th, to see how close the rumours have been When we can expect to see the film you're making for Panasonic? Has the editing process changed / improved?
In regard to the colours, I was talking about the orange skin. Panasonic has improved them a lot the past years, and I wonder if there has been any further improvements. For my personal needs I'm pretty happy now. Buyers of Andrew Reids pro colour would appreciate better standard out of camera colours, I think.
I'm looking forward to your short Neumann, you tease us so well you must know how to keep us glued to your film as well. I hope you can show us some comparison shot and analysis upon release day because I'm sure you're exploring the new features in depth and by them know them inside and out. Does the new footage offer greater DR? and or is the DR more useable? Is it easier to shoot with? Have you taken a peak at the AF, is it on G9 level or even a bit better? Have the GH5 colours improved?
"The BEST Vlog EVER." says it it all, especially when you add a dash V-log. Maybe an updated JPEG engine, G9 focus, and a few minor body changes. But I don't expect a new sensor etc. I think just a tad more then a GH4r, so in this case GH5r (r meaning revision). It's cool to see everyone dream of STARVIS sensors, organic sensors etc. I think the ergonomics could be improved a lot with a few software changes. For instance display a focus distance, show the hyperfocal distance when using the Manual focus on a focus by wire lens. Also for video Panasonic could change the MF so when rotating the ring changes the focus to displayed distance, and the actually focus speed ramps up, coasts at a set speed and then ramps down to meet the manually set focus, So when using MF we set a distance (using the focus ring) and the camera smoothly gets to it. And the CAF the camera should go to the estimated focus distance and skip the focus checking at the end of the focus pull. Talking about this makes me want to make my own camera someday.
It's a tool, the people who control the bots are the ones to worry about. Anyway another lovely backlit shot. In what ways is this processed, or is it strait out of camera? ISO?
From the image I think it's H265, because of occasional horizontal small lines. H265 appears to use a vertical and horizontal hash compression method that can be seen when doing some extreme grading. The difficulty I have with the sensor being (much) larger is that the IBIS would need to be changed too. And the bigger the sensor the less compensation it provides. Perhaps a Multi aspect sensor, like the GH2? I suck at doing fov calculations, but can someone please calculate the fov on a M43 and what this picture actually has?
Is there a price for guessing it first? When o when will we hear the winner - tune in later and find out!
Could it be an improvement of the video encoding? Zooming in down to the pixels I see very little digital compression artefacts. This would also fall in line with G9's improved JPEG engine. Better compression allows for more grading room, and more smoothness. The highlights look pretty clean too, but as said above that may have been done by a grade or lut desaturating above a certain light level. I'm glad I asked about the tif, at least we got a page of interesting conversation out of it Thank you mr. Neumann for being a good sport and a brilliant teaser
I do # me.too What's up with the 1.tif?
Can you shoot the international space station with a Micro Four Thirds camera?
Cas1 replied to Andrew Reid's topic in Cameras
How about using a mirrorlens? The Bokah may annoy you, but for the moon it does not matter. It's light and compact. With a fixed focal length and Ibis I believe it may work. -
This would be just enough for a vlogger, but not for a wedding, I think. The G9 appears to be more precise and more responsive then the GH5. Can you tune the focus on the G9? if so set it to start changing focus faster (responsiveness) and focus a bit slower (low focusing speed to make it appear a bit more smooth). I don't understand the Panasonic focussing software, but why cant the camera have a focus procedure like this: 1) Take base image measurement, 2) slightly change the plane focus and measure AMOUNT of change in blur. 3) based on the measured blur smoothly start moving the plane of focus to estimated distance the subject is. 4) while moving the plane of focus take additional measurements of the blur and adjust the estimated focus distance, 5) smoothly slow down the focusing speed to halt at the estimated focus distance. 6) have short polling intervals measuring the blur, if there is a change adjust focus to new estimated new distance. Am I thinking too simple? Let's try a practical example. There is a lamp 10m away, the current focus is set to 25cm, the light is blurry. The camera records the outline of the blur. The camera starts to change focus, it focusses closer because that is the default direction. After a 0,05 sec small focus pull the camera takes a second measurement, tracing the blur, recognises the blur size has increased. The focussing software understands the direction of the focus pull is wrong (because the blur got WORSE) and inverts the focussing pull. Also the software knows from the amount of change in blur in relation to the F-stop and focal length how far the lamp is from the camera, this produces the first object distance estimate. The camera is set to 1 second focus pull, this determines how long the focus pull should take. Now the camera ramps up the focus motor, for a smooth start. At 0,5 sec, while refocussing the camera takes another measurement, and compares it to the previous measurement to measure how much the lamp's blur has been reduced, from this the camera produces a second object distance estimation. At 0,7sec the refocussing speed ramps down to lands smoothly on the estimate object distance, then another sample is taken and a new object distance estimate is made. If the blur is too small the camera skips pulling focus. If the Panasonic camera's can have 240FPS focussing, the above should be possible and appear smooth I think. Am I thinking to simple?
When I saw Max read and then explain this answer I thought he did not understand what the manual tried to explain, because he oversimplified the above into: "so it's normal to not have good autofocus in 4k". I believe there maybe a flawed translation in the manual. Because to me 'Highly accurate focus' sounds like a description of 'very responsive' in the 'responsiveness' setting. The 'reduced Auto Focus speed' is about the focus speed setting. The way that I read this answer is that is you crank up the responsiveness setting to the highest and focus speed to the lowest, the AF will appear not to work. What I believe may be happening in the processing is that the focus change is below a minimal change given the short measuring interval time the 'very responsive' setting allows for. When the camera measures the second time, there is no (too little) focus change, so the camera does something else (stop focussing/ move back to previous focus?) instead of keep on moving the focus. I think unravelling this new AF system is going to be a great job for forums like this. I wish Panasonic would explain to us how the AF algorithm works in more detail. The quirks Peter Gregg explains, like 60p, pre focussing (grid and white + sign on the main subject to tell the camera what the main and preferred subject is) and then pressing record.
Max appears to only use "Sensitivity", but has he used the AF speed slider too? As I've understood AF speed slider determines how fast the focus pull is. The Sensitivity is about how much time the subject is out of focus before the refocus starts. If Max has not seen / tested the AF speed setting in combination with the sensitivity, then I'm starting to think his 10h + test was not that conclusive. It's interesting to learn that 60p works better then 24p. Although even is the AF is good and responsive, fact remains that the focus confirmation wiggle is HIGHY distracting. I wish Panasonic's DFD could know how far to focus from the blur and simply and smoothly focus to that estimated distance, without the dreadful distracting focus wiggle. In my mind DFD could measure the change in blur while refocussing, to affirm or correct the auto focus pull. Make the focus pull take 10 frames, at 5 frames measure a second time (while auto pulling focus) and land on the estimated focus distance. Currently the AF seems to simply move one direction, notice a changing blur, change focus direction and start pulling until the AF pull overshoots a certain amount of blur, then change the focus pull again to focus back a (standard?) bit. It's programming behaves very simplistic in my eyes. I wonder how the more expensive, dedicated video cameras do.
Just wait a bit, there are plenty of people here that will have it soon and test it inside and out, so you'll have your questions answered. Wait for the reports to see if the quality control is good. Maybe you like the GH5 enough to buy instead of rent it? Maybe a GH5 buyer will sell it to you after he decides he needs more then 6400 iso?
webrunner5, I can ask the visitors with and without cameras coming to the outdoor park I work at why they use what they have. Most will be happy with a simple documentation device, photographing vertical because eh.. what composition? But others bring dslr's, mirrorless and superzooms to get better photos. Rarely I see a video camera. But I believe you're right, the youth of today is not into photography, they are into social media and games. I'm actually asking myself how school treats the arts in class theses days, a few photo assignments would be cool to teach. Although people are saturated with images, and lack the examples in their environment to teach and train their third eye. Maybe we could inspire the art teachers to include photography in their curriculum? - yeah I think the cheap dedicated cameras will disappear. The superzoom reach will linger on, and for hobbyist and pros we'll have less middle and high end choice. I think military, surveillance, robotics, sensor, AI ('smart everything') are the growth markets, and core business. Consumer camera's are a side thing for giants like Panasonic. Broadcasting I believe is important, and having people grow to like Lumix may nudge them to get Panasonic pro stuff later on. But hey let's return to the GH5-topic Will it nudge more film makers of the future to use Panasonic?
Oh no, Panasonic is shuffling some board chairs! - relax people, we have the GH5, 10 bit color, IBIS, nice almost everything. I'm confident the GH line will continue like the other popular models. The only thing we can do is make nice photographs and videos so other people like to try a dedicated camera too. Relax people.
I think the biggest distraction of the AF is the reverse focus pull, aka focus confirmation rack. I also believe it can be corrected in software. 1) DFD should calculate mount of blur, determinates focus rack. 2) focus rack smoothly starts. 3) 1/2 way through rack DFD calculates new focus rack, taking into account the movement vector of the object 4) DFD notices very little blur, racking eases off. 5) DFD notices no blurr, racking stops. Basically DFD measuring, focus motor responding depending on how far the focus is off. The point is DFD should be used while auto racking focus. Currently it looks like DFD is only used to determine which direction to start the focus rack, not the amount. It racks focus until DFD has noticed the rack overshoots a certain amount, then it racks back that amount. If Panasonic can calculate DFD 240 times a second, I think they can calculate subject distance, relative speed, and to smoothly rack focus to the distance that is calculated 240 times a second from noticing the change in blur. Overshooting and racking back is ok for slow individual photos, but NOT for video. Actually when I think of it, I rather have 1 DFD focus rack estimate and rack and stop, then have rack stop and reverse. Man I would love to see how this software is designed. I think amping up the amount of measurements is never going to prevent the focus confirmation rack.