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Mattias Burling

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Everything posted by Mattias Burling

  1. How about these? (its not the bolex this time)
  2. This thread really fuled the flames at avs (I posted the first post). Some really cant stand others not obeying to their opinionsopinions
  3. Thats my favorite thing as well. Speed. It really is a p&s on steroids.
  4. I have used it plenty in bright light with no "need" for darkness or an external monitor. Its not great but imo not any worse than any dslr or mirrorless. Personally I dont see a point in buying an external monitor that doesnt have a loupe or some sort of hood. Like for example a used Alphatron. Otherwise I might as well use the onboard monitior.
  5. Of course I dont take it personally, Im not selling the cards and couldnt care less. I just wanted to make sure in case I wanted to buy more.
  6. They did when I bought also. But like said, it makes a stop in a low/non tax country. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/171846075915 Is it this seller you used, when did you buy?
  7. I knew it did and no they are not chilled. But that seller ships to NL first so there is no import charges, thats why I bought it.
  8. Ive used Genus for a few years now, on that very lens as well. Im all happy and have no bad things to say really.
  9. Its all very regional as well. Here a G6 is €250 and 5dii €550-600. But over all I thought the recomendations where good.
  10. nope, knowing just that have payed my bills since day one after school.
  11. me neither, but if I'm using one of my cameras that have 4k, why bother with the extra step.
  12. Would love to see a user review with new firmware. That zoom rocker thing is also cool as hell imo.
  13. Really appreciate you taking the time. Now Im no colorist but I did like the result with my regular quick workflow to give it some sort of "personality". Just did two random looks. Nothing special but I like it. Ungraded Look 1 Look 2 [/u
  14. Nice! Thanks a lot. Will be perfect for some testing. I used to have an E-M5 so I'm pretty familiar and todays announcement made it even more possible that I might get one. Besides a face it would be nice to have just a general landscape and an object of some sort at medium distance. Like a car or something.
  15. I shoot 4K and imo the benefit is mostly for youtube since it gives a higher bitrate. With that said, yesterday I re watched The Room for the 100th time, this time on Blue-Ray. That film has everything working against it, the lighting is bad, the set is bad, the locations is bad. But still I couldn't help notice how the s35mm film still simply killed.. scratch that.. Kidnapped, tortured and murdered the look of any 4K video out there. Im such a sucker for the look of film its unbelievable. Don't know why I posted it here, but it was the thoughts that came to mind after reading this thread.
  16. Anybody that can provide some 1080p HD clips of the 77mbps for download? Ive found some clips but they where only 720p. Preferedly in a neutral and/or flat PP. Would appreciate it!
  17. Still, 5 kg camera = nothing to wine about.
  18. Rather have a heavier camera on my shoulder than a lighter in front of me. BTW, 5kg is nothing. Sounds like some need a gym, not a camera.
  19. The correct answer is: A, Digital Bolex, B, BMPCC
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