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Mattias Burling

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Everything posted by Mattias Burling

  1. ​Agreed, but if its good enough it will last in HD. Given that the aliens or what ever in the future still watch at a normal viewing distance like today I don't think the classic movies are going anywhere any time soon as long as they are good.
  2. Imo, I don't think doing that looks good. And also, I often reframe HD 10% without second thought and sometimes up to 20%. Not once have anyone noticed. Also I have mixed 4K with HD upscaled, in other words zoomed in 100%, again without anyone noticing. But mostly, I frame properly from the get go and use real sliders to get real parallax. So, that is not reason enough to get a camera that has either a bunch of imo other short comings or cost a minimum of $5K. But I totally see your point and get why some would go that route.
  3. After playing for a year with 4K in the Bmpc, LX100 and NX1 I've now moved back to HD. I don't really get any big benefits from it. HD broadcast in Sweden is 720p. 4k and HD on youtube looks the same. And anything looks good if not full screen. Instead I focus on having a proper robust codec that can take some abuse. Also there isn't any 4k cameras that ticks all the boxes of what I need. And if a project all of a sudden require 4K I will rent. (Worth mentioning is that I have never used my own gear for serious work. Maybe a small gig here and there but otherwise my employer takes care of it.) I guess I'm on the same page as the biggest broadcaster here in Sweden. When asked recently where they are in the process of 4K development they said roughly, "We don't care about that right now because it wouldn't look that much better. What really would look better and that we are working on is 10 bit and wider DR. The transition to HD isn't even done yet so no hurry for 4K. I know this wasn't exactly what the thread was asking but it's the thoughts that came to mind when I read it.
  4. You didn't read the entire post. I mention that Sony makes smartphones but also that Canon has sold I don't know exactly but probably tens of millions more cameras than Sony over the years. So that Sony had more hits doesn't mean only that the theory I was responding to was BS but also that there is more likely such problems with Sony. My point is, don't buy cameras based on bullshit no good rumors and statistics from Google and forums. Read/watch reviews from users or even better, try the camera.
  5. I just googled, "Canon Camera Overheating" 381 000 hits. "Sony Camera Overheating" 518 000 hits. Interesting since Canon is outselling Sony so their involvement in smartphones and such should even out. BTW, with the Google problem method I'm pretty sure there is 0 number of cameras to buy. People don't go online to write about non issues. My tip, test the camera or atleast read proper tests and skip the basing purchases on vague info from forums.
  6. You can edit in it also. It's pretty decent but the version 12 update this summer looks to be enough for me to abandon Adobe for a while. I have done a few edits from start to finish within resolve 11 and was pleased with it.
  7. 8K is nice but I think I'm gonna hold on to my cash and go straight to 16K. 8K is just to blurry for watching youtube on a 8" screen.
  8. I would hope. I had zero intention to make it seem unhandheld. This was just playing around shooting mostly one handed with the dog leash in the other hand during a walk What it does show is that if one wants to, a steady cam or gimbal is not needed. (and if where honest, anybody who wants it to look like a slider uses a slider.)
  9. I'm been wanting the e-m5ii since day one. Used to gave a e-m5 for stills that was great.Was able to get really stable footage with it in video as well. The closeup of the pig is actually at 240mm (ff) handheld without trying to keep it more steady than normal. Did have the energy to change title for one or two shots. (No ND filter so lots of blown highlights)
  10. This one I can agree to. Selling and buying stuff on forums is a great way to avoid ebay but it almost makes you feel like spaming.
  11. I get so confused when I read this post. It sounds kinda like your against sports but pro objectifying women. But then it becomes some sort of a Zen thing. I think I might be drunk. I will read it again tomorrow
  12. True that. A forum really needs to be quite huge for it to sustain sub forums.
  13. I just use Rocky Mountain to go from h.265 to Prores. No need to get a professional converter for that. Imo it doesn't degrade noticeably.
  14. The Micro Cinema which will indeed give you 60fps but at an even lower DR than the current Pocket Camera.
  15. Good post, For me it's always a matter of an agreement with the viewer. If we early in the film/video are on agreeing terms that there is a camera that's moving, they will most often forgett it and enjoy the show. If you are selling the illusion of let's say a ghost creaping up on a victim, then something like a gimbal is perfect. If its a man, then a regular bumpy ride from a shoulder rig is fine. Same if its "participating"shot like in hurt locker. But if its a dude thinking and coming to a conclusion maybe it's slider time. Same with language and a school example is in Hunt for Red Oktober. They start of speaking Russian, a slow zoom in and out while they switch to English and woila. The viewer will from now on know that Sheans English is Russian but who has the energy to subtitle.
  16. "Come on guys, in raw, ISO is just metadata - everybody knows that.Only if you set it to 1600, the curve gets mapped a bit different, to prevent noise in the blacks.But it still is metadata." , Frank Glencairn "When you change the iso value on the bmcc, the clipping point does not change, but the noise floor is pushed down. So lowering the ISO will make the image look cleaner, but you will still be clipping at the same point. So lowering the ISO on this camera in order to help to control the level of light being recorded is not a good idea. Iso 1600 is a slight exception in that although it is still meta data, the way the range is mapped is different, allocating more bits in the shadows." , Tom Majerski "A couple of things worth noting. There's "exposure"....A creative choice..... And then there's the ISO you choose. The sensor is always 800. When you change the ISO in RAW or ProRes, all you're doing is changing a curve that's applied to ISO800. Lower ISO's trade some DR in to get you a nicer looking curve for those lighting conditions. In effect you're "grading" your image down exposure wise, then baking it in if you're shooting ProRes I think the reason a lot of people like lower ISO's is that it kind of forces you to to a bit of ETTR, and appears to give less noise. That's because there's less detail in the blacks. The near black information is now crushed along with the noise. The end result of ETTR is that is pushes the noise further down into the blacks....thus reducing apparent noise. When shooting RAW, I often use the ISO 0f 400 or 200 to enable me to overexpose the image a little, and it ALSO gives me a nice looking preview image on the back of the camera. In my thinking, without changing your exposure for a given setting and shot (aperture and shutter angle stay the same) you can always achieve the same result in the grade." , John Brawley
  17. Me personally I don't like IS or IBIS. Nor do I like gimbals or steady cams unless they serve a purpose. But I'm pretty sure what you just said is only one man's opinion. And if you truly want to be creative filmmaker it's not wise to lock your self in with restraining rules like that. ​My tip is, have an open mind and use what's good for the project.
  18. That's not the case with Blackmagic, Bolex and I'm not exactly sure about Red. Which camera did you use for the test?
  19. It's correct, the recorded iso of the pocket is always 800 no matter what.
  20. I recently started editing some projects from start to finish in Resolve 11 to get ready for 12. Really looking forward to it.
  21. Cheapest digital cameras claiming above 13 stops I know of is the URSA and URSA mini. But those are not out yet.
  22. "- The durability under various conditions -The materials used in the built" These two I find are often mentmentioned in the prosumer to pro segment as well as if its one of the main features of the camera.
  23. Seems cool but I would rather have the blackmagic micro.
  24. Imo it looks pretty much like all the official Sony promos usually does, unimpressive. But it definitely looks Sony.
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