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Mattias Burling

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Everything posted by Mattias Burling

  1. Its been a couple of years now I think since 2013. Always felth it was sufficient for my needs and I could crop it to "look"like dci.
  2. Not having 5-axis in 4K on the LX15 is a bit of a bummer. Still a pretty interesting camera imo. An rx100iv that doesn't over heat.
  3. I think the US has the same law as most countries. You can record a conversation you are taking part of. Like the Mel Gibson tapes or radio show prank calls. Dont know if there are state differences but that would be kinda weird. "Federal law permits recording telephone calls and in-personconversations with the consent of at least one of the parties. See 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(d). This is called a "one-party consent" law. Under a one-party consent law, you can record a phone call or conversation so long as you are a party to the conversation." EDIT: How about that, would never had guessed! "States that currently require that all parties consent to the recording include: California,[21]Connecticut,[22] Florida,[23] Hawaii (in general a one-party state, but requires two-party consent if the recording device is installed in a private place),[22] Illinois (debated, see next section), Maryland,[24] Massachusetts[22] (only "secret" recordings are banned[25]), Montana (requires notification only),[26] Nevada,[27] New Hampshire,[28] Pennsylvania,[29] and Washington (however, section 3 of the Washington law states that permission is given if any of the parties announces that they will be recording the call in a reasonable manner if the recording contains that announcement).[30]" So it still looks ok in most places and as long as you tell them in some. Sorry for the OT but this kinda stuff always interest me since its a part of my job in some respects.
  4. Ive been happy with the DR100mkii + MKE600 for a long time now. Good amps in the Tascam and I love the emergency power system.
  5. Not saying it is, was just curious since its such a common problem with any 25p camera. NX1, BMCC, BMPC4K, you name it. Ive had the question on all of them, "is that frame drops?". Always turned out to be NTSC only monitors or playback engines. But its getting less frequent since I doubt any monitors sold today are incapable of adapting to different frame rates.
  6. Ive been close to preorder a couple of times. Its a struggle, on one hand it's best to wait for footage and price. On the other it seems like such a nobrainer. Hovering over the Em1ii preorder as well.
  7. Out of curiosity, what type of screens are you using. Do they have automatic switch between Hz? Just wondering because I only see a problem when using a screen at work that is locked at 60Hz. Most screens as you know can switch back and fourth. But in the past its happened more than once that someone from an NTSC land says there is "frame drops" in videos that Ive uploaded in 25p. When asked to check on a smartphone or other screen they report that the issue is gone. I suspect the clip above is made in PAL and it looks fine on my screens, accept my 60Hz only Synkmaster.
  8. No camera to date doesn't have its fare share of youtube videos with to much contrast and blown highlights. All cameras look like that when that's what the user wants.
  9. No one said professional = good. Lots of ball players that suck on espn, lots of bad rock bands that are huge. Michael Bay is definitely a pro even if I would rather watch the wedding videos you talk about. Professional = sallary Good = good
  10. My guess is that its not shipping and they have issues. Its like Blackmagic but as a smaller company they need even more time. Hope they make it through.
  11. The chef analogy doesn't work. A chef is a person who is highly skilled at varying types of cooking. Being a chef does not make you a professional. A sallary does. The guy at McDonald's is a professional burger flipper unlike a guy who flips one at home for the fun of it. "A professional is a member of a profession or any person who earns their living from a specified professional activity." So yes, all you need is a client, that pays you. The videographers that do it just to make a buck are professional. Its their profession.
  12. Still wouldn't trust it. Buggiest and laggiest camera I ever touched. Had two from two different batches. Junk imo. Also the AF and MF are both like glue. Better get the mkiii
  13. Rx100iv overheats way to easy for it to be something I would recommend to vloggers.
  14. My manfrotto head can be both slided and top released. And is backwards compatible. So yeah, they definitely exist. Exactly which models etc I dont know.
  15. EDIT: sorry, answered about the IS but realized you propably wondered about the AF.
  16. Thanks for the link. Couldnt find it mentioned anywhere on the first read through. Will look again.
  17. How exactly would it correct for moire and why would it be lens depended? Any where to read about it?
  18. It does on the other Olympus cameras. But you of course have to try to keep it straight in the first place. The ibis will reduce the small shakes and vibrations.
  19. Two a6300 sounds like twice as many problems.
  20. I used iso 3200 without NR. But we all have different thresholds.
  21. Nah, that picture is actual moire. The thing your eyes see through folded mosquito nets etc is different. Very few cameras are moire free. Speaking of Panasonic, the lx100 is very clean. Its a shame I moved to the countryside so I dont get to test new cameras at the Building of Moire without taking my car.
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