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Everything posted by mercer

  1. What's interesting about the LogC license is that it was probably mapped for that specific sensor. The vLog could have just been tossed in. Maybe. Either way, cool camera and shots.
  2. mercer

    Canon EOS R50 V

    Agreed. I think Canon themselves have often referred to themselves as a lens company first. That said, any loss leader benefits us. As much as I hate the price of Canon RF lenses, like you said, now Sigma has some fairly inexpensive offerings and the Canon full frame f/1.8 lenses are pretty decent with a solid build. I really enjoy the 24mm 1.8 on the R7. With any aps-c camera I would purchase going forward, I would mostly buy FF lenses. The Sigma RF would be the exception. And maybe Sigma 18-50 on the Sony FX30 if I was ever inclined to go that route.
  3. mercer

    Canon EOS R50 V

    Pretty wicked for a $650 camera. Is there any other new camera that offers 10bit 4K, top of the line AF, log profile and false color at this price point? I'm really digging the body style too. If only it had ibis, I'd pay $1000 for it. Other than that, it's fixes everything I dislike about the R7... of course like the R7 (with zebras) I'm sure you can't use both focus peaking and false color at the same time. Fun camera in theory let's see how it works in practice. Right now I'm watching Cam Mackey's latest YT that's shot with a t5i (well he's "showcasing" the t5i and shooting with the s1rii... I kinda like the t5i footage better...
  4. It doesn't have a full HDMI, SDI or proper timecode. FAIL. For me, it doesn't look as good as my 5Diii, no internal storage and it doesn't have IBIS. WTF... Why didn't anybody tell me this? Haha, but I'd still argue that BM neutered everything that was cool about the OG Pocket's image for those other things, without adding the better battery life... but I guess that's debatable because there are so many different low end, +K BM Pocket models that it's hard to differentiate which one does what or all of those things. "If you want better battery... well then you have to upgrade to the 6K... better screen and internal NDs... you my friend will need the 6K Pro. If you just need 4K and a better screen, then the 4K will work for you... but just a warning it is in no way pocketable, but by pocket we always meant it had a built in hand grip and was shaped kinda like a regular camera not that it could actually fit into a pocket. Also the image just isn't as cool as the original pocket... but with the included software you can just do it in post." "Ok... cool. But I shoot events and YouTube content" "Then you will want one of our various switchers. We sell them too" Blackmagic Design, your all stop shop for things you don't need that end up being a lot more complicated than Premiere and FCPX.
  5. I think the elephant in the room is that Nikon is clearing space in their lineup. I assume they want to get a little bit more out of the Komodo before it's discontinued for their lower end cinema camera. A bunch of good news here. If somebody is in the market for a low end cinema camera, can you do much better? Pyxis vs Komodo? Other than FF fanatics, the choice is pretty clear. other good news... it's possible this pricing is a sign that Nikon may be replacing it with a similar priced camera in the future. As far as cinema camera popularity, it's hard to judge from this site or even from YouTube. How many times have we seen/heard people want a cinema camera... the P4K was a great example, but after the, BM Overlords are demigods for giving us soooo much, talk subsides then you see a lot of BM cameras for sale on eBay. How many times do you hear (myself included) if the FP was just everything that it wasn't designed to be, then I'd love it. Or the C200 shoots internal 4K raw... that's fucking amazing... what a fail though because they didn't offer an internal 10bit codec... Cinema cameras are a pain in the ass to use and aren't for most shooters, especially the people who frequent this site. Some offer better IQ than most mirrorless cameras, but mirrorless cameras are easier and a lot of times, more fun to operate... But that Redcode...
  6. mercer


    Does anyone know the value of FD L series lenses? They ballooned years ago, and I was lucky enough to pick up a 50mm 1.2 L for a pretty decent price before they were compared to the K lenses. At the time I was only shooting video on the 5D3 and had it modded by Simmod to the EF mount and declicked. I didn't add a follow focus gear or a larger front ring since I pull focus from ring. I've checked eBay but the pricing seems to be all over the place.
  7. mercer


    Thanks. I shoot raw video with either the 5D3 and Magic Lantern Raw or cDNG with the Sigma FP. Recently I've been treating their raw files as rec709 in Resolve's Camera Raw Tab and then after those basic adjustments, I use an S-Curve LUT, Log Wheels for micro adjustments and tweak the color channels in the RGB tab. Obviously, I'm going for a dark, moody image, but I have a horrible monitor so I'm never 100% sure what the final output looks like on other devices... Basically, I just tinker with it. One day I'll make a movie that will be constructed of the coolest b-roll shots I can take with the most dramatic lighting possible. I've yet to come up with an interesting plot for that film.
  8. mercer


    Speaking of Nikkor non-ai lenses, I have a small set with the updated "c" coating, the 28mm f/2, 50mm 1.4 and the 105mm 2.5. All are in mint condition, but they could use a CLA. Those old non-ai Nikkor lens' focus lubricant dries up pretty good, and although the focus is smooth and holds, it doesn't have the same dampening as older Taks or Minoltas have. Anyway, can anyone recommend a lens tech in the US. I'm in the Philly area, so anywhere in the mid-Atlantic, northeast would work.
  9. mercer


    Sorry for the repost but after second thought, I realized that this wasn't shot with the Super Takumar 50mm 1.4, it was actually shot with the Nikon Nikkor 28mm f/2 N.C. non-ai lens. I was using the Tak a lot last spring/summer, so I just assumed that was it, but the close up bothered me so I went back to my notes. Anyway, I didn't want to misrepresent the lens...
  10. I think that's the average profit the camera manufacturer is making.
  11. The B&W footage looks cool. The location probably helps a little. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully that blonde haired woman was/is a friend/girlfriend/wife and not a ghost you accidentally captured on video.
  12. mercer


    I don't know enough about them to recommend anything. I have the 40mm and I think I have a 28mm lying around too. Hmm, I never heard that. I messed up an old Yashica m42 lens years ago trying to declick it. And I've declicked a few Minolta lenses (mostly Celtics) with moderate success. The one issue with Minolta lenses is that although it's simple to do and there's a bit more friction to the aperture ring than say a Zeiss Jena, the aperture sometimes won't stay wide open and closes slightly. Now this was without any grease, so using grease may fix that. Stupid me decided to declick a 50mm Celtic Macro lens. I ruined any resale value, but it will stay open without drifting.
  13. I've kinda been all over the place with cameras lately. As I mentioned a few replies up, I turned 50 last month and my GF has had a rough year medically, so my time is limited for filmmaking, but she's starting to feel better... and I'm starting to feel older. Part of me wants to take a couple short film chances with a more serious set up than I have tried before. Then there's the other part that wants to grab a GH7 (or something similar) and treat it like a French New Wave 16mm camera. And then I'd love to throw paint at the wall and try to make something bigger with something unconventional... a ZV-E10 II and a gimbal... or even a Pocket 3. To lend a nod to Andrew... a big part of me just wants a fun camera that I can do some shorts with (no misconceptions that I'll be a pro director one day) but I would like to have a certain level of quality. You know what, never mind... I'll just watch camera reviews and cinematic videos on YouTube instead.
  14. That gimbal is pretty cool. The right kinda price too. Do you have it? Have you used the follow focus?
  15. Yeah I meant the Osmo... I guess it got mounted to a Zenmuse? My drone and gimbal vocabulary us very limited. But I first saw footage from raw mudule camera when I was looking for ML Raw videos a while back. I believe some of this video was shot with the Osmo... probably the drone footage... the rest was with a 5D2... You know as I was replying to your last comment< I was thinking about the Pocket 3 and how it could probably work because I"ll probably only use the gimbal for some tracking shots while most of them will be fairly static... well static and slider shots from a 12" slider for very slight movements.
  16. It really has. I love to hate that stupid thing. I wish I could just be happy with an R7 or a GH6 but there's just a texture to raw video that my paltry skills can attain much easier than with other codecs. If I could afford an R5 or something similar, I'd retire the FP and my 5D in a heartbeat. Of course, I recently turned 50 years old, so I am at that age where I care less and less about things... the way I look, what I wear (Velcro shoes are in my future) and pretty soon, what camera I have. I figure I'll either go all in with an IBIS/AF gadget or just dust off my 5D3, shoot ML Raw and complain about how spoiled kids are with their new fangled gear.
  17. mercer


    Konica does not work on EF. I used it years ago with my EF-M. Seriously cool little lens, though. I understand why it has/had a bit of a cult following.
  18. Thanks for the reply. I didn't think a phone gimbal would work, and I think @BTM_Pix has already told me that at least twice... I guess I was hoping for a new, tiny product. If only DJi would put their old raw camera from the Zenmuse? into a new DJi Pocket... I'll check out the two you recommended and look up the size specs. I usually steal locations, so I try to go as incognito as possible. Most people don't notice or care, but a gimbal may draw more attention. Any cheap tripod suggestions? I have a new Benro that is decent but it's not very compact. Quick to set up though with the leveler on the bowl.
  19. I've decided to give my FP a final fair shot and hold off on selling it. But I think I need to stop fighting it and trying to make it something it isn't. So I'm considering getting my first gimbal. But I'm looking for the absolute smallest and simplest set up. Are phone gimbals usable with an FP if it's stripped down with a small, light lens? Otherwise I'm going to use a tripod and a small slider for locked off shots and some shots with slight movements. I'll be using this for a run and gun short film. Any gimbal and tripod suggestions?
  20. mercer


    Those rangefinder lens mods look great. Is anyone using the 40mm lens from the Canon QL17 for a similar mod? Love the Konica 40mm 1.8 pancake. Haven't used it in years. A crazy good lens, though. I'll have to get an adapter and try mine on the FP. I just dug out my very small collection of East German m42 lenses because I was thinking of picking up a Praktica SLR or a Spotmatic F. I've had my eye on a Canon LTM lens for the FP to try and keep the size down. I had an FD L 50mm 1.2 modded to EF a few years ago, but now I wish I hadn't done it and left it in FD mount because my favorite film camera is the Canon AT-1. I really like the look from those old Canon 50mm lenses. If I can't find the LTM for a good price, I may pick up a cheaper FL... they all seem to have a similar look. Although the extra blades on the LTM does make it a bit more appealing. Anyway, it's cool reading posts about vintage lenses on here again.
  21. I saw there was a price drop on it. It seems like a steal if you need the resolution. I'm still trying to figure out how to get 1080p and 4K footage to look good, and I'm poor, so I'm not the demographic for it. However, I think there's probably a real cool opportunity for an inventive filmmaker to make an entire film in their garage with a small green screen set. I'm not much of a crop in later kinda guy, but being able to shoot limited coverage and build the scene in post sounds interesting. Have been tempted to pick up an XH2 for that purpose. But then I realize I already own a couple cameras I don't make films with, I probably don't need another. Good luck with it.
  22. mercer

    Forum ideas

    Maybe even bring in some actors and make some micro short films and show how old cameras can still be used to make art.
  23. mercer

    Forum ideas

    @Andrew Reid you should go back and revisit some of your favorite cameras from the beginning of eoshd... GH1/GH2 15 years later... I'm sure that would be really popular on YT and direct some people to the forum.
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