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Everything posted by mercer

  1. BTS photos show him using the camera with a small gimbal. I’m sure he had a crew, but I’m going to assume it wasn’t nearly as large. I haven’t seen it, but with the wheelchair and the gimbal, he must’ve had some dolly track level smoothness in that film.
  2. Yeah I think @BTM_Pix is right, I think the bottom is a light, it looks like the guy getting interviewed has a little more white led on his face than the reporter. And the top does look like an action cam.... probably for a close up.
  3. @DaveAltizer first thanks for the test and on my phone, the matching looked pretty damn close... I was actually surprised by how good the M50 looked compared to the 1DC. I’d love to see a little more of an artistic test with a little grading... maybe by using Cinestyle or eoshd-log or Prolost Flat. And finally, although I understand the point of RS stress tests, sometimes I end up chuckling because nobody would ever shoot that way in real life... even with a whip pan. So if you do another test, I’d love to see how it looks with a slow pan and a slider shot. Also, I’d love to see some 1080p and DPAF?
  4. Well that’s a little unfortunate. Of course, I only watched the embedded video...
  5. Idk, I hope they keep the lower MP sensor. The LX100, like the GH5s, has a little more mojo that I think is directly related to a 12mp sensor. I do agree that it could use a mic input and the all-i 1080p, though.
  6. And the filter stack.
  7. I recently found this little trick for WB in post. In the tutorial, Larry Jordan uses FCPX but it can be used with any editor that has a vectorscope. https://larryjordan.com/articles/fcp-x-a-simple-but-amazing-color-correction-trick-video/ Scroll down to see the video.
  8. I love it for writing and even editing isn’t too bad. FCPX, cuts through ProRes 444 like butter, but it isn’t the most calibrated of screens. Sometimes I wonder if the screen is color blind.
  9. Yeah tell me about it. This is what I edit and color with. It can be pretty aggravating.
  10. Yes, you upload ML onto an SD card, then the FW is updated in camera. With the 5D3, you can leave the SD card in the camera and record to CF but the camera will recognize the ML firmware every time you power on. With other ML capable cameras that only use SD, you have to have the ML firmware on every single SD card you record to. Yeah I try to get to ProRes as fast as possible. There are a few steps but nothing drastic. So far the easiest way is through that MLV App where I can do some basic Raw changes and then export as a Log ProRes file. It does have a LogC option that works pretty well with LogC to Rec709 LUTS. These were done using the LogC curve in that MLV App. Great GH5 image from David!!!
  11. Yeah that’s another excellent short @Wild Ranger ... simple concept with smart ideas. You should look into submitting to Eli Roth’s Crypt TV, I think they have a submission call going on right now. Are you using Sage’s LUTS with the GH5s in these shorts? @Sage if you ever get a 5D3, you’ll be blown away by ML Raw. And if you’re capable of creating processing apps to convert the footage from MLV to CDNG or ProRes, I’m sure a LogC curve, before the render, would be epic. I find Canon color responds nicely to low strength Arri LUTS already, so with your skills... Check out the MLV App to get an idea.
  12. Is the LogC curve similar to BMDFilm? A few of the samples remind me more of Ursa footage.
  13. They’re well deserved. I loved how you used the practical flickering lights to break up the shots and acting of the screaming actor. That’s a difficult scene to play for any actor and by breaking it up you built story tension and allowed your actors’ talent at physical acting to play without going overboard. And damn, that was some nice color work!
  14. Yeah I loved the slow burn of the film and as you said the atmosphere. I also love the lens choices and obviously the color. But I agree that the end was... an end... but even with that, the climax up to the resolution felt a little rushed.
  15. I love The Witch, it was one of the best horror films I saw in a while. So it’s interesting to see how you can emulate it. I’ll have to reread this thread because some of the phrases and features I missed. If I didn’t have my 5D3, and had a GH5, I’d definitely be a customer.
  16. Great reply. I look forward to seeing how this progresses. The color is definitely better than stock Panny color, so right off the bat you’ve made the GH5 more attractive.
  17. And I appreciate the work you’ve put into it. And I don’t mean to sound like a grumpy dick on a forum... Grr. I’m a self professed bad colorist. So obviously take my opinion with a grain of salt. But a lot of the images, although really nice seem to be missing some of the magic that an Alexa offers? I wonder if it may be a good idea to take specific high end color grades from popular films and try to emulate those looks? For instance, when I think Alexa, I think The Revenant, or I think of The Witch. Btw, I remember that conversation and I appreciate the samples, but with life being as hectic as it is lately, I’ve been on my phone more than my computer, and I cannot download the images. Anyway, nice work and carry on. I enjoy seeing what you guys are coming up with.
  18. So, sorry I don’t mean to be rude or anything but as good as all of these samples are... which they are, they look great! But I don’t really see Alexa color. I see really good Panasonic color with refined tonal gradations and highlight roll off, but I don’t get the Alexa reference or comparison. Btw, @Wild Ranger I recently saw your short film Record on YouTube and I really have to say what a great piece of work that was. That short alone could keep people in the GH5s camp instead of buying a P4K. Great images, great story and excellent directorial choices!!! It’s definitely one of the best low budget short films I’ve seen in a while.
  19. Yeah that sounds like a lot of footage. I understand that you don’t want to miss anything but with that many clips, it seems like you may be missing out on your holiday. Plus, how long are the videos you make from the clips? I think what Mark suggested is a good idea for this project but for future projects you may want to map out your day every morning with shots you will need to tell the story. For instance, if you’re going to Disney World, you know you’ll want that wide iconic shot of the Castle. If you know what part of the park you’ll be spending your time in that day, you’ll also know what rides and attractions are planned. That alone would give you a rough shot list. Get the shots that will frame the story and some impromptu shots while the action is unfolding and grab a beer in Germany at Epcot Center.
  20. I just watched the video again, and I must say, the color tonality you’ve pulled out of your dog’s fur is night and day compared to the standard Sony color... and I quite liked the Sony version as well. But your version looks like you pulled a couple extra bits of color information out of it... Really cool!
  21. Yeah, this one may be my favorite of all of your EOS-HD Pro Color options. Really nice work. It looks like it was shot with a much higher end camera.
  22. As he said, he’s an old ENG guy, to him the C100 looks like a toy. If you want really small, pick up an SL2, now that thing is tiny. But for the features you’re looking for, if you want to stay with Canon, you may have to go bigger. And honestly, without the top handle, and shooting handheld, I don’t think the C100 would draw any more attention than your XC10. Yeah I would love something like that too. As I said, right now I’m happy with the 5D3, but if Canon were to think out of the box like they did with the C200 and introduce some kick ass video features in this new FF mirrorless or the new cine camera, at a reasonable price point, I would definitely consider it. Hell I don’t even want the 4K, so I should be easy to impress.
  23. @tweak there aren’t too many ML Raw users around, so I remember the few of us. It’s funny I almost bought a GH5 last summer... actually I did order an open box model but an hour later I looked at footage from my 5D3 and I cancelled the order. A FF Canon mirrorless is very exciting to me as well, especially if you follow the rumor sites. Almost every rumor has stated that it is video oriented... what that means to Canon... But I am really kinda hoping that they will sneak RawLite into it... even if it’s only 1080p, I’d be floored. Between the FF mirrorless and the supposed new cinema line, I am hoping for the best. With all of their faults, I still enjoy the build and form factor of Canon cameras. In the meantime, the M50 seems like it could be a fun camera to toy around with.
  24. You retired your 7D and picked up a 5D Mark III? How do you like it?
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