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Everything posted by mercer

  1. @TwoScoops bmOGcc... haha... love it. Lights Out was one of the reasons I first decided to shoot Raw with the Micro. I love the look of the BMCC.
  2. Sorry, but you bought an Alexa so you could make your GH5 look more like the Alexa? Why not just use the Alexa?
  3. Funnily enough, I’m only interested in 1080p as well. The show looks gorgeous and I can’t imagine it would look any better in 4K. Hell sometimes I see movies on my 1080p TV and it looks better than my eyes normally see the world. Btw, thanks for being so open about the production.
  4. I never realized the Ursa was so small and ergonomic. Very interesting to learn a little about your process. The “football pass” seems like a great way to get some impromptu camera and acting moments that basic coverage doesn’t always allow. It’s a shame the original Pocket is EOL, a price reduction could keep that camera relevant for a few more years. Or I’d love to see BM release a mini Pocket that expands on the S16 original with multiple frame rate 1080p or 2.5K. At $750, that camera could be a huge success... but I guess we live in a 4K world now... ugh. Btw, are The Resident’s Ursa shots recorded in 4K and then downsized to match the Alexa? Or do you just shoot in 1080p on the Ursa?
  5. So, I’m at the point where I am about to start shooting dialogue scenes for my film. Being a one man band, guerrilla shooter, I need my set up to be as quick and easy and inconspicuous as possible. I’ve used the H1 and the DR-05 but they’re both a little big for my set up. Right now, I have two Olympus LS-7 field recorders and I love the quality and how small they are. I can have one attached to the top of my camera with a small shotgun and then have another in my actor’s pocket with a lav. They will do fine if need be, but I figured I’d explore my options. I always liked the size of the Zoom H2/H2N... small but not tiny with external controls. And I’ve heard/seen some filmmakers use the whole recorder attached to a boom pole using only the onboard mic. But I know they’re pretty dated and assume there are better options out there. So I looked around last night and came across the Zoom H5. Anybody have any experience with it? I have acces to a couple Rode NTG mics, so the onboard XLR inputs seem interesting but as I understand it, the onboard mic unit is modular... will the recorder work without any of those modular units attached? Because it seems like the perfect size without it. I figured I could pick up one or two of their new pocket recorders for lav mics and then run an XLR shotgun and maybe an XLR lav from the other input on the H5. I know this isn’t ideal, @IronFilm but I NEED the small footprint, so is it usable? If not, any creative ideas out there to get good audio with a cheap and easy workflow that one person can operate? Also, does the old line in/out trick from external recorders really work to bypass DSLR preamps?
  6. B&H still has the Pocket up for sale at its original price. Nice promo. It’s amazing how well these BM cameras intercut with an Alexa. So, it makes sense when you would use the Micro or the Pocket, but what makes you decide to use the Ursa over the Alexa? Is it a matter of crew size on the call sheet for certain days? Are you given carte blanche which camera you use, when you want to, or does the line producer have a say? Sorry for all the questions, but it isn’t often I get the opportunity to pick the brain of an established cinematographer. Btw, have you been able to use an Olympus on the show?
  7. That’s a cool little set up... what’s that rig/handle you’re using with it? I’m hoping BM doesn’t discontinue the original Pocket or Micro but for the price of the Pocket2... it seems they may need a price decrease. Also since you posted it, I’m really enjoying your work on The Resident and it is pretty cool that you can use the Pocket in production... even if for close up/insert shots. What lens did you use?
  8. I assume ProRes Raw will mature with future updates to Pro Codecs and FCPX. Re: Jon’s critique on that Pocket cam video... Obviously, being a fan of the camera and owning a couple of them over the years, I’ve seen that video, and although it has some IR pollution, I really like that look. It’s very analog and reminds me of a very distinct “indie film” look that was popular for a while. So for grabbing a camera and a lens, I think the kid was very successful. @John Brawley any chance BM is going to reduce the price of the Pocket or Micro... or maybe another Summer sale?
  9. Yeah I’m pretty sure he used just ProRes HQ... he seems to have a colorist and obviously those super speeds didn’t hurt. I think Arri had some S16mm super speeds back in the day that can be adapted and they aren’t horribly priced.
  10. Yeah it really is. And this was shot in ProRes... stunning. To be honest, I am a little bummed out by the Pocket II. It seems too mainstream to me. Like it’s neither here nor there. I much rather would have had them build on the original Pocket/Micro but with a 2.5K image. Until we see footage, it’s all conjecture, but I could see myself scooping up another Micro for cheap and be happy with FF Raw from my 5D3 and S16 ProRes from a BMMCC. With that being said, BM does have to be commended for the price point/features of the Pocket II.
  11. I saw your samples from the Lenses section of the 105mm... and just as I suspected, they look great. Idk, I see everybody’s point with a new mount... I just don’t know if I completely agree. When you see how tiny the D3400 is, I just don’t know if I buy that the old mount would be too big for mirrorless. I guess the question for us is, will the F/G lenses be good enough for some sort of PDAF video focus. They seem to work fine for stills. Honestly, I don’t know why I did either. This is one of my problems with forums, sometimes I just enjoy the back and forth. 1. It’s entertaining 2. I enjoy learning through debate. 3. I need a hobby to distract me from my hobby.
  12. I wanted to post this but since you originally found it, I didn’t want to step on your toes. As I said before, if someone had told me this was shot on an Alexa, I don’t know if I would have questioned it.
  13. Ha, nice... you’ve been keeping that one in your pocket for a while.? But Idk if I agree about the mount. There is a huge legacy there... so many lenses that won’t sell due to a new mount with a kit lens and maybe a prime. Better yet... they can just revive the IX lenses. The one thing I’ve always liked about Nikon was that I was forced to use their lenses. For a vintage lens fan like myself, it kept my options to minimum. I just shot with my Nikkors... can I really complain?
  14. If this is true, then it’s quite possible the entry level models may have this new X mount and the pro FF will retain the traditional F mount? I was waiting for my GF yesterday and had a minute or two to look at the camera section at Target... it was bleak, but they did have a Nikon D3400 on display. I was surprised to see it has the Flat Profile. And the kit lens’ VR was rock steady, with a great little zoom ring... seemed sharp and clean too. At $300, not a bad little pocket camera. The damn thing was TINY too. So if their entry level mirrorless cameras can offer the Flat Profile, zebras, and focus peaking on an aps-c sensor... even at 1080p... they’ll have a little winner in my books. Hell, I may go out and buy a D3400 for some inconspicuous shooting... it looks like a lot of fun.
  15. I vaguely remember something about the 128GB Komputerbay causing some issues, the 64GB cards work fine though... so you may want to research that to verify. Otherwise, you look like you have a nice little set up. Have fun with it!!! @deatrier
  16. @ntblowz any 4K samples or initial thoughts on the camera. I’ve already seen some decent grey market prices pop up on it, but I’m waiting until more footage shows up before I open the wallet.
  17. Like the image or not, Jon... it’s way more cinematic than any comparably priced camera... especially if you got in on the $500 Sale. The obvious issue with this specific video is the lack of IR Filter and that he slapped on an M31 LUT on top of it. The beauty of the Pocket/Micro is that it can look however you like. Throw on one of those Veydras or Leicas you like so much and you can have a crisp modern look. Throw on a cheap lens and you can have a soft vintage look. It’s a different type of filmmaking... the entire process almost feels visceral. You really should go out and buy one, or a Micro... they’ll be selling for cheap real soon. I saw a barely used Micro go for less than $500. After you shoot a little Raw or ProRes HQ with it... you will be hooked.
  18. She popped right up like a trooper and didn’t miss a beat though... good on her! So, I assume I have to load the picture profile before I change the firmware to ML, right? I used ML on the EOS-M years ago to test Raw, but wasn’t a fan of it on that camera. The bitrate hike may be perfect though. I think the EOS-M already had a slightly higher bitrate than the other Canon cameras of its time, anyway. Yeah, I’m really just looking for a little more wiggle room. The grades on your website show you can do a lot with it... more than enough. Cinestyle is a bit much, but I always liked Marvels. Definitely looking forward to testing them yours and Marvels... if my stupid job would slow down for a few minutes. Was that the C-Mount Tevidon 25mm or the M42 25mm? Either way, wicked look.
  19. Yeah but there is this misunderstanding that 4K from an iPhone is as good as 4K from a GX85 or that 4K from a GH5 is better than 2K from an Alexa. It’s not. But I think the real point is this... stock footage sounds like a great thing to make some cash. You hear stories of people making money and a living off of it, but you don’t go into a business venture thinking you are going to sell to the BBC or a BBC production or to someone that has a brother in law that watches the BBC. Most likely, any sales will be to YouTube channels or maybe to a corporation that needs generic footage for a trade show video. You do not need 10 bit 4:22 4K footage for that. Start small, grow a catalog and learn from watching the trends. If the OP needs a GH5 for some other work, that’s a different discussion, otherwise he may as well shoot with what he has. If anything, I’d invest in a gopro drone for stock video before a $2000 camera. Also remember that there are guys that shoot stock footage with Reds and Alexas. They will spend a small fortune traveling the world to get the shots that sell... these people are your competition.
  20. Interesting... I think I just have a different mentality than a lot of people around here. Content is content in my mind. 4K, 2K, 1080p... In almost every job I have done, there is the best way to do it and the best budget way to do it... often they're synonymous in the end. Now I agree, 4K is probably important, as your research has shown. But unless you know exactly how much revenue your stock footage can generate, buying a new camera for this specific task puts you in a hole right from the outset. It's okay to swing for the fences, but a lot of times you may end up striking out... whereas a nice grounder up the middle will get you on base. I would be more interested in a Raw or ProRes 1080p image from a BMPCC or BMMCC than another shot of a sunset from the GH5... I would think it would set you apart. Anyway, you've seemed to have done your research, I would just consider the overall cost in equipment, media and time before jumping head first into a $2000 camera that requires $200 cards for the best codec and a really fast computer to edit, render and deliver the content... Just a thought.
  21. mercer


    I don’t know... it’s a web forum... maybe we know too much about one another? Instead of posting here about any and every opinion we might have... maybe we should go out and shoot something instead... right after I post something in the other thread though...
  22. Interesting question. I’ve thought about the same thing a few times. And I would go with as big of a sensor I could afford. I would think for static shots something like the a7iii would be a good camera, or a D850... 4K does make sense though, so I’m sure the GH5 would work great for it as well. I imagine anything would be fine though. I think someone recently said, maybe @Damphousse that he still sells some stock shots from his t3i, so maybe test the waters with something you already own?
  23. Hah, I work with a burly carpenter and he uses a pink lighter... eventually someone will bust his chops and his reply is... nobody steals his lighter on the job site.
  24. Super aids... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. hahahahahahaha
  25. It is my understanding that professional photographers purchase cameras based upon the native lens system. All reported rumors claim that Canon is working their hardest to make the EF system to work with a FF mirrorless. If they succeed and Nikon releases a different mount with an adapter... Well... I think it will be safe to say that Canon will pick up a bunch of new customers.
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