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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Awesome job as always Boz!!! I love that as the rest of us are raving about the new Pocket, you are shooting truly cinematic work with the original one. Nicely done.
  2. I used it with an Ikan monitor I had for my Micro. I thought it worked really good as a quick reference for skin tones. Not the best way to compose, though. I hope we can set it up to a custom button to turn on and off as needed.
  3. Oh stop acting all innocent. In another thread you made a bunch of snide comments about people’s grading of the Pocket II footage in this thread.
  4. Seriously, though... I’m just joking around but really I don’t get why people are getting so fucking angry over a stupid camera... or even worse what some people on a nerdy camera forum think? If you like the GH5... then awesome.... there’s no reason to get the PocketII... really I’d prefer it. Isn’t there already enough footage floating around that looks exactly the same... do we really need more?
  5. Who cares about the GH5. The IQ was always a little overrated with great specs. I’ve seen some really nice work from it, but I’ve also seen a some poop. Who cares? Cameras come and go. They get refined and a better one is released. And then a different camera is released that’s better than that one. Get over it already. The best camera is the one you have with you... even if it does have plastic looking footage. Hahahahaha...
  6. I have it and it is pretty cool. I also like the Footage App. Does the MLV App export ProRes Raw now?
  7. Good points and nice grade! Honestly, I’m not even being cautious here for myself... if I were to only get the bump in 1080p frame rates at that price, I’d be a happy camper. Everything else is gravy... especially not having to use an IR Cut Filter or anti-aliasing filter. But I will add, if people are curious about how good the autofocus is, this camera may not be for them... or who knows, maybe they’ll surprise everybody and have a usable tracking autofocus...
  8. I was hoping Resolve 15 might have ProRes Raw as an export option... MLVFS to Resolve to ProRes Raw sounded pretty good to me. I’d love for the Raw Magic app to do a straight MLV to ProRes Raw transcode update.
  9. No I haven’t, but I work in the trade show industry, so I was just curious. Pretty cool. I had an opportunity to work NAB this year but my schedule conflicted... maybe next year, it seems like a lot of fun.
  10. @Luke Mason So, is that a lounge they have set up in their booth? Or was it at a mixer or something?
  11. Yeah that does look pretty. I love the color!!!
  12. That looks like an excellent prelit scene at 6400 ISO... one stop over base ISO... I imagine it gets a lot worse at 12,800? Don’t get me wrong, obviously I have no clue.. I’m just basing this off of other cameras BM released ever. I hope I’m wrong. I love everything about what this camera promises and I’ll love everything about this camera if they don’t deliver on half of the specs promised.
  13. I fervently agree. I am as excited as hell for this camera... even though I’ll wait until they’re readily available to buy one. I was just trying to make a point that it’s possible that this camera’s specs, specifically high ISO, won’t live up to the expectations. These, all BM, cameras have quirks and issues like magenta casts, fixed pattern noise, black hole sun, deadlines not being met... so I hope people are prepared for this instead of jumping on board and expecting something this won’t be and then spreading hatred because their unrealistic expectations weren’t met. I mean, hell there are already posts questioning and hoping for great AF... I can tell you right now... it won’t be good.
  14. Right at one stop away from Base ISO... at two stops or more, I don’t think they’ll be as clean. Most people who shot with the original Pocket would never change their ISO from 800 when shooting ProRes. And with Raw, you could change it all you wanted but the ISO was 800. Again, I assume it will be better but this won’t be an a7s or GH5s.
  15. I agree and the ISO won’t matter, as much, with Raw anyway. But with ProRes, you will not have 13 stops of DR at ISO 12,800... you’ll be lucky to have 9 or 10 stops and your shadows will be a hot mess. Now we’ll probably get a little more wiggle room than we had with the original Pocket, but I wouldn’t expect miracles.
  16. It’s clean af when you have noise reduction and sharpening. ProRes won’t have that. Trust me, you may get a little more wiggle room but this camera will not be as clean as an a7s or a GH5s at high ISOs and you will lose DR the further away from base... a noticeable amount. Not to mention, has it been confirmed that this is the sensor... because so far I believe it’s just conjecture... although likely.
  17. Yup, the literature states 13 stops but that will be in the perfect scenario. I know with the original Pocket, the most DR came at the base ISO of 800. Since this camera has dual ISO, I can only assume that you will have two options for best DR... 800 and 3200. This is why this camera won’t be for everyone. Even with the “better” sensor, we really shouldn’t expect great results higher than 3200 or lower than 800 or anything in between. Since the camera isn’t due out for 6 months, I’d almost recommend that people who’ve never used a BM camera to pick up a used Pocket I on eBay to try it out. They’ve already come down in price since yesterday. Even with the better specs, a lot of the quirks will be similar.
  18. To update a previous comment where I mentioned waveform. I had thought I read it on BH but apparently I read it in the Cinema5D article. There is no mention of it having waveform monitoring on the BH site and in the pictures it doesn’t show waveform as an option in the monitor menu, so unless Cinema5D is privy to information that we are not, then there is no reason to assume the Pocket II will have internal waveform monitoring. With that being said, it does have false color and in my experience false color can be more useful for quick, on the fly, exposure adjustments. Ymmv.
  19. mercer


    That’s exactly what I was going for... not really but I like your smarter reason better than my contemplation reason.
  20. Oh God, here we go... you have been making spiteful comments about other people’s comments on the GH5... Sorry I was wrong about the italics... I reread it and realized you were quoting someone who was quoting someone... my bad. And finally... Jesus Christ Jon... which is it... you love the GH5 and need no other camera because it’s better than the Pocket II or do you want the Pocket II? Seriously, these oddball conversations you are having are becoming nonsensical. The funny thing is that I can completely skip your portion of the conversation... which is a lot and still follow the general thread. And honestly I really don’t care if you take my camera advice. But for someone that goes to such lengths to defend the GH5, then why bother spending more money on another camera... it’s not like getting a Pocket II is going to change your videos that much. You are putting quality work out with the GH5 and from my experience, BM cameras are different beasts.
  21. “Hostile attitude” hahahahahahahahahahaha... you are losing it Jon. There was nothing condescending or hostile about my comment... you seem to be littering this thread with spiteful comments about the GH5 and people’s opinion of it, but in a lot of ways you’re right... the GH5 is great and capable of many things, so for most people’s needs, it is the better camera... what is so hostile or condescending about that? According to BH, the camera has a waveform monitor and false color. As far as the italics, the last part of the italicized portion of your statement reads as if it’s your opinion and not a quote from that person since he would have to start referring to himself in his quote? If I am wrong, then I apologize.
  22. After letting this bombshell of a release settle for almost a day now, I must say I am still pretty damn excited. What is offered at this price point seems unfathomable. I honestly don’t know how they will be making a profit off of this camera... but that isn’t my problem. Now I’ve been thinking about some of the obvious features and have made a few assumptions based on previous BM cameras... Dual ISO at 800 and 3200... this is huge but most likely, due to noise and DR, they will be the only two ISOs you would shoot at. I personally think it’s awesome to get that extra lowlight ISO but other people who haven’t shot with a BM camera may want to be aware of the practical ISOs on BM cameras if the 25,000 number is a huge selling point to them. IR Cut Filter??? There have been some claims that this may be the same sensor that’s inside the GH5s? If so, does that mean we won’t need an IR Cut filter? Waveform, False Color, Baked in LUTs... this is great... really awesome. I will probably be using this as a ProRes only camera, so Zebras set at 90 have been the go to setting for quick exposure on BM cameras... but if there is a quick solution to turn on False Color, then this becomes an invaluable tool at this price point. And finally the ability to not only load viewing LUTs but being able to bake them in is pretty awesome for quick turnaround... of course how this will affect the dynamic range of your shots should be considered before you start throwing LUTS at your footage before you hit record.... that’s where the waveform monitor will come in handy. So just these features alone are pretty amazing. There’s been a lot of talk about how this camera will affect the marketplace and in all honesty it shouldn’t. This looks like a shiny new toy but this IS A CINEMA camera. If you are an event videographer or a real estate videographer or a wedding videographer, there are better options out there and you will probably be let down. BM makes amazing cameras but the images need to be caressed during production and after. So your GH5 or C100 or FF Sony is not obsolete. I think your use of italics is a little misleading here? But you’re right the GH5 is awesome and you are getting nice work with it so there really isn’t a need for you to go out and buy the Pocket II. I think you will be highly disappointed with it.
  23. Am I weirdo for mainly being interested in the 1080p Raw and ProRes? Plus the XLR... that’s just insane at this price point.
  24. I briefly had the a5100 and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, shortly after I bought it, I believed that the future was 4K, so I went 4K... I’m back to 1080p now. I recently watched a bunch of short films with the a6000 and they looked amazing. If you don’t mind a 1” sensor, the RX10 I and II are both very capable cameras. But if you don’t mind a 1” camera sensor, then you can probably get a good deal on the original Pocket camera pretty soon. Good luck. I love these threads when people realize that a lot of these specs are nonsense in the world we live in.
  25. I wouldn’t think so, the ProRes is gorgeous on the Pocket and Micro. And with you being an FCPX user, it may make the most sense.
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