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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Google it. By no means am I saying ML Raw is better than BMDFilm but the 2 extra bits of 14bit Raw in ML does make the grading process a little quicker.
  2. Well yes and no. With that small sensor, a quick push of the button would usually get your subject in focus fairly fast. It was really helpful with Panny lenses that don’t have the hard stops.
  3. Good point. 5D Raw is easier to grade as well. In 2 or 3 layers you can get what it may take 7 or 8 for BMFilm.
  4. Don’t fret, I’ll give you $300 for your GH5...
  5. I’m half tempted to do the same but I probably won’t sell, just add to. FF Raw is pretty special. Of course, it could be a year before this thing is actually released... the Micro had a similar release schedule and it didn’t arrive to stores for over 6 months after the projected release date. By that time, who knows what will be available... BlackMagic isn’t the same small company it was 5 years ago when they released the original Pocket, they are a major player in the cinema camera market... so I assume Panasonic, Sony, and Canon’s eyes are twitching a little by this announcement. This time next year, Canon could have a FF mirrorless released with 4K RawLite. Or Panasonic may bump up the GH6 release for internal ProRes Raw and external Raw. This camera is a game changer for consumer priced cinema cameras!!!
  6. Lol. Seriously though, I would be so happy with just the 1080p, XLR and Micro 4/3 sensor. Hopefully the OG model will drop in half.
  7. If you’re at NAB, you should walk by the Z-Cam booth... you’ll probably find a Z-Cam E2 prototype in the trash.
  8. Umm, blown away here. They went all out. It’s almost too mainstream. As I was reading the specs, I half expected to see IBIS. I hope they release a 1080p only version while we wait for the 4K model... I’ll give them a grand for it.
  9. Yeah I saw that, but with the photo function, it kinda makes sense to go with a bigger sensor. I guess a Turbo II will be a great Speedbooster choice for the Pocket II if it’s Micro 4/3. Now just be under $1500...
  10. Someone over at BMCuser said they thought they read M4/3 sensor on banner at press conference?
  11. @BTM_Pix just stop... I’m out of likes for the day. Lol.
  12. Idk, I think it’s a thin codec and sharpening is giving the appearance of detail. Because it really makes no sense.
  13. Wow, I hope so. That would make this camera a lot more tempting to me. But it will probably be a lot closer to the $2000 range then...
  14. I think the Pocket is thicker than the GH5, as a whole, so it gives the appearance that it’s larger? I also think the line near the air vents looks deeper than cosmetic. And even though I don’t think it’s an interchangeable sensor, I do wonder if there is something going on there?
  15. It seems easy to me as well but maybe not to the marketing team of the consumer camera division... as much as I love an organic, soft image, a lot of users don’t. Sadly.
  16. From that photo, I think the Pocketii looks pretty small... the lens still looks fairly large on the camera. And what’s with the 2 record buttons?
  17. Fair enough, but I would question the subjectivity of the statement? ProRes HQ with no noise reduction or sharpness will beat the best codec on the GH5/s every day of the week. When you add Raw to the mix, the objectivity becomes clear. With that being said, the GH5/s is are amazing tools but different beasts.
  18. The mistake of the GH5s wasn’t that it didn’t have IBIS, it’s that everyone expected it to have it... so the naming of the camera should have been different. With the BMPCC II, nobody would ever expect it. Plus the IQ of the GH5s vs the BMPCCii should be in two entirely different leagues. Not that the GH5s is bad, but it’s definitely for a different user.
  19. Out of likes for today... but I agree. I think this is the perfect form factor. The 12-35mm lens isn’t that large of a lens, so this is still relatively small... smaller than a GH5. The grip looks comfortable and the screen seems to be improved. IMO this is a true run and gun cinema camera. If you don’t need OIS, this camera and the 20mm 1.7 or c-mounts... or even a Speedbooster and ai-s lenses will be a compact package compared to what else is available on the market with these specs.
  20. I really hope the price is low enough for a price drop on the original. But if I were a betting man, then my guess is that this is a $2000 camera.
  21. Yeah, if you didn’t like the first Pocket cam, you probably won’t like the Pocket II. If you’re hoping for 3200 ISO or IBIS, then this camera probably won’t be for you. You also have to remember that storage isn’t that great on these cameras either... on the original Pocket, if my memory serves me, you get about 20 minutes of ProResHQ on a 64GB card. So that will be a deal breaker for a lot of people as well. But it seems like the Pocket II will be more user friendly out of the box compared to the original (even though I used it handheld with an OIS Panny lens)
  22. Yeah I just looked at the post 43rumors and that’s how I read it too. Of course, I would mostly shoot ProRes anyway, so I’d be more than happy with internal ProRes Raw, up to 60p (crossing fingers)
  23. I think it looks kinda rad. Don’t know how I feel about external Raw only... but the price will dictate my feelings on that one. Anything over $1500 and I’ll pass for now. At a grand, I’m in.
  24. mercer


    After a weird winter of weather, some family health issues and some financial issues, I am finally ready to resume production on my film. The financial issues forced me to sell off the two lenses I was using. After a few months of digging through my closet and testing almost every lens I had, I finally settled on two lenses I didn't have but cost me a fraction of what my original lenses cost. Here are a couple examples from a final lens test I did the other day with my lead actor. The first two are from the Canon EF USM 28mm f/1.8... And the next two are from the Canon 50mm f/1.4... Both are great lenses that cost me a lot less than one of the lenses I was using before.
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