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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Yeah, it seems the only companies making a profit in the mirrorless segment are Olympus, Canon and Fuji... and Fuji’s profits are lead by their Instax line.
  2. Thanks for the tips. I actually stopped using LUTS altogether and I think, in the long run, I’ll understand the process a lot better.
  3. That looks pretty good. I was trying to keep a little detail in the actor’s jacket, but I like what you did there. That’s really nice too. Thanks. You guys are giving me some good reference ideas. Btw, the site won’t show tiffs, only jpegs.
  4. mercer


    @canonlyme ... nice image!!! With results like that, why did you decide to upgrade from the a6000? I had an a5100 a while back and really liked it. They’re both so cheap now, they’d probably make a good street camera when I don’t feel like lugging around my 5D. And I’ve always liked Minolta lenses on Sony and Panasonic cameras, so you’ve chosen wisely. If you’re looking for a good, cheap 50mm... the MD f/2 lens is really sharp. And the MC PG 50mm 1.4 is awesome as well.
  5. @Geoff CB thanks, that’s awesome. I never would have thought about masking out just for sharpening... cool trick. I just masked my first shot ever last week... so needless to say I have a huge learning curve for my film...
  6. Thanks @canonlyme ... great points.I can just barely afford to make this film, so sadly pennies need to be pinched elsewhere... like craft services, new computer, calibration doo hinky... lol. Thanks... Ha. I’m shooting with a 5D3 and ML Raw and mostly EF lenses. This was with a Canon FD 50mm 1.4 that was modified to a Nikon mount so it mounts to EF with a simple adapter. I actually found a Minolta 35mm 1.8 that was modified to EF as well... It needs to be serviced but it works amazingly well with ML Raw...
  7. Yeah, it’s not my best work. At the time I liked the busy background but the bokeh is a bit harsh, as no_connection stated. But I will say, finally settling into one camera has made me a better craftsman all around. Some shots are just tougher than others. I’m out of “likes” for the day but it’s fun to see others interpretations and definitely a learning experience.
  8. Sorry, finally started using MLVFS... no DNGs required.
  9. Give it a go, see what you can come up with.
  10. Not spoiling anything, I asked for other attempts because I didn’t like what I was getting. But yeah, I think it’s flawed... maybe the lens... maybe because I exported the files out of Resolve as ProResLT... I don’t know. @webrunner5 You have the winner so far... so did you mask out the face and add sharpening? Man I need to read a book on color correction/grading or take a workshop or something... I’ve been tinkering for far too long now.
  11. @EthanAlexander those are great. I like Let’s Kick Some Ice the best. But Didley Scott is the best name.
  12. Haha, I like the cooler background, but I like your skin tone better than mine. Thanks, this FD lens is kind of annoying me... I’ve had some shots turn out great with it and others... meh. But it’s so cool to have an FD lens on an EF camera. I was surprised to see well well it matches EF lenses... not as sharp but the same color tonality. Here’s a couple more screen grabs from this lens and ML Raw...
  13. Good point... it’s a supernatural thriller. Although I’d love to see your Rom-Com interpretation.
  14. @Stathman they look cool. I think I’d like a mix between the 1st and 2nd one.
  15. @Stathman ... you're right... it is. Hmm. Anyway thanks.
  16. @Stathman yes that is what I mean. I have to raise the midtones a ton to get the uploaded graded jpeg to look the way it looks in FCPX. I reverted it back to the original, but here is the tiff file and the jpeg if I were to leave it how I like it in FCPX... But to be honest, I don't love any of these grades any way... just messing around with the image. Marina Foreground Graded.tiff And here's a screenshot of the image in FCPX...
  17. I've been working with some of the new color tools in FCPX while practicing color grading and trying to lock down a look for my short film. So, I figured we haven't had one of these threads in a while... why not see what others might do with it. Background: 5D Mark III with a modified Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 lens, shot wide open at ISO 100 with a variable ND. I processed the footage through Resolve to ProRes as BMDFilm. And here's a tiff file of the uncorrected/ungraded shot... Marina Foreground UnGraded.tiff And while I'm at it, I'm hoping to get some advice... I have searched and searched online for an answer but I can't find what I'm looking for... So I edit with a MacBook Air. I calibrated the monitor to Rec709 using the computer's settings. I know I should get a real calibration tool, even though i don't even know if it would work with a MacBook Air? But I am finding that my images look decent in FCPX and on my laptop when I export the frame, but whenever I upload the file online, there's a discrepancy... mostly with contrast (the image gets darker) Now in FCPX, it states that it exports as Rec709, and I assume it should be sRGB for the web? I end up spending a bunch of time lightening the original file just to get the same representation I was seeing in FCPX... but even then it never looks the same. Any ideas? Pointers?
  18. Exactly, the GX9 at $1000 gives me the option of okay 4K or bad 1080. I may as well buy an 80D, at least I’d get a good stills camera (bigger sensor) and okay 1080p with DPAF and Canon color... because okay 4K is pretty useless at that price point. Sadly, @Mattias Burling if you were to get and review the 1080p on a GH4 or GH5, you’d probably be the first reviewer that ever concentrated on that feature in the 4 years since the GH4 was released and the year since the GH5 was announced.
  19. Can’t you get your focus in HD, then change a custom setting back to 4K for record? Focus peaking with the NX500 required a few steps as well, but in the end it forced me to think about the frame more.
  20. Panasonic’s 1080p really does look nice. It’s a shame they don’t offer the higher bitrate 1080p on their lower tiered cameras.
  21. Oh. Honestly, I was surprised at how much detail the fence had... although mushy. But any brick work will be a disaster on a Canon, and the fringing with that lens doesn’t help either. I’m right with you, I tested so many cameras over the years, it’s hard to keep them straight. Here’s a video I love that was shot with the 80D... the filmmaker did a great job using the camera’s strengths to his advantage... good storytelling didn’t hurt either...
  22. Yeah, unfortunately, as you know, Canon and wide angle shots do not mix. Of course, the Fuji didn’t look too much better. With rumored 4K on the upcoming M50... it may get better.
  23. Sorry, didn’t mean to insinuate that you were a noob. But that’s not really the best shot to show off any Canon camera’s strong suits.
  24. Yeah, I don’t care if you love or hate the camera but that is a tough shot to expose, with a slow lens, when you expose for the sky and expect the dark fence to be clean... you can’t always protect your highlights.
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