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Everything posted by mercer

  1. I never said the GH5s is a bad camera, I’ve said I think it was a mistake not to have IBIS and that maybe it should be priced lower than the GH5... with all features considered. And unless I start doing some kind of paid videography, I will not be getting a GH5... really good camera... just not for me. And now that I think of it... even if I did do paid work, I’d probably go with a C100 Mark II because I’d find DPAF to be a far more important feature than 4K 60p or anamorphic for event work. JMO
  2. Ha, sorry no fanboy here. I’ve tried almost every single brand of camera over the past 3-4 years... Hell I even had a Pentax. And yeah, Speedboosters are cool but honestly, I am sooo tired of adapters. I have two boxes full of adapters in my closet, so anything over an 1/8” thick... I’m uninterested. So as far as native systems go, Canon lenses are the best, dollar for dollar, plus the plethora of third party lenses available in the EF Mount. I was a little bummed not owning a camera for my Minolta lenses, but sure enough, I just found and bought my favorite lens of all time... the Minolta MC 35mm 1.8 that was converted to EF Mount. In a few months, I’ll add the 58mm 1.2 that is a breeze to convert with a Leitax adapter. Lowlight is a marketing buzz word. I can get clean 1600 ISO on an f/2 lens with my 5D3 and acceptable 3200 with a 1.4... nothing a little Neat Video won’t clean up... I don’t really need any more than that and if I do, I’ll flip a switch. Honestly, since this is primarily a hobby for me, I will mostly shoot Raw going forward and how can you beat 4K Raw up to 60p with DPAF? Btw, the C200 is pretty good in lowlight. Sorry, it should have read... Are we really discussing wide depth of field to argue that the GH5s is as good in lowlight as FF, especially the a7s?
  3. Again, this is an unfair comparison, full V-Log has zero in camera noise reduction or sharpening. I was pretty hard on the EVA1 but after seeing some recent videos, specifically Bloom’s review sample, I am pretty much blown away by the colors. If I had that kind of dough, I’d still choose the C200, but I get why that Varicam LT sensor is held in such high regard.
  4. @seku I’m sure there will be plenty of comparison videos popping up with all things being unequal to prove some irrelevant point while getting plenty of YouTube views. Hmm, pretty interesting... didn’t realize the highlight/shadow adjustment would have any affect on the knee of V-Log L but yes... no extra DR but it does soften that “blown out” window pretty nicely. One of the reasons I went 5D3 instead of GH5 (I had both in my cart for days) was the horrendous roll off of the GH5... amongst other things. But this is a pretty nifty setting to trick the knee. I’m still sticking with the 5D3 though. Lol. Also, I imagine the highlight adjustment could be a timesaver for post when creating window masks?
  5. Also, the higher DR on the GH5s could be a tweak of the V-Log L curve so more stops are delineated to the shadows, or to the highlights right where the Knee is. Are there any comparisons between the knee and slope of the GH5 and the GH5s V-Log L?
  6. The key comment is lowlight... the GH5 doesn’t have 12 stops at ISO 6400. So at 6400, the GH5s may have 11 stops... never underestimate the word play of a marketer/salesman. @webrunner5
  7. So, are we really discussing lowlight and wide depth of field to try and argue that the GH5s is as good as FF... especially the a7s?
  8. But with an equal aperture, the a7s only needs to be at 12,000 ISO?
  9. Idk, with this new tech, I think Panasonic should start producing some micro 4/3 mount lenses that cover S35mm sensors. They’re really starting to push the price boundary for a micro 4/3 sensor camera, IMO.
  10. Idk @webrunner5 Panasonic is charging $500 more for less features... just kidding. I just watched that Slovenia video... the footage looks pretty good.
  11. Is it known around the GH5 world that HLG is better than V-Log? From what I’ve seen, as a whole, V-Log looks better... but I’ve always liked CineLikeD... so what do I know. Also what ever happened with that Like709 profile that was all the rage when the GH5 came out? I don’t hear anybody talking about that anymore. Well no matter how you look at it, FF has a 2 stop advantage. It blows my mind the shallow depth of field I can get with an f/4 lens.
  12. @Emanuel nah I’m still going strong with my 5D3, but if I had more money that Terra 4K looks pretty damn nice. And I really enjoyed Bloom’s EVA1 footage. But who am I kidding, if I had that kind of money, I would still choose the C200 over the rest.
  13. That’s true and it would only be wasted on me... I’d be the only person in the world that would shoot all-i 1080p in CineLikeD and then complain it doesn’t look like my ML footage... ? Good point, they shouldn’t have named it GH5 at all... they are definitely two different cameras. I almost think the GH5s should be cheaper.
  14. Wait, I think I was the first to predict Dual ISO... so @Neumann Films when should I expect one of your old GH5 cameras in the mail as my prize?
  15. @Neumann Films do you get to keep the camera you used for the promo videos?
  16. Yes, but the GH5 or GH5s aren’t production cinema cameras... they’re consumer LUMIX cameras. Too much microwave testing occurring over at Panasonic R&D.
  17. I don’t know about the headline feature, but it seems the headline will be... “No IBIS... What is Panasonic thinking?” I think the article will begin... “With an industry first, Panasonic has not included a feature to protect the sales of their lower end camera...”
  18. Yeah but you need a lot more computing power to work with them. With ProRes files, my cheap Mac cuts right through them. Storage is cheap. Hell the 1080p ProRes Jon was recording from his G85 to the BMVA looks as good as any 4K I’ve seen from the GH5.
  19. Sorry, I was going for EVA Minus 1... it sucks when I have to explain a joke...
  20. I don’t know, it seems like they should have called it EVA-1 instead of GH5s. No IBIS is a bummer for me, so even if it had Raw or ProRes, I have no interest in it. But again, just to be clear, I’m sure it will be an awesome camera capable of amazing images.
  21. @jonpais I’m sure he would, if I see an opportunity on IG, I’ll bring it up.
  22. @jonpais yes sorry, I added to mine as well... I was referring to Red not BM cameras.
  23. Idk, I would assume other factors come into play there, but as long as he’s happy with it. Of course, I mean between Red and GH5.
  24. @Mmmbeats good points. With the GH5, Panasonic included some professional features into their consumer division flagship camera, the GH5s continues this tradition. Since they don’t have a $5000 cine camera, that don’t have that product line to protect. Does any one know how successful the sales have been for the GH5? I figured they were great, but I could have been thinking that based on this microcosm. I follow him on IG, really talented and nice fella, it seems. But I wonder if he would have ditched the BMPCC/BMMCC for the GH5, if it didn’t have IBIS?
  25. Yeah, I guess highlight rolloff will be the key. It can be pretty harsh with the GH5, lending to its “video” look. So if the s variant solves that, then in a lot of ways, it’s worth the upgrade. But without IBIS, it would have been smart to introduce some type of internal ND.
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