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Everything posted by mercer

  1. More fast lens options. Also the 80D uses a higher bitrate 1080p.
  2. In one sense, yes who cares what camera Casey Neistat uses, camera choice comes down to preference based on a multitude of variables. If he ditched the GH5, he did it for his reasons, it doesn’t make the GH5 any less of a camera and it doesn’t make him wrong for ditching it... everybody has different needs... and if AF and an easy color solution is high on that list, Casey made a smart move going back to Canon... for his needs. Honestly, the GH5 was a weird choice of camera for him to begin with.
  3. I wanted to get one but in the end, without focus peaking... it wasn’t worth the price to me.
  4. Damn Marty, this looks amazing... great find. I can’t believe this is 720p from the GH1. Do you know if it was shot from a hacked GH1? I am surprised more people don’t shoot in black and white... I really think the 4 luma values takes footage from low end cameras to a higher level and instantly makes them look more cinematic. I’d love to see some B&W from the G6, if you get a chance.
  5. Yeah, I agree... I’m going out today to do some comparison shots between 5D3 Raw and RX10ii sLog2 B&W. I’m pretty sure I already know the results but I’m still curious to see how the two will compare. Btw, love your B&W shots on instagram. I always try to guess which camera you used. I remember that video, and man it still holds up so nicely. If you get some time, I’d love to see a clip from the GH5 and the MonochromeL profile. The RX10 is such a fun little camera when I don’t have to try and figure out the color special sauce.
  6. Jay, nice test! This briefly shows exactly why the Pocket cam is so special. Beautiful color!!!
  7. Sage, I really appreciate the work you have put into your Alexa/GH5 LUTS, and they look great, but I don’t think it is really honest to say that there will be no difference between the GH5 and an Alexa... the GH5 is amazing but the 2K image from the Alexa mutilates the Cinema 4K image from the GH5... As it should.
  8. @Cinegain did you think my original 3 screengrabs were more grey tones than B&W? The Cine2 sample definitely is, but the light had such a haze to it, that it was either light and hazy or black silhouette. Btw, I like your new profile design.
  9. You should be able to use sLog2 or any PP and use monochrome as the color instead of cinema, pro, etc... that’s what I did with the initial samples I posted. Actually, my time with the GH2 was short lived, I couldn’t stand not having focus peaking, so I ended up selling it for a small profit. I did enjoy the quality of video, though. It still blows my mind the image that 6 year old camera is capable of. Yeah, I love that video... some of his finest work. His off kilter sky shot is gorgeous.
  10. I found an old screengrab from my 50D ML Raw days that I forgot about. The projects I am working on are in the horror/thriller genre, so I tend to push the image to the darker side but I may have pushed this a tad too far. But the texture of Raw video still amazes me... So it would seem that I’ll lose the thickness of the image with sLog2 on the RX10ii but I’ll gain some dynamic range even with the significantly smaller sensor. Either way, I want to experiment more with B&W, in the future, in both Raw on the 5D3 and in sLog2 on the RX10ii. It’s interesting not worrying about color and WB while I concentrate on exposure and composition... it should be a good lesson for me to improve my skills as an operator.
  11. True and his results are pretty good considering the low bitrate of the camera. I really don’t need a third camera, but at $199, it is kinda tempting. Lol.
  12. True, but you aren’t getting a DCI 4K Camera with a Log profile and mic input with the GM1. Plus, the tiny, box form factor is appealing. Plus-plus, I think I like the Z Camera’s color science better than I like the Panasonic color science. JMO.
  13. Yeah, that may look a little goofy. I actually love the color and with zLog it seems to have a respectable amount of DR. With the slight crop in DCI, it may be the perfect little cam for my c-mount lenses. As of now, I have no camera to use them with and as I sell off old lenses, the c-mounts should be the first to go, but every time I pick them up to list on eBay... I do the opposite.
  14. Oh okay, I thought you meant that the ML team figured out a new recording format that uses MLVFS instead of MLVs. When I bought my 5D3, I jumped into a test short and due to the quality of the footage I was getting, the project has grown. So, I just continued processing the Raw Magic/Resolve/ProRes route. When this project is done I intend on trying MLVFS and also the 3.5K crop mode out. Has there been any ML progression with that? Actually I was curious how you were getting along with the GH5? I desperately need a new computer for editing. I’ve been working off a MacBook Air and I have had no issues with ML Raw. Like you, the 4K from the RX10ii bogs it down more than the Raw does and I’m not even using MLVFS yet. Question though... do MLVFS need to run from the computer’s hard drive... and does it take up a lot of space? Or can I set up an external drive for MLVFS?
  15. @kaylee were they shot with the 5D3? I love the last one... you had some nice late afternoon sun there? Have you read the Noam Kroll article involving manipulating color in post to end in B&W? It’s a pretty interesting read... http://noamkroll.com/how-to-color-grade-a-perfectly-cinematic-black-and-white-look/ However, as interesting as that is, for simplicity sake, I think I will go forward shooting black and white in camera. But I’d like to experiment with some colored filters for effect.
  16. @Hans Punk first off, thanks... some of your videos, amongst others, made me explore the 5D and ML Raw. And I could not be happier. So wait, with the new nightly builds, the camera will record as mlvfs? Or the process in post to open as mlvfs is simpler? I think the next short film I do with the 5D3 will be in B&W. I just love the classical, dramatic look of it. For what I bought the RX10ii for, run and gun fun and slow motion, I am fairly happy with it for a glove box cam. @maxotics I am glad you replied, because I love your recent posts on Log and Raw, though admittedly, and sadly, a little out of my depth. When I shot with sLog in the past, I did have some banding issues, so I was curious if the 4 luma values would help stave off the banding and I haven’t noticed any banding yet, where as with color in sLog2, as you know, it will creep up in wide sky shots. Anyway, thanks for replying and pushing me to understanding the technical elements of an image... one day I’ll be able to grasp it and have an intelligent conversation on the matter.
  17. @Dustin yeah it’s tough to spend money on a hobby, I’ve spent a small fortune over the past couple of years. Honestly, you seem happy with the D5300, so maybe you should just consider keeping it or selling it and upgrade to the D5500 for the Flat Profile. You get consistently good images with the Nikon, so why mess with a good thing? Maybe look into a small slider you can use with your monopod. The RatRig V2 slider is great and light and was recommended to me on here. Also, a lens with good OIS will be nearly as good as the GX85’s IBIS. My Canon 24-70mm f/4 is as steady as IBIS from the GX85. Anyway, just some thoughts.
  18. As anybody who reads my comments already know, I bought a 5D3 last Spring and instantly fell in love with the images I was getting. After almost two years of searching for the right camera for the stuff I was looking to shoot, I found it in the 5D3. But... I am the first person to admit that the post process of ML Raw can be a little tedious and requires a massive amount of storage. Since I am a hobbyist with narrative dreams, I’ve been searching for a second camera to shoot fun little vignettes in between shooting days with my 5D3. Shooting is a form of meditation for me and instantly calms me. After a couple of cameras, I ended buying an RX10ii on the cheap. Now I had the camera last year but struggled with getting good color from it. This time around, I’ve decided to mostly shoot in sLog2 and Cine2 with monochrome and I am pleasantly surprised by how good the images turned out on my first outing with it. I’ve always loved B&W photos and movies, but I’ve never really shot much with it, so I look forward to learning and experimenting more with it. Now, I have been posting around here for a few years and color science, correction and grading are all popular discussions but there is rarely mention of B&W. Does anyone shoot in B&W anymore? Does anyone have any video or screengrabs that were captured in B&W or turned to B&W in post that they’d like to share? Or even strong opinions for or against it? I’ll start off with a few screengrabs. The first two were shot in sLog2... And this one was shot in Cine2...
  19. You can set a button for it so it’s painless with a prime, but with a zoom it may get annoying fast if you change focal lengths often. Now if you’re just punching in or out a little where the focal length change is less than 5mm, you probably wouldn’t have to bother changing it. And I’ve heard of some people just setting the middle focal length of a zoom and the IBIS still works... okay. I have a Minolta 24-35mm zoom I used with the GX85 and I would set the IBIS at 30mm and it was not a big deal but for a bigger zoom range it may be noticeable. If you do decide to go native, I’d take a look at the Olympus 12-40mm, instead of the Panny, the manual clutch focus ring makes it feel more like a manual lens when focusing.
  20. Hey Dustin, although I agree that you should save the extra money and go for the G85, you can get CineLikeD and CineLikeV with the GX85 hack. There is a huge thread about it on here. But to be honest, I think the added weight of the G85 will help with the IBIS. When I owned the GX85, I found the IBIS to be really good but it wasn’t tripod steady, it had a floaty feeling to it. Also, just in case you’re unsure how the IBIS works... if you’re using a non native zoom lens, then you will have to set the focal length every time you zoom in and out and if you are using a Speedbooster with the zoom, you will have to set the adjusted focal length, every time you zoom in or out.
  21. Yeah, not great but better in 1080p. Then again, do you plan on doing a lot of back and forth whip pans? They’re on the verge of cracking the 80D which has a faster buffer than the 70D and more AF points. Plus the original Canon firmware 1080p is better with a higher bitrate, all-i codec. Plus the revered Canon crop mode.
  22. Well the 80D is the newer model and like Ironfilm said, the C100 is always a good option. Also, if you can get the 5D4 for a good price, the 1080p is pretty good. I posted this video in another thread, but this guy did a great job with the high bitrate 1080p on the 5D4 using James Miller’s C-Log profile...
  23. Mark, the Z camera makers should make you an ambassador and use your footage in their promos. You have been consistently getting nice images with that little box.
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