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Everything posted by mercer

  1. I do like the grungy look as well but I think that look can probably be pretty easily obtained, even with an iPhone. Probably a hacked GH1 could easily give you a similar look, with a few touches in post.
  2. Sorry Panny, when I looked I didn’t see the embedded video. If you want my honest opinion... I know exactly why you would want a camera like this to shoot a movie on. But I would probably go with a C100. Nice small, yet malleable file sizes. XLR inputs for in camera audio, built in ND filters. For scenes without dialogue, you can take the handle off and the camera is a lot smaller. It’s just a workhorse.
  3. Care to elaborate on the “well, yes and no?” Sometimes the issues can be seen as a liberation instead of a limitation. As proven dozens of times, by the many videos floating around, there isn’t a camera on the market incapable of creating amazing imagery in the right hands or circumstances, some tools just make it a lot easier. But there is something exciting about taking the bare minimum and working around its limitations... not that the X-T2 is the bare minimum, it’s obviously a professional piece of equipment. If only it had IBIS.
  4. Exactly and there isn’t much of an image I’ll be happier with than from I’m already getting with the 5D3 and ML Raw, so my second camera really needs to be fairly small, simple to use, and most likely 4K. Right now it’s a toss up between the Leica 109, an RX10ii or maybe an XC10 if I can find one for the right price. For the most part I don’t want to deal with interchangeable lenses, and if I do then another host of features come into consideration... IBIS, sensor size, etc... In the meantime I’ll just continue to watch the cool videos from eoshd members.
  5. I’ve been eyeballing their mods for the past couple years, first with a GoPro and now with the Yi, but I just never seem to pull the trigger. My main cam is a 5D3, but I’m looking for a second glove cam camera that I can carry around mostly for fun. I’m leaning towards a Leica Typ 109, but I may get another GX85 or an E-M10 M3 or maybe a Fuji X-E3... or something. For the price, the Z is kinda tempting though.
  6. Thanks, this is great info. I’m actually kind of interested in pairing this with some c-mount lenses and a tiny swivel foot monopod I have. Any chance you have a Fujian 25mm c-mount lens to test it with? Also please report back with your Z-Log results or thoughts.
  7. @markr041 Really, no manual control in the 850? I hadn’t even conceived such a notion... that’s a useless camera. If you have a minute, I have a couple questions... does the Z files have any grading latitude... obviously I don’t expect much, nor would I do much... but do simple corrections break the image? I most likely would just correct and then add a light Tint or Colorize in FCPX. Also did you expose to the middle, over, under? And finally how is the build quality? I read it is made of magnesium, but how do the buttons feel? How is the battery and microSD door feel? Oh yeah one more... how is battery life? Thanks for taking the time?
  8. This update solves some of your issues with the camera, right? Do you predict some more X-T2 use in the future?
  9. Z Log? Is that just a gimmick, because it doesn’t seem very flat ooc? Of course, 11 stops isn’t bad for such a camera. At that price, it seems the only comparable camera would be the GX850, a grey market version can be had for around $375. I purchased the Steadicam Curve a few years back with grand plans to use it with the a5100... I never got around to messing with it, so with the right adapter, this little cam could be perfect. I know the Yi4K does up to 60p, and is an action cam with a much smaller sensor, but they are similarly priced, but as far as IQ goes, which fares better?
  10. @markr041 thanks for the tests. These look quite nice. I love the color. Interesting camera. Can you list some pros and cons compared to some similarly priced cameras?
  11. I think a GH5 attached to a telescope takes away from the spirit of the article and the Nikon ISS shot?
  12. I think @jonpais already made the astute point that if this is merely a firmware update, then Panasonic physically sent it with a bottle of red paint to touch up the body...
  13. If you’re worried about Video AF, you really only have two options and if you don’t want to shoot 4K, you only have one option... a Canon. If you want decent 4K and good 1080p with amazing video AF, get a 5D Mark IV.
  14. The D3400 has the Flat Profile and is less than $400 brand new with the kit lens. Also the E-M10 Mark II is fairly inexpensive with great deals on Olympus lenses right now. Really good IBIS and decent 1080p. But if he seems serious, I would go with an APS-C DSLR or Mirrorless at least. I always enjoyed the a5100 when I had it and it has touchscreen PDAF for less than $400. If you want to spend more for FF, the A7ii is fairly inexpensive with some extra features like IBIS and sLog2 and cine profiles. And finally, the Fuji X-T20 or X-E3 have excellent color and 4K video and a great system to get into. Also I guess I’d be remiss not to mention Canon... so many people start with Canon for a reason. And most professional photographers shoot with Canon or Nikon for a reason.
  15. I was just about to say that the white car makes the perfect bounce. Good to know the new camera has IBIS... doubtful you held that monster lens on a close up steadily without it. I think the real question is... what camera was the BTS shot taken with? And are you contractually obligated to say a Panasonic? Lol. And is the robot’s name Eva One?
  16. I saw you were interested in the C100... I believe it has two XLR inputs, so you could run two wires XLR lavs to each of your actors straight to the camera, or you could probably run wireless lavs from the camera to record good in camera audio. Either way it’s in camera, so you won’t have any external audio to deal with.
  17. mercer


    Nice review. I must admit, since I no longer own a micro 4/3 camera, I hadn’t watched many of your reviews but I watched a few today and they are nicely done. I particularly enjoyed the videos with the back and forth banter between you and the bald fella. Most entertaining and informative.
  18. I am by no means an expert on this but don’t you only need 8mp for 4K Video? So a 12mp sensor would be more than enough for good 4K Video while also making it easier to downsample the 6K to 4K in camera for a clean 4K image free of artifacts? Isn’t that why the a7s has near perfect 1080p? With that being said, I believe the rumor states that the mystery camera will be geared towards high end video, so it’s quite possible that it is a S35mm sensor with an EF mount. Since the EVA1 has an EF mount and there seems to be a whole in their product line... then a $3500 S35mm 12mp GH5s could fill that gap. Just guessing here. Either way, it’s kinda exciting.
  19. mercer


    Damn that is pretty big, isn’t the 30mm kinda small? How do the two lenses match up? Is the color tonal qualities, bokeh and sharpness similar? Wasn’t there some talk back in the GX85 thread about pushing the WB a couple notches toward red or yellow? So I guess the cloudy preset is doing something similar? Either way it works.
  20. mercer


    I don’t know enough about the 12mm but I think that may be one of my favorites of your shots. Very nice colors. I love how the blue umbrella pops right behind his head and then the red on his collar helps to bring our attention to his face. He’s looking at you like he thinks you’re a spy... Lol. Can you post a photo of that lens on your camera? I’d like to see how big it is.
  21. I get that. Either way it’s a great short that was so well done on so many levels. But your work usually is.
  22. I tested this method on some footage I shot the other day on the 5D3. It's probably not the most optimal footage for it, but there is some high DR that was preserved fairly well... better than my previous attempt with the footage. I used Juan's method through the first stage of Rec709/Linear to Linear/LogC, then I exported the ProRes and did a basic color correction/grade in FCPX with Colorista IV and the Color Board... Whoops, image didn’t load... try again...
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