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Everything posted by mercer

  1. I guess I prefer B, E and F based on colors alone. But I do have to ask... is the tomato ripe?
  2. Just to clarify, I agree the industry should be more open and diverse. All industries should be. But if you look at the photo posted upthread of the photographers chosen... they were all Asian... so where is the outrage that there were no photographers of African descent or Middle Eastern descent, or Caucasian or Latino? Discrimination is a strong charge that shouldn't be thrown around lightly without 100% proof. But diversity should be encouraged and celebrated as long as it's not just for the sake of diversity. Just my opinion.
  3. I just think it's kinda funny that a bunch of guys on a male dominated, video forum pretend to understand and preach the struggles of sexism. And apparently one of the biggest feminine rights issues in the photographic world is the production and marketing of small, colorful cameras...
  4. I like some of the micro configurations I've seen with the VL35 monitor, but even that is a touch big for me. I wish there was some way to add an HDMI cord to one of those tiny Canon hotshoe EVFs. Or a GoPro LCD that could hinge to the top of a cage. I guess another option would be to attach a dummy battery to the back of the new Small HD Focus. Click that into the battery slot of the Micro. Then power the Micro with the Small HD Focus. I don't know... I guess I'm just really surprised that BM or a 3rd Party hasn't created a practical monitoring solution for the Micro.
  5. Yeah but wasn't Benny Hill really the apex of British culture... Sex sells I guess. The "Falling Man" is a major SNAFU but the lack of female photographers at an event... if we believe what Nikon says... then... If not... then hopefully this will help put Nikon into the 21st Century. The moral here is that Andrew is correct... bad PR week for Nikon. And at least Ed has a new cause. However, I do think there are probably more important women's rights issues in the world than Nikon's sexist, pink cameras and lack of a female photographer at an event. But yeah bad PR week for Nikon.
  6. Okay to play the devil's advocate here... the boob enlargement ad is a European ad, correct? And isn't that "cheeky" humor popular in advertisements?
  7. I've been having an ongoing discussion with another forum member regarding the a7s vs. the a7s2 and although I understand why many people would choose the Mark ii over the original, I find the original has a more unique color science. Some would say it was improved with the Mark ii, but the original has a very grungy indie film look to it. And if you want 4K, use an external recorder and get higher bitrate ProRes 4K. But in most instances, the 1080p is plenty good enough and is gorgeous. With my interest in horror and thriller narratives, it almost seems like a no brainer... especially if I can ever find one for less than a $1000 US.
  8. Wow, some great a7s videos. Here's another one I found a few months ago that is pretty impressive... And here is another one that I always felt was pretty impressive for a test video... And one more...
  9. Out of curiosity, why would there be data loss transcoding a smaller GH5 file to a larger ProRes file? If I have to guess, it's due to compression... but doesn't EditReady, or a similar program, decompress the files before the conversion?
  10. To be fair Jon, that was a totally, absolutely, ridiculous reply... ? Here is one of my favorite cinematic a7s videos...
  11. Good idea about card with Instagram on it. Yeah I tried tagging but I'm afraid I'm not very good at... #badmovie probably isn't the best tag. I didn't realize girls love Instagram. Of course I am not very up to date with social media. I live in South Jersey, outside of Philly, but I've been screenwriting for many years and am obsessed with the entire filmmaking process, so I know a few things.., all second hand unfortunately. You never heard of Stranger Things... for reals? It's probably the best show I've seen in years... especially if you grew up in the 80s or have an affinity for Spielberg and King.
  12. You can get away with that easier than my 6'3", 200lb, bald headed, 42 year old self can. I'm afraid I may come off a little rapey if I went up to a twenty something girl on the street and asked her if she ever wanted to be in a movie... I did venture out and start an Instagram account though and started posting my screen grabs to try and drum up some casting interests... so far I have 4 male followers I've known for years... I've been working on my friends' no budget films since I was a kid. And we did everything from casting calls, to casting friends and friends of friends. Fifteen years ago it was a whole lot easier finding talented actors/actresses to work for free... well a credit, DVD copy of the film and free food and gas. But now it seems that kids are so entitled they think they should be getting scale for a bit part in my one man crew movie. Different times I guess. Anyway, I look forward to hearing more about your film. The Lynch approach is great right now. If you can figure out a way to combine Lynch and Stranger Things, you'll be well on your way.
  13. Thanks, once I found the 5D3, I have zero interest in other cameras. All I think about now is story and shots and how to get free actors/actresses. So far the first two are easier than the third.
  14. Thanks, I just read a little about it and it seems that way. How often do you update to newer builds? And even though I haven't had any issues, do you think it would make sense to update my build?
  15. Shit, I am running the April 4th build as well but with 1.13 Canon firmware. I have not uploaded any of the experimental builds, only the basic 1080p. I have not had any warnings or errors... should I be concerned?
  16. Research Dogme 95 and create the rules for your production... for instance maybe only use props that are bought at either a dollar store or a thrift store. Use lights that are bought at Home Depot or even better use available light and reflectors. Keep the story duration as short as possible that way you can keep each actor/actress in the same costume for the entire film. Write the least amount of dialogue as possible... for a show don't tell reason and because free actors/actresses usually suck... so do most low paid ones to be honest... so cast based on their look... but repeatedly tell them how great they are while thinking how you can edit the scene around them. Make the location a star, with as few stars as possible. Well... that's all I can think of right now. One more thing... as conceited as this may sound... you are the star of your film at this level. You have the most to lose. So although film is a collaborative medium, that collaboration is not as important as your vision. Every single person on your set... especially if they're working for free... believe their ideas are great and better than yours. Don't be closed off to good ideas, but don't succumb to any pressure to do a take of every idea thrown out to you. So think of kind ways to make them feel included without jeopardizing your vision. Feed your cast.
  17. I don't think it would be hard as much as it is unnecessary on a Pro Stills camera. It will be interesting to see how much if any, the GH5 takes from Canon in sales this year... and if they do, how Canon will react.
  18. I agree the 1DXii should have had C-Log but the idea of 10bit in a DSLR is... was unheard of until Panasonic disrupted the market. Canon can be bashed for a lot. But I don't think lack of 10bit video in a DSLR is one of them. And honestly, I really liked your 1DXii work.
  19. mercer


    Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me. The first one is "pretty" accurate to what I exported to my desktop, but the Rec709 is at least a whole stop darker. I'll look into Imgur... thanks.
  20. mercer


    And the second one is a simple Rec709 conversion and some basic exposure/saturation adjustments... Does anyone know why EOS HD's file upload system sometimes darkens the image? With the above screengrabs, the images are similar to how they look in FCPX, but there is definitely some darker hues when uploaded here.
  21. mercer


    Testing out a simple ML Raw workflow from some test shots I did with the Canon 35mm f/2. The first one is a "vintage" look using an Impulz LUT.
  22. Good eye, didn't notice that. How do you like your X-T2 compared to your C100ii? I really liked your C100ii videos, so I am curious to see what you do with the Fuji.
  23. Nice looking video, but where did you see that this was shot with the X-T2?
  24. Unless I hit the lottery or became independently wealthy, I will never buy one, but you cannot deny the image the Kinemini or Terra are capable of... The colors are just gorgeous.
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