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Everything posted by mercer

  1. What exactly does a horribly "non efficient codec" entail? I mean video gets recorded, right? And it's a 4:22 codec that's easily editable on most computers, and usually the motion cadence looks great. Okay so a 1.7 crop isn't exactly S35 but it's closer than 2x or 2.4x or 2.88x. And with the crop, a bunch of aps-c lens options open up. I don't care about the this camera is better than that camera game. Each camera is unique to itself and none of them are perfect, but I do think the 5D4 gets a little more hatred than deserved.
  2. With that rationale, why would anyone ever buy an EF BMCC? Or use native Micro 4/3 lenses on a BMPCC or a BMMCC? Yes less of a crop would be ideal, but it isn't the end of the world.
  3. I don't understand all of the hatred for the 5D Mark IV and its mjpeg codec? It's a 4:22, all-i video codec that is easily editable on most computers, but it has big file sizes. ProRes has big file sizes. Raw has big file sizes. The GH5, after the update, will have big file sizes. Where else are you getting a FF stills camera with a S35mm, Cinema 4K, 4:22, Log image, with arguably the best color science around, and definitively the best AF, for $3000? With all that being said, I hope some of these D850 specs start to trickle down into the lesser models. A 4K D5700 with focus peaking, even if only in 1080p, sounds like a great camera to me. 1080p for the daily grind and some 4K, even cropped, for some novelty shots every now and again.
  4. I find it highly suspect. A lot of the aforementioned, middle codec specs are specific to the codec in the XC10/15, so I agree that it may be 8 bit but I would expect that it will be 4:22 recorded to CFast cards. Or Canon fears the backlash of the expensive media, so they dumbed it down to record to SD cards. Until the firmware path is updated on their website, it's all just conjecture.
  5. Just read at Canon Rumors that it will have an aps-c sensor and DPAF... watch Canon put 4K video in it too... Seriously, though... depending on the specs, this may be the glove box camera I've been looking for. We shall see. http://www.canonrumors.com/canon-powershot-g1-x-mark-ii-specifications-cr1/
  6. I completely understand this because I think President Trump is an African American Woman because I choose to use a different definition of the words African and Woman. What in the hell are you talking about, Ed? You don't get to choose the definition of words to suit your narrative. I know it's a political tactic to do so, but this isn't a political forum. You know... I also was trying to stay out of this conversation but after reading this nugget, I had to have my one and only reply... Words have meaning and power. People can choose to use words incorrectly, but that would make that person ignorant and subsequently make their opinion moot. Or it's deliberate for a very specific political motive. Neither reason is acceptable. A major issue in our society is the misuse of words and the miscommunication of intent. If you're unsure of the proper definition of a word, look it up. Your argument may become clearer and your points not so divisive. Or maybe you know exactly what these words mean and this aww shucks routine is the character you play? Trump is a lot of things, but a white nationalist is not one of them. It's a moronic argument used as a scare tactic to like minded people that don't think for themselves. There are plenty of valid arguments to be made for President Trump or against President Trump, but that ad hoc attack just keeps the narrative and debate in the whacko realms of the Far Left and Far Right and I would rather hear discussions and points made by the rational center, where most humans reside.
  7. mercer

    gx85 to gh5?

    Since you've been a major proponent of ML Raw, how would you compare the two? Sorry to the OP for the OT.
  8. I believe Pentax was the first DSLR to have focus peaking. But I get your point.
  9. Did you enable the ETTR hint with the Raw Histogram? I found that helped a lot to see when I was over and which channels were clipping.
  10. With a fast 1.4 lens, wide open, I've gotten clean footage up to 1600 ISO but I've never pushed it any further... but that was in decent light for exterior night shots Do you expose to the right?
  11. Also here are a few more screengrabs from my film.
  12. What's the highest and cleanest ISO for the 5D3?
  13. Idk, I think he sometimes drops bombs and then watches from the sidelines as arguments and discussions ensue.
  14. Here's my GX85 with the Rokinon 12mm cine lens using the twist method. The pan is at 0:21... Obviously the wide angle helped and I may have used E-Stabilizer as well... I don't remember. The problem is that IBIS only does so much. There are tricks for lazy people like myself, but in the end a tripod will give better pans and a steadycam/gimbal will give better movement.
  15. Nice find, I like that a lot and you may be the winner in finding the most non "are political" way of saying that woman is hot as hell Double Like.
  16. Great points, thanks. I always think I should get a color chart, but then I don't ever actually get a color chart. I wish one of the companies made a color chart and slate in one. I don't have a slate either... man I suck. True, definitely worth a test. I've noticed I usually love one lens from different makers, so my new plan is to get one good prime between 35-50... depending on the brand. And then one zoom which will cover the whole gamut I usually shoot in. So basically a two lens set up. And I'd like to keep my total "sets" at 5 or less. Thanks for this. I dislike changing focal lengths in a scene, so I'll remember not to change lens brands.... Of course once I started using zooms more than primes, I have gotten a little lazy with it when framing.
  17. When you shoot 2:35, you don't need overlays for framing, right?
  18. Jon, you don't seem like you would be a big NWA fan. Yeah, I think I am probably over thinking it, especially since I'll rarely change lenses anyway. One of those Angenieux Optimo lenses sounds like it would be perfect.
  19. Some of the nicest, lowlight G85 footage I've seen. Nice job.
  20. Since I started shooting Raw with the 5D3, I've been slowly selling off some lenses and replacing them with better ones, but now I have a hodgepodge of lenses and no real set of lenses anymore. So, I was wondering what is the consensus of mixing different brands of lenses in a film? I am kinda lazy, so I rarely change lenses anyway, and I have a couple zooms that work fine for most scenarios... but I do love my primes. Unfortunately, as you know, building a matching set of fast, quality prime lenses is a time consuming, expensive endeavor. My goal for the next year is to make a handful of 3-5 minute short films. For these projects, I will most likely either use zoom lenses, or a single prime for each project, but when my budget allows, I may start building a couple sets of lenses. However, if I can get away with having really good lenses, of different brands, for different focal lengths, I am okay with that as well. Thoughts? Also, if I do mix brands, are there certain lens characteristics to consider when doing so... e.g. number of blades, shape of blades, aperture consistency... etc?
  21. Unsure, I've never used the SL1. Since he didn't mention it, then maybe it wasn't an issue?
  22. Andrew did an entire write up of ML Raw on the SL1. I believe he goes over his workflow in it... or in the comments... http://www.eoshd.com/2017/06/enabling-10bit-raw-video-mini-canon-100d/
  23. mercer


    True but I've always felt shallow depth hides a lot of the inherent flaws in consumer video, plus it conceals the limitations of no budget, run and gun, guerilla filmmaking. The Voigts clean up pretty nicely by 1.4, so if the Veydra lenses are good wide open, that's still + a stop with the Voigtlanders. Either way, the Veydra is the better choice for Jon's needs.
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