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Everything posted by mercer

  1. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    Sure that sounds good and should we include that if anyone else wants to join, then they at least have to shoot in 1080p? Or do we want to limit this to GH1/GH2/GH3? Yeah, the 5D3 is just like nothing else I've ever used and it's probably the easiest camera to shoot with and grade. The conversion process can be a little tedious but there are ways around that now. I hope the GH2 is all I think it will be. If not, it's my own fault and I'll have to work on those things I feel are lacking.
  2. Live action or animated?
  3. I think what's really interesting about it is that it seems like a comic strip. So keep making them and keep them short. Maybe try and get one out every few weeks or a month. And then I guess spread them across the internet. Post them on Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and Instagram along with Vimeo. I assume there is a huge following for 2D animation, so I would assume you can get it seen, if you find your audience. Hell Adult Swim may have some type of Forum or comment section, at least a Facebook page. Post a link there. Either way, nice work and keep at it, I look forward to the next installation. If you go forward with it.
  4. Honestly at first I was put off by the simplicity of the animation but after 30 seconds or so, the rhythm of the back and forth banter sucked me in and I appreciated the basic animation. I understand your point about voice actors, but don't sell your work short. Obviously you wouldn't be doing it if you didn't believe in it. So own it and be proud of it. Also, there are plenty of beginner voice actors that would work for free and if you sell your intentions with pride, they'll be happy to jump onboard. Remember, most people lack creativity... even people pursuing creative endeavors, and when they see quirky work, they believe it's very artistic and want to be a part of it. Use that... exploit the shit out of your quirkiness. I've never done any animation, so out of curiosity... how long did it take to produce? Are you planning on entering it in any contests?
  5. Actually, I was going to commend you with the voices. In your first short, although distinct, it was still obvious both voices were yours. This is not definitively obvious and you controlled the performance(s) very well. If you do continue doing animation, there are a lot of voice actors online involved with audio dramas and most usually have the equipment and ability to record high quality clips. Well it's definitely weird, but that's right in your wheelhouse. But what I've learned about you and your work, from our discussions on screenwriting and from your shorts, is that your work is weird yet charming. This piece exemplifies that. I think you're real close here... keep at it. How difficult was the animation?
  6. Looks great. Just bought a GH2. Btw, I watched a few of your older shorts and you have some great work. I loved the look of the B&W short... so well done.
  7. Cool. It looks like something you'd see on Adult Swim. This genre works so well with your dialogue. Did you do all of the voices? I loved how I never felt anything for the characters, they just existed. It was almost so off it was genius. Banal yet edgy. When they were in bed, it went to a different level and I loved it. Would like to see these characters at the supermarket or whispering at Church. Or stuck in traffic. At first I wished their mouths moved more and then I enjoyed the lack of movement. However, I would have liked a blink or eyebrow lift once in a while. Make another one but change the main character's name. Linus is too famous a cartoon character to use.
  8. That thing looks like it will vacuum your house and carry a toddler through Disney World. Cool find though.
  9. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    Hey, Mat33. Thanks for the post. And yeah I know I am definitely a victim of GAS and I need help. Ha. But seriously, this was the point in getting the GH2. I'll never be a one camera person. There are just too many options. The 5D3 and ML Raw has made me happier than any other purchase I ever made. My first short film is turning out great, I couldn't be happier. In fact, I had a shoot today and got another scene in the can. But being a backyard, no budget, hobbyist filmmaker, for me, means a lot of sacrifices. I can't always schedule the actors when it is conventient because they are donating their time, so a couple weeks may go by between shooting days. I am very lucky to have a good paying job with a flexible schedule. So, I have a lot of down time. In that down time is when I get itchy to test another camera and start smaller scaled projects... and that was the point of the GH2. I was looking for a 2nd camera, but everything I've tested since I started using the 5D3 didn't look good to me. So finally I decided that at least I like the stuff I've seen from the GH2. And I wanted the challenge to go back to basics. This stuff is entirely a hobby for me. I'd love to make a short film and get interest from a producer who wants to turn it into a feature, but I'm not 20 years old and I realize that will most likely not happen. So the GH2 will be the hobby camera to my 5D3 hobby. But if you want to start a challenge, I'm in. How about a 5 minute short by the end of the year? I'll use the GH2, and you use the GH3. And if anyone else wants to jump in with an equally old, lower specced camera, then they are welcome to. Oh yeah, and I pledge not to buy another camera until next year... or never.
  10. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    Thanks, in all honesty I was testing some other cameras for a casual camera and I think the 5D3 may have ruined me. I was ready to just buy an E-M5 Mark ii. Not the best video quality, but it's pretty cheap now and the IBIS is next level good... way better than the GX85. I figured, as a hybrid, that will do. I wanted to keep the kit simple, so I was looking for one lens and found a great deal on an SLR Magic 35mm 1.4 ii. While looking at videos for that lens, I found this... And I thought hmm... I never owned a hacked GH1/GH2. I found a ton of videos online and just fell in love with the humble images I was seeing. It won't take over as my main camera or anything but for fun, experimental films, I figured if I could go back to basics... a camera, a lens, a tripod, a slider... it could be a good exercise for me... so I found a mint, GH2 hacked for $225 on eBay. It arrived today and I can't really tell if it was hacked... and just so you know... shaking it repeatedly does not indicate one way or the other.
  11. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    I just received my GH2. The seller told me it was hacked with Sanity X. I have no reason to doubt him, but how do I know if it was hacked? I expected to see some kind of indicator on the LCD or in the menus, but everything looks like normal Panny menus... except for IR on the LCD.
  12. It looks like Olympus upgraded the 1080p to 202mbps all-i from the 77mbps of the e-m5 Mark ii. Is it dramatically better?
  13. I don't know either, but it sure is interesting. I wonder how long it will be before GoPro makes a phone?
  14. mercer

    Mini Slider

    Not everybody has Tour De France money... I've gotta separate my needs from my wants. But I will need this in about a month. Do you have one and if so, does it have longevity? It seems like a cool product that may break after a couple uses?
  15. mercer

    Mini Slider

    Thanks for this, this is cool as shit. Not exactly what I need now, but I will definitely be buying one in the near future.
  16. I understand the concept and that foot zooming isn't the same... it's just a figure of speech videographers tell other videographers when they want zoom lenses instead of primes. And again, they are 100% not the same lens. The Rollei's were based on a Zeiss design but never manufactured by Zeiss and I don't think they even used Zeiss glass. They were made in Singapore by Voigtlander and Rollei. The Contax Zeiss glass are official Zeiss lenses made in West Germany and then in Japan by Yashica. Some Yashica ML lenses are purported to use leftover glass from the Zeiss runs since they were made in the same factory.
  17. I'm fairly sure they're not. The ONLY similarity are reports that some batches used the same glass, but the other construction elements could be and most likely are entirely different... otherwise they would all fetch the Contax prices. Plus with the Contax, some were made in Germany and some were made in Japan... so they were not all made in the same factory. Either way, the Contax Zeiss Planar 50mm 1.7 is an inexpensive lens that is excellent for video, some would say the Contax Zeiss is a legendary lens. Why fight it when it so reasonably priced? I wish I had these suggestions when I started out, I wouldn't be sitting on a couple dozen lenses I never use.., I'd have either a set of Nikkors (which I have now) a set of Minoltas (I have a few) or a set of Contax Zeiss (I want them but don't particularly need them) If you want to go a little cheaper, there's always the Zeiss Jena M42 lenses. The 35mm f2.4 is another legendary lens. And the 50mm f2.8 is one of the cheapest, most stunning lenses you'll ever find. Pair them with a Turbo II and you're set. They also have a 20mm f2.8 that is very highly regarded.
  18. Not really... without a doubt the Contax Zeiss is the best of the bunch. And quite frankly one of the best lenses I've ever used. In all honesty, with the GX80 you'd be better off with the Contax Zeiss 50mm 1.7, the 25mm or 28mm f/2.8 and a Turbo II, than with the Sigma 18-35mm. That lens is going to be big, heavy and unbalanced on the GX80 and you can always use your feet to zoom.
  19. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    @cantsin man I love your posts. I always learn so much from them and see your points. My reasoning for getting a GH2 stems from two things really... I want a second camera, but I didn't want to spend a lot on one. I'm loving my 5D3 too much to heavily invest into another system. However, as I started watching a lot of the old GH2 videos and then looking at the filmmaker's other works, I started noticing an interesting trend. It seems that a lot of the GH2 filmmakers went one of two ways after upgrading... they either stayed with Panasonic, or they went with BlackMagic. It makes sense since they already owned the M4/3 lenses that one of those two would be a logical upgrade path, but I'm also interested in seeing if a certain patch was predominantly used by the people who went with BM over Panny. Within 6 months to a year, when I have a little more cash to spend, I will probably upgrade to one of the two better options you suggested... a GH4 with an external recorder... or a BM to shoot ProRes with. I was very concerned with IBIS and features, so much so, that I was banging my head against the wall. So I have decided to go back to basics and shoot one or two, very small stories with a tripod/Monopod, a slider, a camera, and one lens. There's an acronym in screenwriting called KISS. As you may know, it stands for Keep It Simple Stupid and that's kind of my intention here... rather than throw a ton of money into a bunch of cameras to test, as a second camera, over the next 3-6 months, I'm going back to a legend of the DSLR revolution and see where it leads me. Of course, since I am only a hobbyist, I can indulge myself in these flights of fancy... I am not recommending anything I pursue to others. But I'm looking forward to it.
  20. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    That looks great!!! Funny thing is, that was one of the first videos I saw from the GH2, the other week, when I first started to contemplate getting one. Thanks for the links too... it seems I have a ton of reading to do.
  21. mercer

    Mini Slider

    Good to know, thanks. I saw a rip off version of the Wing on eBay... interesting design. I love Edelkrone's products, but don't love the price tag... for this anyway. I really don't want to spend more than a hundred dollars for this slider but there aren't many quality sliders for that money.
  22. Yeah... gorgeous. Every time I watch Curiosity, I want the E-M5 Mark II and that song on my iPod. I almost bought one twice over the past week.
  23. mercer

    Mini Slider

    Thanks I'll check that one out too.
  24. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    Thanks for the tips. Keep 'em coming. As of now, I really want to test Flowmotion because I read it has a darker, cinematic look, Moon, Drewnet and that Latin one... Canis Majoris that @anonim suggested. I will probably just roll with Sanity X my first day, as not to overwhelm myself. But I am pretty excited... I feel giddy like a schoolgirl similar to when I got the 5D3 and every time I've shot with it since.
  25. Well let's start off slow... maybe dinner and a movie... a nightcap... you know... see where it goes.
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