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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Looks great!!! Gotta love ML Raw and you developers that make our jobs easier. I appreciate your work and look forward to trying it out. I haven't had the opportunity to look closely at your program, but does it have, or do you plan to offer Log output to ProRes like the Footage App and ML Raw Viewer has? I love the LogC output in ML Raw Viewer but the program hasn't been working that great since I updated my Mac to Sierra.
  2. mercer

    Mini Slider

    Thanks guys. Right now, the Rat Rig is my top pick. I love the design and video Mattias did of the Edelkrone but a little more than I want to spend right now... especially since I already have the Edelkrone Slider Plus small... which I love but it's just a little heftier than I am looking for with a Monopod. So to save the money with the rat rig makes sense. I just bought a GH2 to mess around with and I want a quick, easy set up that's small and portable... either will definitely work, I just like the price of the Rat Rig better and it seems completely smooth enough for my needs and definitely light and compact. Good idea to use it with a gorilla pod!!!
  3. mercer

    Mini Slider

    Thanks CG!! I saw the Rat Rig one on eBay and the design looked good, but I wasn't sure. Small and compact... it could be a winner!!!
  4. mercer

    Mini Slider

    I'm looking to buy a mini slider that will travel about 8-12" Something that will stow away in a camera bag fairly easily, or stay attached to my Benro Monopod without adding too much bulk. Any recommendations? Thanks!!!
  5. I'm starting off slow and only allowing myself to post in two threads a day. Baby steps.
  6. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    Hahaha... Marty you are one of my favorite members on this site... you crack me up. If you're ever in the States, or I'm in Germany, we've gotta collaborate on something. Thanks for the tips, Fritz!!! I just bought a mint GH2, with 2 batteries, a charger, a new Sandisk 32GB Extreme Card and the Sanity X Patch installed. So there's that.
  7. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    Yeah, Musgo, Mandorla, and Upstream Color are the epitome of looks that intrigue me but even if I could get half of that, I'd be happy. The GH5 would be the best choice but I just can't spend that kind of money right now. I still love my 5D3 for my narrative work, I just want a smaller, get up and go camera to shoot some experimental short films with, not to mix with the 5D3. I was even thinking about a GH4 with a Ninja Star, but then I'm over a grand and for a little more I can just get a GH5... and then for a little more I can just get a 1DC... etc... etc... I have to get a micro 4/3 now because I just bought an SLR Magic 35mm 1.4... haha I have problems. Great info, thanks. I think I am going to jump in and buy one. I may be able to get a GH2 that's already hacked with Sanity X. Is it easy to test different patches?
  8. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    Hey Fritz, thanks for the tip. Obviously, I am not trying to say that people should shoot with a GH1/GH2 instead of a modern 4K camera by Panasonic or any other maker. Unless they want to. I'm in need of a second camera, because quite honestly... I enjoy effing around with cameras. I tried to go back to the GX85 and was unimpressed and sent it back and remembered why I didn't like it the first time I had it. Obviously it's not a bad camera, it just isn't the look I want for the task and to me, it's kind of neither here nor there. I'm still considering an Olympus E-M5 Mark ii as my eff around camera because I do like the IBIS, but $700 is pretty steep for an eff around camera. So since I really love the look(s) that were obtained with the GH2, I figured it would be fun to give it a try since I never owned one.
  9. That's not fair, every other person I've ever communicated with, on this site, will vote for that... hell a couple ex girlfriends may show up too just to ban me.
  10. I know... I'm embarrassed by how much free time I spend here and how little I've learned and accomplished in the process. I'm thinking of starting a new profile to save my public humiliation. Has Ebrahim Saadawi been used. ??????
  11. I totally agree. In a weird way, the limitations excite me. I'm even considering a GH1 or GH2 purchase just so I can be forced to produce something within some confines. In the end none of this matters and some kid is going to make the next best indie film in an iPhone, so shoot with what you have and make the best of it. Now I won't sell my 5D3, but I do like the challenge of shooting something with a 6-7 year old camera.
  12. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    Good to know, thanks. A lot of hacked cameras pop up on eBay, so if I find one that's already been hacked, it may make my decision to buy one or not easier...
  13. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    I had the G7 and the GX85 and although I agree they're great cameras and probably more useful for professional work, I feel they lack some of the "mojo" I'm looking for in a kick around camera. I'm a hobbyist so half the fun is pushing the camera around to see what it can do... or better yet what I can do with it. I have a better camera for what I consider more serious work that I do, the GH1/GH2 will just be for fun. Which patch did you like better? I've seen some nice videos with the Moon patch. But it seems like Sanity X and Flowmotion 2.02 were the most used.
  14. Not bad. At 12-13 stops of DR plus the form factor, I imagine the GH5 will see a lot of use. I love Tetrachrome, it has that M31 look without being so M31ey... I find if I'm having trouble grading something, a little Tetrachrome can make all the subtle difference.
  15. Wow, that did come down nicely. How much usable DR do you think the GH5 has? Also, being a UM46 owner and a GH5 owner, how do you think they compare... if they're even comparable at all? Btw, I would love to learn a little about the color work. It has a modern sepia tone look to it. Very interesting.
  16. Really nice work Aaron. I was a fan of your original Chicago film and this is a fitting sequel. The good, the bad and the ugly... The Good - excellent color work, you are really making that GH5 shine!!! The Bad - the boat was a little hot, but that would have been a hard shot without letting that creep around 100 IRE. So the bad is actually a testament to exposing that difficult shot so well. The Ugly - the moire is crazy. Is that only in 4K 8bit or is there a lot of moire in the other codecs as well? But I was stretching to even make a complaint because the whole piece looked excellent. I wish you guys would stop trying to get me to spend my money. I wanted to add that the composition is amazing. That subway shot is a work of art. I'd love to see a B&W version of it.
  17. Interesting idea... speaking of back to the future and 4K vs. 1080p, how about a little love for 720p? Here's a Seb Farges video from years ago with a hacked GH1 shooting 720p mjpeg... I do like your idea though, even a 30 day challenge, to start, could be exciting. A hacked GH1/GH2, one prime lens and a 3-5 minute short? To be on the nose, it can be called Hack to the Future Film Challenge. ?
  18. BM Film Log is just the Log Profile in BlackMagic cameras. I assume it just records what the G85 is set to in camera, especially since your LUT seems to react to CineLikeD just as it would with straight from the camera files.
  19. Ehh... half the fun is trial and error with color, anyway. If you're worried about the file sizes, you can shoot in ProRes. Plus, we'll never have to argue about ETTR again. ? Btw, how solid does the micro HDMI connection feel when attached to an external recorder? I may eventually buy another FZ2500 and it outputs 10bit 1080p, so I may give a Ninja Star a try. Also does the BM Video Assist record the ProRes as is from camera or does it use their own BM Film Log?
  20. I tried liking that comment Jon, but I'm all out for the day. The YT question makes sense. I never uploaded anything to YT and always upload a ProRes version of my videos to Vimeo. If you like those ProRes files from the Video Assist, you should pick up a Micro, the files are crazy good. You could give Raw a shot too... you may just like it. You know, I remember reading that the GM1's 1080p was pretty good and Jase's videos were definitely proof of that. I'd love to see that comparison if you get the chance!
  21. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    Matt, those look really nice... almost analog, with a cool indie vibe. A few months ago, I believe you posted a topic about going back to a hacked GH2 and to be honest I thought it was kinda crazy but the GH2 was never really on my radar, it was too expensive for me when I bought my first camera back in 2012, so I went with the t2i instead. But after watching your videos and others, I understand the temptation, the hacked GH1/GH2 does have a mojo that seems to be missing from more modern cameras. I wouldn't trade my 5D3 for one, but I think it's definitely a camera I may want to have in my tool box, for certain projects. I lost two auctions yesterday on a mint, hacked GH1 and a GH2. The GH1 went for $110. I'm still kicking myself that I didn't up my maximum bid to $125 or $150. Was the GH3 better than the hacked GH2?
  22. Yeah, I get the mentality behind why Panasonic wouldn't release such a camera, however I doubt hardware/software limitations are that reason. So that leaves that Panasonic believes they would lose GH5 sales... but would they really? Most people, even most of the high end enthusiasts and low level pros, on this site, will spend the extra cash for the 10bit 4K, but I would assume there is enough of the market that will not. I'd happily spend +/- $1200 for quality 1080p, up to 60p, in 10bit, but I won't spend the extra $800 for the GH5. At that point I may as well save up a little more cash and get a 1DC or wait to see what Sony does with full frame. Panasonic disrupted the entire market by offering 10bit 4K, with all of these features, at a 2000 dollar price point. Now obviously they didn't do that out of the kindness of their hearts, they did it to have a competing, in camera, Log profile that didn't suffer from horrific artifacts. It was either no Log, really bad Log, or a 10bit codec... they chose the latter. Since Panasonic decided to offer so much for so little with the GH5, I don't think it is that unreasonable to WISH they offered higher quality 1080p at a cheaper price point. Obviously Panasonic went all in with 4K to help sell their 4K TVs, especially since they don't sell one interchangeable camera that doesn't have 4K. But they have 3-4 cameras in their line up between $500 and $1000 with questionable 1080p and okay 4K. After $1000, there is a huge market gap before the GH5. How should they fill that gap? Since it's unlikely they'll ever offer a 1080p only camera at this point, the next logical step would be to combine the 100mbps 8bit 4K from the G85 with the 10bit all-i 200mbps 1080p from the GH5. As far as beating a dead horse... every other thread in this forum beats a dead horse, so I don't believe discussing a hypothetical 1080p camera in a 4K vs 1080p discussion is all that ridiculous.
  23. mercer

    GH1/GH2 Hack

    This topic gets brought up every once in a while but as I try to decide upon a camera to mess around with in between shooting days, I have found I really like a lot of the old videos I've been seeing from the GH1/GH2 hacks. With those cameras selling for peanuts now on the used market, I thought I may pick one up. So, after researching the hacks, it became a back and forth maze of personal view with so many discussions of different patches and possible updates that it became difficult to realize what was the final verdict, since I assume nobody is working on them any longer? So, if someone in the know could shed some light, I'd be very grateful. I have a couple questions I was hoping somebody here may know the answer to... 1. Did the GH1 mjpeg hack ever get 24p? And is it true the mjpeg is 4:22 on the GH1 but only 4:20 on the GH2? 2. With the GH2, which patch is the best and what settings or features do you guys find to be the most beneficial? Is avchd better than mjpeg on the GH2? Thanks in advance.
  24. That reply could be its own post. Maybe these newer cameras just need some catching up to do and in 5 years I'll be saying why do the videos from the GH4/GH5 look so much better than the videos from the GH8/GH9... I don't think so but maybe. There was definitely some mojo with those sensors and hacks and so much time worked to figure out the best settings and configurations.
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