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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Good point and downsampling to 4K will be beautiful for Netflix and future proofing.
  2. Yeah but you can just buy a GH5 and have your 10bit 400mbps for more than half the price of the Panny and get 5-axis. For 6 grand plus a $1000 in CFast cards, you're shooting 4K Raw up to 60p with 15 stops of DR. For $7500, you're getting the full C200 kit. Add a grand for media and you're still cheaper than the Panasonic once you add an evf and an external recorder to record the 5.7K Raw. When all is said and done, the C200 is thousands cheaper and it has more DR. But if you don't need or want the Raw and you need the 10bit in the cine form factor with Varicam colors... then yeah the Panny is the better choice.
  3. Seriously though, these past few months have been great for the indie filmmaker. Gotta love competition!!! They filmed it in sLog.
  4. It is a cool looking little camera. But it almost looks like they intentionally designed it to look like an FS5/C100 Panasonic. "Well, the FS5 looks stylish with some pretty good specs and our glass kinda sucks... so why not combine the two and put Varicam on it." A SLOW CLAP grows across the boardroom-- "Once again Mr. Sonic, you nailed it." Sorry I started drinking early this evening...
  5. Idk, I think the C200 is the winner here. If you don't use Canon glass, you could buy the C200B for $5999 and then just buy that Ikan 3.5" 4K monitor and shoot 4K Raw up to 60p with 15 stops of DR and Canon color... and you probably already own a 4K monitor? With your Contax Zeiss lenses... that would be a killer set up. Btw, I tested that Footage app you mentioned with some 5D3 clips... not a bad program at all. Processed them as C Log and a basic C Log to Rec709 LUT worked great. Even an Impulz LUT looked pretty good.
  6. Idk, if I were a GH5 owner I think I'd be pretty damn happy right now... by the end of August's FW update, for more than half the price, you're getting the same 400mbps 10bit with 5-axis IBIS.
  7. Well, it looks like the C200 is the better out of box deal.
  8. If they were to do that I think it would be in a DSLR/Hybrid format. This won't eat into their Pro Camcorder sales, but a $4000 version would. I predict that JVC will add internal Raw to the LS300 and it will look and work amazingly, and no one will care.
  9. Yeah I really thought they were going to tie in the GH5's 5-axis. I think that would have made this epic. Of course their IBIS may not have worked as well on an EF mount... which is why they should have gone with a m4/3 with a built in speedbooster... LOL.
  10. Okay, that makes sense, but why announce future plans for 5.7K Raw and not export any Raw resolution at release? 2.5K Raw, up to 60 FPS, would make a lot of early adopters happy.
  11. So, am I the only one that thinks that maybe this 5.7K Raw output was an afterthought? Why have plans to output 5.7K Raw when it isn't outputting any Raw at release? Give use some 2K Raw up to 72/96 FPS. Did Panasonic's VP of their cinema division hear Canon's 4K Raw specs and immediately call the CEO of Atomos?
  12. Yeah it's external... it says so on the overview spec sheet posted above. Any info on price?
  13. Is there even an external recorder that can record 5.7k raw?
  14. So... what happened with the Panasonic announcement? I thought it was supposed to be this morning?
  15. I heard that too, but I'm unsure why it would be so complex... the XC10 is 2 years old and it uses an 8bit 4:22 XF-AVC codec for its 4K. I guess a different sensor and new processor equals different and new complexities?
  16. You have to take what he says with a grain of salt... he is so anti-canon, he will pretty much believe or promote anything that puts Canon in a bad light. Without confirmation from Canon, there is probably no way to know for sure, at this point, if Canon's brand new processor is capable of 10bit or not.
  17. Yeah, that guy did an awesome job with that video. Even my friends and family have looked at a few things I have shot and were surprised I shot it... LOL. Everything looks cinematic with the 5D3... gotta love it. With the short I'm working on now, I have mainly used that 24-70mm f/4 lens entirely handheld and although it's not exactly tripod steady, or as steady as Olympus' IBIS, it's as steady as it would have been with my Nikkor 28mm lens and a monopod. For me that's good enough.
  18. Haha, Jon... seriously I didn't read your comment before I commented. It may not be CineLikeD. It could definitely be standard. I have always been a fan of the way Marty colors his videos. He gets some deep shades. Honestly I am sorry I even brought up CineLikeD settings and exposure. I prefer to underexpose by a 1/3 a stop. Your stuff looks good ETTRd so in the end it doesn't matter. I don't even own a Panasonic camera anymore... so who cares what I think.
  19. That's 1080p? That looks fantastic Marty!!! Is this CineLikeD?
  20. Really? Can you shoot a comparison of the two. I think we'd all be interested to see that. But to be honest I'm not surprised.
  21. Well he only warp stabilized a couple of his shots. To be fair.
  22. Also, an XC25 with the 10bit Raw could be a great B Cam... at $2500 or $3000, I may be a buyer. Maybe do a 1.5" sensor instead of the 1" and an f/2 to f/4 lens... or f/2.8 to f/4.
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