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Everything posted by mercer

  1. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    I wish, at the bare minimum, they would take a note from Nikon and introduce a Flat Profile that isn't quite C-Log, but is kind of a C-Log Lite. If their lower tiered models get that, and focus peaking as they slowly introduce 4K... they would regain a lot of customers. Another question to ask you Omar, which may help to make up your mind... how many native Canon lenses do you own? Also, how reliant are you on DPAF with your work, or how much would it help your work to have it in 4K, with C-Log? Are you planning on keeping your C100? Honestly, I think I already know the answers, so IMO the 5D4 makes the most sense.
  2. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    Well then if that's the case... the 5D4 could be epic once the C-Log gets implemented. I wouldn't care so much about the crop, personally, but I understand why it could be an issue or a concern to others. The RS raises a red flag, but if it's exactly like the 1DC, then who cares. If Eli Roth didn't mind it, then who am I to care? Man I hope Canon does an about face and includes C-Log in the 6D2.
  3. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    Damn, I didn't know Knock, Knock was shot on a 1DC. But it looked excellent. That 1DC is pretty damn special. If I were you, I would be planning a feature film on that bad boy. Doesn't the 5D4 use the same mjpeg codec with the same bitrate? I was just reading that the 6D Mark ii is expected to be announced and released in July. According to Canon Rumors, all future FF Canon cameras will have 4K. And most likely with the mjpeg codec. Now even though I think it would be smart of Canon to include C-Log as well... it's highly unlikely they will do that, unless they really want to stop ML from hacking their newer cameras. But even without C-Log, the 6D2 is definitely on my radar and at an assumed pricetag of $2000 or less, I may have to sell a bunch of stuff and save up for one.
  4. @squig did you say downthread that you always shoot ML Raw in crop mode? If so, is there a reason why? S35mm? Lens choices? Is the image better in crop mode?
  5. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    I disagree. If your intent is to make a narrative film or documentary, I would say the cameras used to shoot the films at Sundance is a great barometer. Now it doesn't mean the films are any better because of it, but it does indicate that the Canon image is still appreciated amongst the upper echelon of the Indie film scene. Or at the very least, it's not a distraction. This post is about choosing between the GH5 and the 5D4. Omar is obviously impressed by the Canon image, he has stated it multiple times. I was merely expressing one of the reasons why I decided to go back to Canon and why I believe the 5D4 may be the better choice. With the imminent C-Log update coming out in the near future, I would say the feature gap is even closer now. And in some ways... crop factor, color, AF, FF stills... I could contend the 5D4 is the better choice. You could contend differently and you would probably be right also.
  6. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    Really beautiful work!!! There has been so many complaints about the high bitrate mjpeg but nobody says a word when Panasonic plans on releasing a high bitrate codec... they get applauded for it. Don't get me wrong I am glad people are happy with their GH5s and I love that a company released a camera with so many features at such a bargain price... competition is good!!! Either way, great work. Post back when your film is done. I'd love to see it!!!
  7. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    Oh yeah, great camera that a lot of great videos will be shot with. Of course, I can argue that the maker of those videos will make great "art" no matter what camera they use. For the beginner or intermediate user... the GH5 won't be as forgiving. Let me ask you though, if Canon 5D Mark IV had IBIS and 4K slow motion, would you still want a GH5? Also, I wasn't suggesting people buy a 5D3 and shoot Raw. I was just explaining my experience and why I went with a Canon. This post is about a choice between the GH5 and the 5D4. As is, from what I've seen, I'd choose the Canon... just my opinion.
  8. Thanks, most helpful! I made the brilliant idea of shooting a short with it a week after I got it, so some things I want to wait and test after I finish the short. That makes sense... great tip. Thanks!!!
  9. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    I was speaking specifically ML Raw on the 5D3. But hey whatever you like you like. That's why they make vanilla and chocolate.
  10. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    Followed. Beautiful work. Now unless that guy is white, then great skin tones. Lol. But seriously, one aspect that doesn't get mentioned when speaking skin tones, is skin textures and I have been noticing with a lot of Canon videos, is that skin texture looks more real and 3-dimensional than with other cameras. Does the 1DX2 shoot 120fps at 1080p or 720p?
  11. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    I almost preordered the GH5, but then @webrunner5 posted a link to an article that did a breakdown of the cameras used at this year's Sundance film festival. And you know what, the overwhelming majority was Canon... everything back to the 5D2. Within the same hour I happened upon a 5D3 ML Raw video and to this day I haven't seen one video from the GH5 that looked even remotely as detailed or cinematic. Since getting my 5D3, I have been more productive than I've been in the past two years. Meanwhile, I have also wanted a camera that has a little less workflow needed... even though 5D3 really isn't that big of a deal. So I recently purchased an FZ2500 for a very specific project I'm working on this summer. Yesterday, I messed around with it for a while and although it's a fun camera with insanely cool features, for a point & shoot, the color just doesn't look right, and more work is needed to make it look good, for me anyway. But it's still perfect for this project, so I will end up keeping it, but I think once I am done with that specific project, I am going to sell it and just get another Canon for smaller, quicker projects. Anyway, my point is that a lot of people complain about Canon and rightfully so, they deserve a kick in the ass for dragging their feet, but in the end, even their oldest of cameras still look pretty good when shot and handled correctly. Their newer cameras, even at 1080p, look plenty good enough to my eyes and the tiny screens my work will be seen on, so I may just forego 4K and go back to 1080p. Hell, there are even a few M5 videos popping up online that don't look horrible. So unless the 6D2 comes out with great features at a fair price, I may be going the M5/M6 or 80D route for my smaller projects. Now I'm not saying other people on this forum shouldn't get a GH5. It's an AMAZING camera with plenty of examples of great work floating around the interwebs, but you will not get Canon color straight out of the box and you will not get comparable AF. So if those two features are important to people they should be told there are other options. And even though Canon drags their feet with features, their cameras still produce beautiful images and this year's Sundance film festival proves that. Now to be clear, I am not advocating that everybody should go out and buy a 5D3 for ML Raw, all I am saying is that I needed to realize who my audience is and what my skill set is and for me Canon, or maybe Nikon, is the better path. If I didn't have the money for a 5D3, I'd shoot with an 80D and still be happy. If I wanted more features, with more lens options, I'd get an EOS-M5 or EOS-M6. YMMV. DISCLAIMER: I don't know ? and people should do their own research. I am merely sharing my opinion based on my experiences. I also reserve the right to change said opinion in the next sentence... Wait for it... The GH5 is the best camera, with the best AF and color. ?
  12. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    Obviously I am referring to every single human being and extraterrestrial life force in the entire multiverse that purchased the GH5... what else would I mean? Thanks though, I'll remember hyperbole is frowned upon on this forum. ??
  13. I haven't used AWB yet, but I do admit I'm tempted. Back in my t2i and EOS-M days, I would sometimes forget to change the WB, so AWB would usually keep me covered. However I'd rather not deal with the occasional shift, and I'm a lot more disciplined now. Yeah that's basically how I monitor, unless it's a really cloudy day, I'll bump it a little. What monitoring Profile do you recommend. I'm so used to the Prolost Flat look when shooting, so I have it set to that, but I am open to other ideas if it will yield better results in the long run. For instance, I am working on testing some B&W Raw, do you recommend setting the Picture Profile to Monochrome?
  14. Interesting you mentioned your WB because I just read that Resolve treats 5600k WB as 6500k... or something like that. Do you know anything about that? Although I try to nail it in camera and choose "as shot" in the Raw Tab,
  15. I swear storm clouds are made for ML Raw. Looks great. Love the walk button shot too. Are you going the Raw Magic to Resolve route?
  16. mercer

    Gh5 or 5d mk iv?

    If it were my money, and I could afford either, I'd go with the Mark IV. Just take a look at Vimeo, IMO there are way more nicer 5D4 videos than GH5 videos even taking the fact that the 5D4 has been out 6 months longer into account. Also, I find it peculiar that everybody gets the GH5 or the a7sii and then try their damnest to create this LUT or that LUT to get Canon color... Ummm... Or they buy this camera or that camera because it has focus peaking but then complain about its autofocus. With Canon you don't really need focus peaking because the DPAF will be spot on every time.
  17. Yikes. That's rough. How about breathe some new life into the XT2 with some old lenses. A set of Contax Zeiss should do the trick... the 35mm 1.4 would probably sing with that Classic Chrome Profile.
  18. Yeah that Nepal video is gorgeous. Why don't you just order an NX500 from Seoul?They're fairly inexpensive on eBay... not the $350 I paid for mine new, but still not bad for a camera that is part of a cult classic line of cameras.
  19. Okay... I thought we were just having a discussion here. Unsure when I told people to "shut up" but whatever. I wasn't asking you to prove anything, I was actually feeling a little nostalgic about my NX500... I just watched one of my old videos and I just figured you'd have a lot of material on hand. Not that I really care about some made up person on the internet, but you are the one that comes out swinging at me every chance you have, and all I ask is how you can compare hundreds of tweaks and LUTS to Fuji's straight OOC colors, and I am the bully? When did I ever say you didn't have the right to express your experiences? Seriously? When? I stated I thought the Fuji won and you replied to me.
  20. I am glad to know you consider yourself a... full.. grown up??? So you consider hundreds of tweaks and LUTS the same as Fuji OOC colors? But Seriously, I don't know why you go to all ends defending the NX1? It's as if I cursed your family name because I prefer Fuji colors to Samsung colors... I would think most people would. Honestly, Samsung made fine cameras. I enjoyed my time with the NX500. It was a fun camera with great ergonomics. Do you have a Vimeo or YouTube page? I don't think I've ever seen any of your NX1 work. I would love to see what you're getting out of her.
  21. Well, if you're using it to judge colors, then the XT-2 wins hand down. It also wins for character of image and a system you can grow.
  22. It looks good, but how far can it be pushed after using comet color? Obviously, I don't know enough about this specific "product" but aren't people afraid that everybody's videos will look too similar?
  23. How is the X-T20's 1080p? It seems to do native 24p, which I have found helps with motion cadence. Also is the 60p in 1080p any good? That Acros B&W is simply gorgeous and for the price, the X-T20 seems like a fun get up and go camera. Also, can you adjust highlight and shadow tone in movie mode with the X-T20?
  24. Yeah, that could be it, but the camera has only been out for about 6 months... seems a little soon to stop packaging bodies only, especially since they still produce them for the G7 or maybe it's a glitch on BH site like IronFilm thinks.
  25. I'm sure you're right, but maybe the G7 is a better seller than the G85... maybe the GH5 took the steam out of the G85's sales... so to speak.
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