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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Sorry, maybe I am not understanding what you mean, but if you are in P, A or S modes, the zebras should disappear because the camera is making sure it isn't overexposing... so as soon as you hit exposure compensation, the camera is readjusting exposure so there is no clipping... so naturally the zebras would disappear?
  2. What's nice about the shot with the older couple eating dinner is that with an on camera LED, it seems, you could easily up their exposure while still exposing for the sky... with some clean shadows too.
  3. Idk, maybe I'm just bored today because I have no intent to buy a GH5, but I find these AF arguments to be kinda strange? Of course contrast based AF isn't going to be the best AF available... so why the discontent? The GH5 is an epic camera with insane features, for the cost, but AF just isn't one of those features it excels at. If you're looking for a solid get up and go AF starting point in manual mode... sure it works great, but it isn't DPAF or even PDAF... there are other cameras better suited for that if it's a major concern of yours. Now as insane as the features already are, I can't wait to see the footage after the promised firmware updates happen... if you guys are still arguing about AF at that point, then maybe you should go and buy a Canon.
  4. You may want to check out the a5100 instead. It's a little cheaper, plus it has touch screen PDAF with native lenses.
  5. Nice work like usual Matt. In the end, no matter what camera you use, I'm always engaged by your stories and characters. The a6000 was probably a good choice though, solid 1080 in 24p and 60p. Do you like it more than the BMPCC? Why the a6000 over the GH2? Any plans for another feature?
  6. Sounds awesome. I just bought a 5D3, but if I had an extra $2000 lying around, I'd probably save $500 more and get the LS300 instead of a GH5.
  7. Idk, I really liked that camera. Still wish I could have justified keeping it, but it was losing its value way too quickly for me for my wallet. I would set Zebras at 70, shoot in cLog and never had any issues. I did miss shallow depth of field and hated the focus ring, but man did I enjoy the images. Ben's short time with the camera, resulted in some of the nicest footage I've seen from it, so much so I borrowed the "film burns" idea from one of his first XC10 videos in my recent 5D3 Raw test video. Anybody who says the camera is horrible never used one. When it's exposed properly and not pushed too far in post, the camera is as cinematic as they come, with beautiful color. If I was a wealthier man, I would still own it. If they ever go below a grand on the used market, I'll buy another one.
  8. Idk, this was a pretty big story last year and I don't think we ever found out the whole truth and I would not be surprised in the least if he still lurks around here... maybe it's you Jon... lol jk, but it was a great drama for the dog days of summer.
  9. Thanks, good to know I don't have to reformat every single time. I'm so used to doing that I just assumed it was necessary.
  10. Even the SD card that holds the ML files? On the ML site it says to format in camera first and then transfer the ML files onto the card and then update firmware.
  11. Ok, now that I've updated to Sierra, I have been able to format the card as ExFat and for some reason all of the glitches in the clips are gone... except for an occasional singular loud beep that appears in the audio. I remember my old eos-m occasionally did it too. Question about formatting exfat though... I read that it works best if you reformat in camera first and then reformat as ExFat in the computer... is that true? How do you use fine tuning to get an exact 180 degree shutter? The best I can get is 172 degrees at 1/50. Also, when I set FPS to exact in FPS override, it causes my liveview to stutter and not show real time preview? Nevermind... I figured it all out... having brain fart moments. For some reason since it reads "(from 24)" I thought you had to subtract from 24 to get to 23.976... duh. I vaguely remember having to do that with the 50D... but that camera was a different ML experience since it "never" had video on the released model. Anyway, I'm good now, thanks for your help.
  12. Thanks! I have the camera and the low hanging sun to thank for that. Even with the hiccups, the 5D3 is the smartest camera purchase I've ever made.
  13. Well, it only stopped recording once with the recording limit warning asking me if my card is formatted as ExFat. Can using a card not formatted as ExFat cause any other issue other than recording length? I'm using the March 30th builds. I just noticed the issues. I was planning on doing more research tomorrow, just thought it might be a common issue. The only thing I can think of is, even though I could not format the card as ExFat, I did erase the files on my computer with my previous tests... whereas with this test I reformatted in camera.
  14. I will say I had a few issues with the files from this test. There were some black flashes in some of the video files and the audio went in and out. I am hoping it's the exfat issue. I updated my computer to Sierra and I think I may put ML on a different SD card as well. I'll also probably keep a spare SD card with the ML files on it in my camera bag, just in case something goes haywire in the field. I edited around it for the test but a lot of great clips were ruined. I also had audio go in and out and a high pitch beep appear in some of the shots as well? Has anyone else experienced any of this? Could it be a setting problem or the fact that I haven't been able to format my cards as ExFat in ElCapitan? I am so happy with the footage I've been getting that I really need to figure this out.
  15. Are you sure it wasn't all of the times I shared every failed color test from my Samsung NX500?
  16. Thanks but that's not 3K Raw. Just 1080p. I haven't tested the 3K Raw yet... YET! I did shoot a test for my short next week, but also on 1080p and with my new Canon 24-70mm f/4 lens. I'll send you the link in a PM because I don't want to keep bogging down this thread with regular ML Raw.
  17. Nikon needs to source their sensors from someone other than Sony or start producing their own.
  18. Hey Marty, here's another grab from 1080p 5D3 Raw with the Tokina 24-40mm... Sorry to the rest for the OT but I also kinda wanted to bump this thread... I need me some 4K ML Raw...
  19. I think there's supposed to be entertainment in the mundanity of his life.
  20. I agree, the colors are noticeably better with his older videos. I even noticed a little Jersey Shore spray tan skin tone with the GH5 video. But also I think his life looks more interesting through a Canon lens and Canon camera. It's grittier, more suited to his style. When he throws around these other cameras, like he did his 70D, he may just switch back.
  21. He gets paid in views and links. Since a lot of his subscribers ask him about cameras, why not talk about them... more views. If the hot new camera is up for sale... why not use it once and link to it in your video. He may have moved to 4K because YouTube is pushing for more 4K content, or his subscribers are asking..: why not 4K. But as I said earlier, he has a link in this video, supposedly shot with the GH5, to every camera, drone, and support he has ever used... I don't blame him one bit, if I had his type of talent and my family ate from the YouTube and Amazon dinner menu, I'd do the same exact thing.
  22. Honestly, Magic Lantern may have actually had a part in hindering Canon's tech development. Which in turn may have affected Nikon's development as well... if the theory is true that Nikon and Canon only use each other as metrics. Not that it really matters at this point, but it makes you wonder... if ML didn't hack the 5D to include Raw video, what the sales of their cameras would be. Obviously as I, and others, said in the D7500 thread, video is an incremental figure in their overall sales, but it still is a figure used to project sales. If their sales dropped even 5-10% from the 5D2 to the 5D3, the bean counters may have researched why the loss in sales and allocated more funds to video R&D.
  23. Yup, I did it last week. Simple. You get a link to the older firmware from the Magic Lantern site and then just use EOS Utility to search for the file on your computer.
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