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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Here's another D500 video. The D7500 4K video should be similar.
  2. He is smart though... might as well use the newest, most in demand cameras and link to them in your vlogs... KA CHING... shit he's linking to cameras he didn't even use in that video... cover all the effin bases...
  3. In the description, Neistat links to 5 or 6 different cameras... only one of which was the GH5... The video looks pretty okay though.
  4. Always loved that video. Probably my favorite XC10 video.
  5. The crop is the same as the GH4 with native lenses and less than the NX500. Most audiences rarely say after watching a movie... man I wish the crop factor was smaller. With faster lenses like the Tokina 14-20mm f2, you are basically at 28-40mm. The 1080p looks great... I'd agree $1000 would be a better price point and when it gets below that, I'll probably buy it.
  6. I predict this will be a huge success for Nikon. The photo features are great... and I'm unsure how many times people on this forum needs to be reminded that we are the minority customers of these cameras. And spec vs spec, sure the NX1 and NX500 wins, but why is it I still prefer the Nikon image to the Samsung? I mean, minus AF points, for $750 less, you're getting a mini D500, which was reviewed as the best camera of 2016.
  7. Definitely good news. I had a Pentax SLR years ago and although I only used it for snapshots, I loved the utilitarian design of it. I also owned a Q7 for a while and that little camera was a blast to go out and shoot with some old D-Mount lenses. It even had peaking. But it also has the worst rolling shutter I've ever seen. With Ricoh's background with Super 8, I've always hoped they would get more involved with video.
  8. I think an XC20 with an EF-M mount would be a killer of a cam. I would also love for some of these Mark IV rumors to be true and implemented into the XC20. It already has great 1080p, but some nice 3K recorded to SD cards or CF cards would be a warm welcome as well.
  9. All I know is... my D5500's video looks more cinematic at 1080p than the G7 looks at 4K. The LX100 and it's 12MP sensor has more mojo than the G7 at 16MP. Now I'm not picking on the G7 or Panasonic or anyone else, but when a conversation arises about good, clean 1080p, the D5500 and the D750 always gets mentioned. And who cares about MPs? 21 MPs are more than enough. I am excited for the D7500. The 4K video I've seen from the D500 looks great. The 1080p I've seen from the D500 with it's IS looks great. @jhnkng recently posted a video from the D500... I thought it was shot in 4K but it was actually shot in 1080p. Yeah the crop could be better, but it's basically the same as the GH4 and IMO, the D500 has better 4K than the GH4. But I do wish it had peaking. In the end, the cream rises to the top. And any camera from Panasonic, Sony, Canon or Nikon, etc... can be used to make a fine film. A couple months ago, I told a story about how I was at the movie theatre over the holidays and the projector went haywire and the menu showed on the screen during the trailers. All of the trailers were being projected at 720p. Last week I worked a trade show and on their theatre sized screen, the video was being displayed at 720p video and it looked amazing. So we should probably stop worrying about this spec and that spec and instead work on making better films.
  10. Well, it does have zebras, but the D7200 had them as well, so there's no reason why the D7500 wouldn't have it either. I will definitely buy this camera next year after the price drop... maybe during a Christmas sale.
  11. Holy Shit, that looks good. Loved the swing set shots!
  12. Yup, I could not be happier. Of course, nature was on my side with this one.
  13. Thanks Kaylee, I appreciate your stone cold approval.
  14. Thank Marty! I shot all of that with no crop, wide open, with ND, except for the last shot. I closed the lens down to 5.6 but still used the ND. That Tokina lens seriously is one of my favorite lenses, but it is perfect on aps-c not as perfect on FF. I don't really have any 5D3 shots with that lens on my phone but I'll send you a link of that lens on my old NX500. I may have a couple shots of it on my D5500. I'll check. I love Panasonic cameras but this was probably my favorite camera purchase. I just love that thick, Raw look. But I am still looking for a pocket camera, so I may end up buying an LX100 this summer. That little camera definitely has some mojo. Thanks hijodeibn. After only a couple days with the 5D3 I couldn't be happier. From a new user standpoint, I can only imagine what 4K Raw will look like. And as soon as I am done these couple shorts I have in the works, I am hell bent on finding out.
  15. Thanks but no, the music is a piece called Anxiety by Kevin McCleod and the wind sound is generic "Cave Wind" sound from FCPX. Yeah I agree, but people have different tastes so I wanted them to see a more saturated version too. I just recently started saturating/desaturating my lows/mids/highs separately to help control which range of colors pop, but since this was just a test I did it quickly. Thanks Nikkor, I used the Nikkor 35mm f/2... isn't that one of your more recent purchases? Great lens on FF!!! I took some shots, which aren't in that video, with my favorite manual zoom, the Tokina 24-40mm f/2.8. And although I love that lens on aps-c, on FF it's meh. Crazy to finally see the difference FF sensor size has on lenses.
  16. I tend to like more muted colors, but for the people who prefer some saturation, here is one of my first versions of the video with more saturation. On my computer and phone this looks decent, but on my TV it is nuclear... so YMMV...
  17. Sorry for a slight off topic, but bear with me. As some may have read, I recently purchased a 5D3 to shoot ML Raw. I am nowhere near proficient enough with it to start testing the new 4K builds, but I am enjoying the camera immensely and since the new ML achievements may see an increase of 5D3 sales, I thought I would share my very first ML test video, so newcomers, like me, can see what they can expect if they decide to shoot Raw on the 5D3. This video was shot in 2:35, so it is technically not even Full HD at 1920x810. I also processed the files with the most basic conversion using ML Raw Viewer. They were transferred to ProRes as Log-C. I then brought the files into FCPX for a cut, color and render to Vimeo. I have found that the 16bit color is insane and I had to re upload the video a couple times because it was so saturated with a gradient of colors just not possible with the 8bit cameras I've been used to. Anyway, here it is... As most probably know, I am not the greatest colorist, I am practicing but it does not come naturally to me, so I am sure some of you guys would do a much better job correcting/grading this footage. Also, I really wish all TVs, computers and phones were standardized and the saturation couldn't be changed... but oh well, we do our best.
  18. I think Andrew said he is getting his 5D3 back tomorrow, so you may just get your wish. Also, I decided to process some of the clips through MLRawViewer and even though it took forever, I processed them as Arri Log-C and with a simple Arri LUT it looked great.
  19. Looks nice. What I like about the footage I have seen from it is that although there is definite canon color mojo there, it also has a hint of Alexa to it. Only because I was stupid and forgot to set the CF card as the recording card, so the raw was being recorded to the sd card instead... constant frame drops. Once I got my head out of my ass, it's been smooth sailing. No issues whatsoever. Also when I was shooting with the 50D, I would get max between 65MB and 70MB but usually closer to 60MB. With the M3, I'm easily getter in the 90s.
  20. Thanks. Not horrible for a first attempt. Do you mean how many minutes of raw can I get on a cf card? Or do you mean how long will it continuously record? If you mean the former, on a 64GB card I think you get around 12 minutes. If you mean the latter... then continuous... And I am using a Lexar 1066 160MB card.
  21. So far, soo awesome. Sure there's a learning curve, but it really is no big deal once you get used to the workflow. Here's a screengrab from my very first shot with it...
  22. Downgrading firmware to 1.1.3 as I type... Seriously, this is probably the most excited I've been for a camera since I bought my first DSLR back in 2011. I guess in a way it's fitting they're both Canons. I can't wait to feel proficient enough to test the 3K/4K Raw.
  23. So is this something you can utilize for your feature? If so, how will you handle synching your audio without the sound... I guess just visual cues from a slate... or does ML have a timecode feature?
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