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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Idk, what I believe or don't believe is personal to me. But to come onto someone's post and tell them to ditch their beliefs, on their video is... kinda shitty. Just sayin'...
  2. I actually don't have a choice but to shoot with it. The only other camera I own now is the D5500. And although I love the image out of that camera... I'm not going to shoot a short on it when I have a Raw capable camera lying about. I'll just make sure I have 4 or 5 batteries, 3 or 4 64GB cards and my MacBook Air with me to offload the files if needed. It's only going to be a 3-5 minute, mostly silent, short. So I am preparing it in such a way that I am shooting a 3:1 shot ratio.
  3. Thanks man. I've shot Raw on the 50D and installation seemed pretty straightforward, but with the 5D3 it seems a bit more complicated... i.e. Setting disk boot flag, downgrading firmware, etc... Anyway, I'll read up on it, thanks again.
  4. Jim, seriously thanks a bunch for taking the time!!!
  5. So, I know it's still early and a1ex seems to be making strides as the hours pass, but do you guys think there is value with this new breakthrough in a real production? At first thought, I like the 60p 1080p and also using the 3K for wide establishing shots... if you have a wide enough lens. Anything else I'm missing? Also, my 5D3 is being delivered tomorrow, obviously I'm not going to mess with this update for a while, but to the regular ML users, do you have any links that will help get me started... am shooting a short film with it in 2 weeks, so I have a steep learning curve ahead of me. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the OT.
  6. Looks great, Jim. Very promising. I am more and more convinced I made the right choice getting a Mark iii.
  7. Hey Panny, I still have the 50D but I just listed it on eBay. I never got the BMPCC. Well I bought one but it wasn't as described. I won't inundate the forums with my boring test footage... well maybe a screengrab or two, I can't go completely cold turkey. But when I get some pieces finished, I'll be sure to post them.
  8. I remember that set up from the XC10 tests... I must say it looks a lot better in 4k Raw.
  9. It really does look amazing. This new feature will be great for establishing shots and maybe even drone footage while the traditional MLVs can be used for the meat and potatoes of a film. Great idea, if only Canon were as forward thinking. I don't think I disagreed with you.
  10. Will do fuzzy. I have a window of time before I have to sell off a lot of stuff and I decided I want to go out with a bang. It started when I saw that video I linked to a few pages ago and then I found Luke Neumann's old 5D3 raw videos that showcased similar locations as his recent GH5 videos and to be honest, imo, there was no contest. The 5D3 ML Raw videos look like they could have been projected on a big screen. It was an easy choice after that.
  11. Damn Jim, that looks amazing, effing epic. Damn, why did you sell your 5D3? That Tokyo footage you shot is some of the nicest 5D3 footage I've seen and it put the camera on my radar.
  12. I was buying one anyway, now this is just gravy that will fulfill those days when I feel like messing around with 4K Raw... just the fact that we can shoot 4K Raw on a $2000 or less camera is nuts. I will use mine for micro shorts, 3-5 minutes long. So I am not too worried about storage space and any other hiccups that may occur. The projects are already small enough and I am pretty much a one man band filmmaker, so I won't have the costs more professional productions would accrue. But even still, I will treat 5D3 Raw like we used to treat shooting 16mm short ends... basically a 3:1, 4:1 shot ratio with a completely planned, story boarded script. Hopefully it will make me a more considerate filmmaker in the end and story, composition and lighting will be bigger concerns.
  13. Just ordered mine. I was excited for just old school 1.13, 1.23 version... now this will be mind boggling.
  14. I went searching for your 5D3 ML guide but saw it was out of "print," is there any chance of an updated version in the near future?
  15. I have the RMC 17mm f/3.5. Like most older Tokina lenses, it is soft and dreamy wide open, could be perfect for 3K. http://www.vintagelensesforvideo.com/tokina-rmc-17mm/ I have been reading the post, but I am new to ML so bear with me... • You are getting continuous recording in 2:39 @ 3072x1286? • This is in crop mode with a total crop of 1.87x? • This is in color preview with proper framing? • You're recording 24p but LiveView only shows a 7.5fps refresh rate? • Have you tested any 48p or 60p and if so, 1920x960 is the highest resolution possible? Thanks in advance for any clarification you can offer.
  16. Yup, 4K Raw is awesome. Will definitely shoot some silent landscape shots with it at infinity focus, but the 1080p 48p and 60p Raw is the exciting part for me.
  17. So you're getting almost 3K in liveview and not crop mode? Any sound, or is it MLV Lite? Any samples? Never mind, I just read a1ex's update.
  18. They don't have as many coders working on it as they used to. If it's possible, I'm sure A1EX will do it, but it could be a couple years before it's ready.
  19. Oh I was getting one before this update was announced. Hope to have it in a week's time.
  20. Is the 1080p 10bit? Because even at 8bit, the LS300 has beautiful 1080p.
  21. Honestly Jase, once again great job. I think you are the Panasonic master... continuously great colors... they should make you one of their ambassadors... I wonder what you could do with the GH5... and so far... I think it needs your help.
  22. I meant with the 1.13 or 1.23 ML version, not this update. I first found out about Hunter's LUT from this video... That video was actually the reason I decided to go 5D3 instead of GH5. And this is the video that was referenced in the description of the above video... It seems it's just a LUT specifically designed to get closer to an Alexa look and highlight rolloff. It seems the implementation of the LUT is just like a Resolve-ProRes4444 workflow. But he claims little if any color correction or grading is needed after the LUT. He also says he finds better shadow/highlight rolloff when exposing to the center or slightly to the left with -1 stop. He admits it's not great for shadow noise, so it cannot work in every shooting scenario but his tests show better skin tones and saturation with this method.
  23. Honestly, Mattias' LS300 footage is better than anything I have seen from the GH5. With this update, this camera is epic. I don't love the form factor and I have no intention of buying one, but it really is unmatched at this price point.
  24. This is pretty amazing, am looking forward to future developments. After doing my research and watching a ton of videos... I really don't know why I would ever want to shoot on something else. The image is too undeniable. With Hunter's Alexa LUT, there is also some beautiful highlight and shadow rolloff. And with the different LOG conversions... you use CineLOG, correct? Ther are so many options for post workflows. Do you know the max continuous resolution and frame rate when shooting in 2:35?
  25. Yeah I had the GX85. I liked it but you won't find a better lens than the Leica on the LX100 and after watching a ton of videos, I have seen some great skin tones with the LX100... that camera has some mojo. Sorry for the OT.
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