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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Really, some of the nicest Panasonic footage I've ever seen has come from the LX100. I am thinking about picking one up as a grab and go family Pocket cam now that you can get one so cheap.
  2. Yeah, this is the camera that just keeps on giving.
  3. Omg, this is so ridiculous. Don't regret your purchases guys. The GH5 has amazing auto focus...
  4. Why can't some people want AF while others don't? Why can't some people be excited for a cinema 5DIV and not excited for a GH5? And vice versa? If this is true, which is doubtful at this point, but if the rumor is true, Panasonic and their GH5 may have awoken a sleeping giant.
  5. Thanks. I thought I was going crazy.
  6. I just went searching for the C100iii rumor I referenced but I cannot find it. So even though I am positive I read it somewhere, I cannot find a link to it, so disregard it. Sorry.
  7. There's actually been talks about a Canon FF mirrorless camera for a while now, this tech could be in that future camera and they are adding it the Mark IV to appease their current customers. Who knows... or it's all fabricated... but it's interesting fodder for us folks that aren't all in with the GH5. I think this could be the answer to the puzzle. The 5D IV and the 5DC will essentially be the same camera once updated. A couple weeks ago I read that Canon is releasing a "C100iii" but it won't be the same camera as previous incarnations. Put these two rumors together and we may be onto something.
  8. And finally, I really like this 3K rumor... I hope it's true and I hope it trickles down to the eos-m line and to the 90D.
  9. There's this old theory that states that Canon and Nikon only care about each other as competitors. It may have been true when DSLRs were the only game in town, but I can assure you Canon and Nikon, even with their video hiccups, know what they are doing and in the end, the bottom line is all that matters to them. They care about market share and if Canon can gain some video market share out from under Panasonic, which should have a very good year with the GH5, and keep their current share, they will do it, they have the tech and the resources. And an update like this will probably make them succeed on both fronts.
  10. I think Canon underestimated how many of their Mark iii sales were in direct relation to Magic Lantern. Without an ML hack and poor video options in the Mark IV, the sales probably haven't been as good as they projected. Conservative company or not, they still have share holders to answer to. If this rumor didn't include the heat sink part, I wouldn't believe it, with the new heat sink I believe that a lot of it could be true. Also a lot of folks are hammering Canon for not releasing a 1DCii, which I don't think they have plans for... the new 5D Mark IV will be that DSLR Cinema Camera that a lot of shooters want. Is it definitely true... IDK. If it is... it will probably be announced at NAB... Maybe...
  11. Good to know, thanks Squig. I should have my Mark iii next week and then am planning on shooting a short 2 weeks later, so I have a steep learning curve I have to learn quick.
  12. Wow, looks great... what are those images from?
  13. Since you don't have to worry about WB with Raw and Canon has pretty good AWB, is that what you guys use with it? Or do you use 4400 as a happy medium? Or try to nail it anyway?
  14. I've seen some pretty cool 70D ML Raw videos.... even in 720p. Since the 80D has a faster buffer, it could be an epic little cam with its DPAF and ML Raw.
  15. Does it look like they will be able to crack the 80D? I didn't know they were working on it.
  16. That's good to know. I was all set to preorder the GH5 and then I saw this video from the Mark III... I hadn't seen one video from the GH5 that looked near as good. I shot some ML Raw last fall on the 50D and loved it, but it did have a few issues... no sound being one of them... but that ML Raw image is undeniable.
  17. Squig, have you encountered any major issues using the 5d Mark III and ML Raw on your feature?
  18. Pretty impressive IBIS and man is that shooter a fast runner... But I think that video would have looked the same way if it was shot with a $300 Panasonic camcorder.
  19. Hey Turbo, just looked at your Vimeo page... are you from Philly? I live in South Jersey, about 15 min across the Ben Franklin.
  20. Nah, not that at all. There are just some truths in life... The Godfather is one of the best films ever made, Pizza is good, The Beatles are the best band ever, and Kholi's GH5 footage is the best GH5 footage posted thus far. Even if it isn't your cup of tea, you should be able to recognize these simple truths.
  21. There are different tastes and that's why a lot of this is subjective. Some people like the realistic video look. I tend to like a more "cinematic" look, but I don't think this is subjective... that is the nicest looking GH5 footage I have seen and if you don't like it, you may just be better off with a G85, because 10bit VLog will not add anything for you.
  22. At the risk of sounding like a total dick here and I of all people have no right to, but I just don't get some people on this forum. I know most things are subjective, but that Kholi footage is probably the nicest GH5 footage I have seen and people complain about it?! WTF?!
  23. Yeah the Fuji looks nice. If you don't mind Nikon the D500 is a good hybrid as well... heavy 4K crop though, but their Flat Profile is similar to CLog in some ways.
  24. Thanks, I've been checking Nikon rumors everyday since the 7300 rumor but haven't gotten to it yet today. Like I said, I am waiting until NAB to make a decision anyway... time to write and liquidate some gear.
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