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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Good news... the announcement, not the lack of shooting. What's happening at the end of April in Peking?
  2. Yeah that was originally my plan, but the 7300 was rumored to be announced in March and since the original rumor, there has been nothing but crickets. The first short I'm shooting in April, I can just shoot with the D5500, but after that one, I need something more. And right now, the top of the list is the Mark iii. Either way, I will wait until NAB to buy anything. Have you shot any ML Raw on that eos-m you picked up last year?
  3. I think it must be a dumb question because I was just curious how much cropping off the top and bottom of a 16:9 full frame with 2:35 letter boxed would affect the FOV of my full frame lenses... I realize I wouldn't lose anything in the horizontal FOV but the vertical FOV is cut off... so my Nikkor 28mm cannot be a true 28mm FOV any longer... correct? But like Andrew said, I have to think ratio rather than crop factor. I have some time this spring, summer and fall to make some micro shorts. After testing a half dozen cameras over the past six months, I realize I need to get away from consumer 8 bit. After 2 bad BMPCCs (one was a unit, one was a sale) I've decided that BM cams aren't for me either. The only 8 bit camera's IQ I like are Nikon's but I don't want to spend so much money on old tech for an 8 bit camera that is kind of a pain in the ass to shoot with... so that leaves me with the GH5 and the Mark III with ML Raw. The GH5 is the easy route with lots of tech, but after watching a ton of videos, from both cameras, I haven't seen a GH5 video that looks anywhere near as good as this... So since I've never shot full frame, I was just curious how my Nikkor lenses would look FF when letterboxed. Anyway, thanks Zak!
  4. To be fair that woman does have red hair, so her accurate skin tone is probably pasty white or a little rosy... so pink is not the worst choice there.
  5. But there's no stupid questions right... just stupid answers?
  6. I think most videos look more cinematic letterboxed and I need every bit of help I can get.
  7. Well, that's an interesting answer. And now I'm even more confused. Damn you.
  8. Really? Your beach piano video is one of the nicest C100 videos I've seen. Are you getting out of video production entirely?
  9. I wonder if Panasonic's own V-Log LUTS will work better than 3rd Party LUTS as they are designed specifically for V-Log? This will be an interesting ride as more and more footage gets uploaded. Please guys share any tests worthy of sharing... even if it shows something bad about the GH5.
  10. Yeah I really think you should give it another pass yourself... I really liked it. I am more than happy to discuss it with you if you want to get more detailed without spoiling the ending... just PM me.
  11. Yes, that's exactly what I am asking, thanks for the interpretation. Basically I have a credit at BH and with the credit I plan on buying a camera that will solely be used for narrative filmmaking for the next year or two. As of now, I am torn between 3 possible choices... the GH5 for all of its features and the 4K 60p. The not yet released or announced Nikon D7300 because it's supposed to have 4K and maybe some other features. And finally I am thinking it may be smart to just go with 5D Mark iii and shoot ML Raw. I have not seen any footage from the GH5 or other camera in its price range that is remotely as good. But since I have never shot full frame, I am curious how my Nikkors will look on it when cropped to 2:35. Thanks
  12. I am just curious what the lens crop is when you crop full frame 16:9 to 2:35 letterboxed.
  13. I mean, if I use a full frame 28mm lens on an APS-C (Super 35mm) camera it will give a FOV of a 42mm... give or take. So if I use a full frame 28mm lens on a full frame camera and then crop the 16:9 frame to 2:35 will that give me closer to a Super 35mm lens field of view? The vertical/horizontal difference between full frame and super 35mm brings up another question... if full frame is square 4:3, then when we discuss full frame video, it no longer coincides with "actual" full frame because the 16:9 video is technically no longer the shape of 35mm still film... correct? I'm probably over thinking this... Lol.
  14. Being interested mainly in narrative filmmaking, I obviously love the Super 35mm aesthetic. Growing up watching letterboxed movies, I also have a soft spot for 2:35 letterboxed. So my question is, if I were to shoot in full frame and then letterbox the 16:9 image to 2:35, does that give me a field of view closer to that of Super 35mm or is it exactly that?
  15. Honestly, I have to agree with Webrunner... I wouldn't change much of this at all. I guess a better audio mix and a little tighter here or there, but all in all it's a very good short that should have been entered in horror festivals a couple years ago. The end twist is simple yet effective, but I am left wondering if there is any meta fiction in the short. Since you had Ida Stein as the director, is there any real life truth to that or is just part of the story? Or are you the female lead of The Lake House as well? There were also some nice simple choices that made the short feel more realistic. For instance, by having your female lead in her underwear was a nice touch. Horror is an experience that prays on the visceral side of the human condition. The audience needs to feel many emotions to truly feel the horror of the film and fear is not the only one. But anyway, really cool work and I really don't think you need anybody's help here, it just needs another pass on the cut and better sound... since you said you have those files, then you should be golden! Also, in the end as a filmmaker, this has inspired me to take a simple idea and make a film. And I thank you for that. Too often am I bogged down by production and gear that I forget a nice image from a simple camera is more than enough to tell a good story!!! Oh yeah... one more thing... one edit I would make is when Ida struggles to get away from her attacker and we see his mustached face, I instantly became less fearful of him than I did before I saw 70s porn killer. IMO. Sorry one more thing. I watched this on my phone, so I am basing any visual quality off of my iPhone screen... and I loved the look of it. It reminded me of Ty West's, "The House of the Devil."
  16. I have been really excited about this camera but have been keeping a lot of my feelings about it to myself. I have gone so far as to downplay it in my mind until more footage is out and about. But the specs are undeniable at this price point. I was going to do a late preorder, but if the wait is until May, I may just wait... then again this damn camera may not be in stock anywhere until the Fall. I remember the XT2 was out of stock everywhere for months and the GH5 must be in higher demand. Man can I talk myself in and out of things in mere seconds... I am effing Sybil over here with the GH5. Obviously everybody is psyched about VLog but I would love to hear how the CineLike profiles work with the 10bit 4:22... I think there may be some mojo with CineLikeD and 10bit 4:22... if you get a chance.
  17. So far, so good. Eagerly, yet patiently, awaiting some footage and updates.
  18. Yeah, it's pretty crazy to see how popular Canon still is with the crowd of filmmakers that spend their time making movies instead of talking specs. Between this article and @jhnkng recent video with the D500, I am really confused again... UGH...
  19. Yeah that scenario is definitely a better use of the CAF... it looked good. I am seriously considering the GH5 and have almost preordered it a half a dozen times over the past week, but I have been too flippant the past 6 months with my camera purchases, and since my next purchase will be with me for at least the next year or two, I need to be very convinced. I have seen some nice footage from great shooters, now I am hoping to see some good footage from average shooters.... because honestly that's where my skill set lies.
  20. Sorry I spoke too soon, I was originally referring to the walking down the street section. I've used enough Panasonic cameras and have seen enough from the GH5 to know that their contrast based AF is only capable of so much and we probably shouldn't expect miracles here. Btw, my point wasn't to question the artistic merit of the shooter, my point was that I don't think the AF looks that good, nor does the out of camera video quality at 4K 60p... of course there could be plenty of reasons not related to the camera for that.
  21. Great tips, John. Do you know if the 1080p is an internal downscale of the 4K? The camera labs review of the D500 hinted at that but the statement was part of a half of a sentence, so it wasn't a hundred percent clear.
  22. I think it just looks smoother because the lens is at infinity and it was shot at 60p. In the flower shots, I think it's just the 60p because you can still see the weirdness in the OOF areas. I hope better footage pops up because, no offense to the creator and I am sure they are just tinkering with settings, but there was nothing I found remotely nice about that video.
  23. If this rumor is true, one can only assume Canon has underestimated the amount of video users that purchased the 5diii for video only and they aren't selling nearly as many Mark IVs as they projected. And if this is the case, I would not be surprised if they also include 4K 60p in a future update as well. Now the 1DXii is a different beast altogether, a pro photographers tool that has been on the market for over a year now. I would expect a 1DCii, at a comparable price, before I would expect a c-log update for the 1DXii.
  24. Haha, nah I may be interested in the D7300 when it gets released.
  25. D7200 or D5500 if you don't need the 4K.
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