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Everything posted by mercer

  1. That was just 1080p? Did you use the Flat Profile? If so, did you bump up sharpness in camera, or in post? Did you use the DIS? Sorry for all the questions, just really impressive IQ, figured it was resolution. I can only imagine what the 4K would look like. And yeah I feel the same way the more I work with my humble D5500, there is just something about that Nikon image. Also I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the most important aspect of the work... the story is interesting and well told. I didn't know there was a Harley culture in Japan. And Seven's reaction at the very end was priceless. Good work!
  2. Was this D500 4K? It looks stunning.
  3. When did you get the a6500? And how do you like it?
  4. jcs, you are one of the most interesting m&fers I've ever "met." Lots of knowledge... some of it is a little out there but your intentions seem pure... fight the good fight my man.
  5. To be fair, Amook... you chastise Andrew for writing a rare political rant on his blog and you are fed up by it, yet you go out of your way to write a post about how you disapprove of his rant... which is in essence a political rant of your own?
  6. I don't know... no offense to anyone's opinion, we're all entitled to them, but who gives a shit what Andrew's political opinions are? Or mine? Or yours? Or anyone's? Arent you the member who used to own an XC10 and D750... and if my memory serves me, you recently bought an F3? If this is you, you have posted some good work, focus on that and ignore the rest... or don't and let some random guy from the internet, who you obviously disagree with dictate your time spent on a video site... I mean, I disagree with almost every dipshit, crackpot political theory I read on this site... from both sides of the aisle... it doesn't mean I cannot learn from their video experiences... But whatever...
  7. I don't know, maybe with a Metabones T Smart Adapter, but I was referring to the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 Contemporary lens for micro 4/3, not he Art lens for EF.
  8. The 6500 with the Sigma 30mm 1.4 would work nice.
  9. That would be a cool feature. I wonder how well the Sigma 30mm 1.4 will focus with the feature. You can have some pretty shallow shots wide open if the focus pull works with 3rd Party AF lenses.
  10. I know there's an electronic adapter to m4/3 but that's about the extent of my knowledge...
  11. Didn't someone, either Panasonic or Olympus, make an f2-2.8 12-45mm Four Thirds lens years ago? I know Four Thirds lenses are bigger, as was the cameras they mounted to, but I remember seeing a few really nice videos shot with it. You'd think they'd replicate it?
  12. Oh yeah, I know what he's saying and he isn't wrong. If I do end up with a GH5, my Nikkors will be waiting, but for convenience it is nice to have a native lens or two... one of my favorite Panny features is their awesome touch af while in manual mode. For run and gun it is a great feature... I guess I'll be looking at the 20mm if I go that route.
  13. Honestly I just don't understand why someone doesn't make a fast zoom for micro 4/3rds? Is it size? I used the 12-35mm once and actually liked it... wish it had hard stops, but the focus ring was at least tolerable. If Panasonic or Sigma or Tokina came out with 12-35mm f2 lens or a 12-24mm f2 lens, it would make me want a GH5 even more... right now I can only think about primes and I can only afford a used 25mm Voigtlander... of course... with that lens... what more do you need?
  14. Andrew, this is excellent. Everything was beautifully shot and edited. The sound was excellent. What did the guy on the park bench say at the end when he took off his sunglasses? Since you opened with a voice it may be cool to end with his voice... if he said anything interesting it could be a nice cap to the piece. Either way, great work!!!
  15. We have talked about your short numerous times and I think I had some of the same theories as Juxx. I know you're not trying to change it or make it different but here's an idea anyway... if you filmed one wide shot for the end of the piece that showed you sitting next to a mirror, the whole short would come together. I know you don't like "twist" endings but in all honesty... you wrote it in a way that just begs for that twist, so why fight your own material? A good friend of mine always makes a really interesting point... he is a writer/director/editor and when he shoots his script, he calls the writer a moron... when he edits his footage he believes the director had his head up his ass.
  16. You know, for the most part I have always used AWB with Panasonic. It didn't work quite as well as with a Canon or a Nikon, but a whole lot better than it does with a Sony.
  17. You have always been an Olympus supporter, you're definitely worthy of becoming one of their ambassadors with the amount of support and praise you have thrown their way over the years. You should try attaching the ibis from a GX85... That sounds about right. I'll have to look for one of their white papers. I'd imagine that info would be on there.
  18. With the addition of the waveform, does anyone know what ire middle grey should hit at with CineLikeD or V-Log? Isn't there also a vector scope? If so, I guess there will be no excuse for bad skin tones with the GH5.
  19. If it pays the bills, then that's all that matters... it's a whole lot better than working a "regular" job. If I were even remotely skilled enough to make some extra coin shooting "low-fi stuff," I'd do it in a heartbeat. Are you getting a GH5?
  20. If I get a GH5, I will probably fall into that latter category... ? Should I apologize now? But seriously, you make excellent points. Over the past year, on this website alone, I have seen amazing footage that was shot with Canon Rebels to D5500s to GH2s to GH4s to BMPCCs to Sonys... etc... and the one thing they all had in common is that the operator knows what they're doing. Unfortunately not all of the content was great but visually they were beautiful and the ones that had great content... great stories, well obviously they were lifted to the next level. I hope with the GH5's release this week that we see beautiful footage and great stories. I am looking forward to it. I also am hoping, if there are enough early adopters, that Andrew starts a sub-forum just for GH5 footage.
  21. Right, but the 4K is long form gop, correct? Am I also correct that there is no All-I at all at launch... not even 1080 8bit 4:20? Dont get me wrong this camera is a beast at launch and I am seriously considering using my BH credit to buy one, but with the All-I in 4K and 1080p... this could be an epic camera at that price point. I am really excited to hear your first impression review, Andrew. Please post lots of updates. It doesn't start shipping from BH until the 30th, so that extra week should really shed a shit load of light on this camera!!!
  22. Yeah, I have more research to do, but it does not look like any 10bit All-I ships at launch. Kind of a bummer, but there is no reason to think it won't happen. However, I am a little concerned because originally, the 2nd firmware update was slated as Summer of 2017... now it says second half of 2017. I hope it doesn't become another VLog update that was promised and took forever to happen. But that warranty extension from 1 year to 3 years makes this a much safer purchase in my mind. So if I believe I will be interested in the GH5 in 6 months it still may make sense to pick one up now. All I know is when I had the FZ2500 a few months ago, I absolutely loved the look of the All-I 1080p at 24p... it was absolutely stunning with CineLikeD and that was 8bit 4:20... at 10 bit 4:22... it may just be better than BM's newly announced ANUS cam...
  23. I was just looking at the specs at Panasonic's website and it seems it comes with the Vlog update... I assume it's just for preview purposes, but it isn't specific.
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