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Everything posted by mercer

  1. So, like everyone else, I am definitely intrigued with the GH5. And like everyone else, the camera seems to be a lot better after the promised firmware updates. After a quick look at Panasonic's website... most of the best features are promised for a future update and most of the best promised future updates are promised for the "second half of 2017." Now unlike most people, I am mostly intrigued by the high bitrate All-I 1080p in 24p and higher frame rates. Don't get me wrong, as a hobbyist with dreams, I appreciate the 4K, but it is unnecessary for me at this point... I am much more interested in the 10 bit 4:22 1080p @ 24p and 60p. As someone who is intrigued but not sold on the GH5, could somebody please tell me if there is any high bitrate 10 bit 4:22, 1080p in All-I at 24p and 60p that ships with the camera at launch? And what is the bitrate... 200mbps at launch is what I am seeing, but I want to be sure. Thanks. The reason I ask is because Panasonic's warranty extension ends on the 31st. So, if the GH5 will end up being the beast it seems it will be, it may behoove me to preorder it before the 31st so I can get the warranty extension.
  2. If I had 3-4000 bucks, I would probably get a C100ii. It's just a nice image and it seems that the camera just gets out of your way? I imagine it is kinda small without the top handle attached?
  3. Tim, it looks great! Some of my favorite C100 footage. It amazes me how great the footage looks out of that camera, even by today's 4K standards.
  4. It's a location scout, test video... it isn't supposed to be good, but it can still be cool, and it is. Loved the shot of the lone metal chair in the middle of the room... really cool image... creepy. I really like the 1080p out of that camera... they're cheap as shit now too... a shame that 3-axis IBIS doesn't work for video... it would be a great little run and gun cam. It's so annoying Panasonic went so full force with 4K and only gave the high bitrate 1080p to their GH line of cameras.
  5. Can you repost it... would like to see that.
  6. Not one of your better reviews, Andrew... I mean... you didn't even mention if I had too adapt the lens to attach to my ANUS... and is it rectalinear?
  7. mercer


    Ehh... it's all pointless. Over the holidays, I was at the movie theatre and their projector went wonky during the previews and the menu screen appeared... they were projecting the trailers at 720p and they looked great... so if Hollywood movie trailers don't need to be projected at 4K, I highly doubt Albert's Bar Mitzvah or Elizabeth's Wedding or little Billy's 5th Birthday Party needs to be shot in 4K either. But Sony and Panasonic needs to sell those 4K TVs, so they tell us we need 4K... and that is what we get.
  8. mercer


    So you may as well shoot in 1080p if you have any blurred images... I think some people's head may implode. If we include this and FF vs APS-C vs M4/3 we very well may break the internet.
  9. I just saw an FS5 on the trade show floor and I cannot believe how tiny it is... it looks like a digital Krasnogorsk. Looks like a little workhorse.
  10. I just finished watching the first season of Taboo and I am surprised how much cinematography is going into these new shows. TV are almost exceeding movies nowadays.
  11. mercer


    That is pretty interesting, I guess motion blur with 1080p has the resolution of 16:9 SD... I get why Arri does not have a 4K camera... I mean what's the point of it all... where does the madness end? But this really makes sense to me now... since I am a fool for shallow DOF, I have always felt that consumer 4K has a very brittle feel/look to it unless I downscaled it to 1080p... but then downscaling it to 1080p I guess I have the SD resolution... SIGH... I blame James Cameron... Talk about a circle of confusion...
  12. The only wow lenses I've used or seen in M4/3 is one of the Voigtlanders, SLR Magic or even the Mitakon 25mm. The Rokinon 12mm cine is nice, but I wouldn't say it was wow... just nice and clean.
  13. mercer


    Idk, I get the theory here... but I have never heard that either... though I am not dismissing that it's true... I think it's a shrug your shoulders, oh well situation...
  14. Yeah, these are questions I am contemplating right now. Obviously one can get really good 1080p by downscaling 4K, but the image from the Pocket or Micro cam still looks better to my eyes. So is ease of use or better IQ more important in the end? I just don't know...
  15. mercer


    Idk, the problem with native lenses on micro 4/3 is they lack character. They are very sterile and perfect. This is fine if you enjoy that look. But with so much interest in the LUMIX line of cameras many videographers work ends up looking similar. However, they are very light and small which is a bonus... But the focus rings aren't that great for manual focus unless you are spending a ton of money... and some of them are more expensive than a used Zeiss Super Speed... So, that only leads you with OIS and AF as a major benefit IMO. Since AF is only really good for getting a quick initial focus, the native lenses lose another point in my opinion. And now with IBIS, the OIS becomes irrelevant as well, so I am unsure if I see much benefit in spending all of this money to invest in a plastic lens that could be broken in a year or two. Again just my opinion on a cold, Sunday afternoon. To each his own in the end.
  16. Have you filmed anything with it yet... would be cool to see a NYC through the eyes of EdDavid and an Ursa.
  17. I'm 42. In high school computer classes involved typing and running some DOS program. I think I had my first legal drink before I ever sent an email. I remember the days when I would yell at my brother to get off the phone because I was hoping some girl was going to call... she never did. Lol. Well she probably did but gave up because of the busy signal. Hell I remember when call waiting was the newest technology that I had to explain to my parents when they kept asking why the phone kept beeping at them. Lol.
  18. Nicolas. That. Was. Awesome. It had everything... good production value. Good acting. Good camera movement. Good color. And a great ending! If I had to give it one critique, I would have loved to have seen some bullets hitting the dirt or trees... Hitfilm Express... which is free... supposedly has some good effects that you could add in, but really that's just me searching for something because the rest is sooo good. You should definitely spread this across social media and in my opinion it deserves a Vimeo Staff Pick!!!
  19. That looks really cool. The Pocket is such a wicked camera and those FD lenses really sing on it. Which lenses did you use? Did you use any IR filtration? And finally, did you grade this in resolve?
  20. mercer

    Screen Grabs

    Looks awesome. Nikon should make a $2000 cinema camera... so should Arri... ? But yes, I hope the rumored D7300 has super 35mm 4k and focus peaking... I am a buyer. I just love the Flat Profile. It won't take a lot of beating, but it's teaching me to be a little more conservative... which I need.
  21. Cinema5D is sending some bad juju.
  22. mercer

    Screen Grabs

    And here's another one... If anyone wants to share any screengrabs from other cameras, or their corrected/grade versions of mine... that would be cool.
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