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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Nice color. You did a nice job getting out the pink in her skin, yet keeping the colors muted yet vibrant. I do think her jacket is a dark blue, you can tell by comparing the strap from her backpack (which is black) but I agree with your point about the greens... I like the dark hue you pulled out of it. Also, great frame to show.
  2. mercer


    That's right you shoot FF... hmm that's a tough one.
  3. mercer


    The Veydra lenses are supposed to be real nice. I think Noam Kroll may have done a comparison with the Veydra vs the Rokinon lenses... and I think the Veydra lenses won handily. I am also intrigued by the Tokina Cine 11-16mm. It's supposed to be completely parfocal and built like a tank.
  4. Messed around with a screengrab in Lightroom on my phone... pretty fun footage to tweak.
  5. mercer


    Fredrik, that is perfect and it looks great! Thanks, man!!! I watched the handheld one first and thought... yeah that's perfectly usable and then the FCPX stabilized version is as if it was shot on a tripod. It looks like I'll definitely be able to go handheld. And yeah, it's my first camera of '17. Now I just need to pick up the Pocket cam next month and I'll be done!!! Hopefully. Lol.
  6. Good to know, thanks. Do you need to have a battery in the camera for it to work? If so, have you ever experienced swelling issues? Also, is it really big... it looks kinda small and unobtrusive but I don't think Amazon has the actual dimensions.
  7. I was thinking about picking up one of those Krasnogorsk shoulder stocks for added stabilization. I have no problem using a monopod, but handheld does sound appealing. I don't use a follow focus, at most I'll use a focus lever, but usually I'll focus with my left hand underneath the lens. For that reason, I have specifically chosen lenses that have short focus throws for this reason... ai-s lenses instead of non-ai or ai, MD lenses instead of MC lenses, and my Tokina RMC 17mm and AT-X 24-40mm have short throws as well. Most of the work I'll be doing is no-budget, narrative shorts. I have a decent amount of actors available and willing to help but rather than for hire, they've agreed to be on loan, which in my circumstance equates to a few hours here and there. So to keep things simple for time and production reasons, I want to go as light as possible. Changing batteries isn't the most time consuming of issues and since I'll be shooting on average between 2 and 4 hours a day, I'll most likely go with multiple batteries. But I was looking at this... https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01EFSUK98/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=A22PRX6WI8E2K6&psc=1 But, then again, with the run and gun, guerilla nature of my projects, the smallest possible footprint will be the best. The one thing I did learn from using the 12-35mm is that the focus button, mixed with peaking, on the BMPCC is very useful and accurate. I am surprised more filmmakers aren't using it as a point and shoot cinema camera.
  8. Yeah, I am getting out of the testing every camera I can get my hands on phase. I did recently pick up a GH4 for a very specific project where I need the specs. But after that the BMPCC will be my main camera. I've already collected a camtree cage, a Metabones Nikon to BMPCC adapter and am looking at a Small Rig battery adapter that I may pick up. When I had my lemon Pocket back in October I used the Panasonic 12-35mm... It's not the most interesting of lenses, but with the OIS, I could go handheld with it. Obviously battery life is annoying, but they're cheap and with focus peaking, the LCD isn't nearly as bad as everybody makes it sound.
  9. I just bought a "new other, open box" for $799 from Samy's camera. Although I am planning on going all in with the BMPCC for future projects, my current project requires 60p and a smallish form factor. It will also be nice to have a 4K camera lying around if I ever need one.
  10. You're really banking on that GF of yours leaving...
  11. Didn't know you had the 2.5K BMCC? I have the GX85 and the IBIS is pretty astounding... so it combined with the 10 bit 1080p is the most appealing to me. But the GH5 won't be in my price range for a year or two... so a BMPCC will have to do... I am not upset in the least btw.
  12. @Zak Forsman how do you find the files compare to the BMMCC or BMPCC proresHQ?
  13. With all this talk of 4:22 10 bit footage, I dug up some of my old Micro tests and did a simple color correction and light grade in FCPX using the color board. As some may know I am not the best of colorists, but I keep practicing and this is one of those attempts. I tried a few different looks based on the footage and how much I could push it. As most know... it is unbelievable how much latitude BM footage has. Disclaimer: if you do not like boring shots with rack focusing then look away...
  14. Were these exposed to the right? Or under? The blacks and shadows look clean!!!
  15. mercer

    GH5 Prototype

    Is that internal vlog or cined?
  16. mercer

    GH5 Prototype

    Honestly I would love to see Panasonic release a 1080p only version of the GH4 with IBIS... I would pay a $1000 for it.
  17. mercer


    Seriously, thank you very much!!! My GH4 comes in at the end of the week but I get really busy with my day job, so I won't have a ton of time for lens tests... this really saves me!
  18. mercer


    If the GH5 was shipping now, I would seriously sell off a lot of lenses to buy it. I love IBIS, but by the time it ships I should be about done, so the GH4 it is. Yeah that Noam Kroll beach video is what sold me on the 200mbps 1080p. The All-I seems to handle motion just a tad better than IPB and since I am working on a crime thriller, that motion is really important. Thanks for helping me out with the test. Btw, I usually shoot handheld with the strap method (keeping it taut and my elbows pressed to my sides) If you have a strap for the test, that would be great.
  19. mercer

    GH5 Prototype

    Is it just me or does there seem to be a gap in Panasonic's camera market? It seems like they are missing a camera model in the $1200 - $1500 range. A G85 with some extra features?
  20. mercer

    GH5 Prototype

    It starts at 11am, right? ... it's about 9:30am Vegas time.
  21. mercer

    GH5 Prototype

    Yeah, I'd much rather see a tilting LCD screen instead of the articulating screen. With IBIS, the camera strap becomes vital for my shooting style and with the articulating screen, the strap creates a blind spot. I thought I had read somewhere that the IBIS failed on a GX85 and it forced the sensor into an odd, off centered position... but I can't remember where I read it.
  22. mercer

    GH5 Prototype

    Good points. Reliability is a major concern for me. I have the GX85 and the IBIS is awesome, but how much longevity does a camera with IBIS have after being used in a professional environment where it will surely take a beating? I mean, inevitably the lens will get knocked/whacked by someone walking by it, etc... so will common production occurrences affect the durability of the IBIS? And if the IBIS breaks, how will it affect internal, structural, sensor stability?
  23. mercer


    Thanks Fredrik! A test on the GH3 would be great if you have the time. For this particular project I am working on I will be using the full zoom range as it will be more about framing and composition based upon my location to the subject. I will mostly be standing still but maybe a slight drift back and forth but it depends on how well the OIS does. I really thought about the G80/85, but I find the high bitrate 1080 at 24p and 60p to be such a thick image, but specifically the slow motion of 60p and the ability to use shutter angle instead of shutter speed will really help me keep everything straight with the run and gun nature of the project. And although I will be recording double sound, I'd like to try and get some usable ambient tracks in camera and the headphone input will really help sort that out.
  24. Check out this article... and the site if you're unfamiliar with it. http://www.vintagelensesforvideo.com/lensturbo2-vs-speedbooster/
  25. I just got a great deal on a "new other, open box" GH4 from Samy's... So, I would say the price you are looking for is already there. Of course I don't care about the 4K and am only going to use it for the 200mbps All-I 24p and 60p... the constant shutter angle is a pretty awesome feature too. But if you only care or need the 4K... with the IBIS, the G85 seems to be the camera to get right about now.
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