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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Nice work, are you a director/dp? Was that footage Raw or ProRes?Gotta love the Pocket, just such a cinematic image... everytime I see something shot with it I wonder why I even bother with other cameras at this price point... even poorly shot footage looks pretty damn good.
  2. I had the RX100 V and then I returned it. I don't know if I had a bad camera but the temperature warning popped up while I was using the menu, and the thing was sooo small that navigating the buttons was a chore. But I really liked the image and trying out SLog2 for the first time. I actually enjoyed the image and features so much I ended buying the a6300... of course the 1080p doesn't seem as clean as it is on the RX100V, but as a whole it's a more enjoyable experience. Of course, I am not even sure I am going to keep the a6300, I just am interested in testing it out... but if it works as I hope it should be a nice production cam for some super short films I am writing... we shall see.
  3. It sounds like you may need some Mark iii ML Raw or a 2.5K BMCC... which are so cheap used now I am questioning why I am going to spend about the same for a new BMPCC...
  4. mercer

    Something fun to do

    JCS is probably the smartest poster on this site... his YouTube hits will pay for his kid's Ivy League education.
  5. Yeah, that is strange. Something is definitely not right. Do you have access to a Canon camera to see how it is natively mounted? You cannot change the Luma Range on the GX85 and to be honest, I'm unsure what it is natively set at. If you're looking for that feature, then you should probably go with the G80/85... which is the better deal now anyway.
  6. mercer

    How do you grain?

    I think people who shoot narratives are more interested in grain than filmmakers from other disciplines. Because sometimes I see a scene with a clean, digital image and I can't stand how sterile it looks... I want to make it as dirty and grimy as possible.
  7. Idk, I think you could obtain that look with a 5D mk iii and ML Raw.
  8. By no means am I suggesting this median approach is the best or proper way to handle white balance, but when I was setting WB at 5600 or 3200, more often than not I was adjusting down to 5000 or up to 3800 in post... respectively. By setting a median number I have found that I was able to set it and forget it. I look at it as a Kelvin AWB. YMMV.
  9. Here's another example where I used 4400 Kelvin WB with the GX85...
  10. mercer

    How do you grain?

    I have tested it with filmconvert but I recently purchased red giant renoiser and I really like the texture it added.
  11. I wouldn't do it if I was shooting under candlelight but for a generic wb, I find it better than auto in a lot of instances and it helps with mixed lighting indoors... sunlight coming through a window and a tungsten lamp. This is a long boring 120fps slog2 shot from the Rx100v where I used 4400. It's my first attempt at slog2, so don't be too harsh... Also, I don't know if anyone has used it, but Colorista IV has a "Guided Color Correction" feature and the feature turns a 5 minute correction process into 30 seconds. I highly recommend it.
  12. Lately, I've only been using Kelvin at 4400 and then adjusting accordingly in post.
  13. Beautiful work... 5D mkiii with ML Raw is pretty much unbeatable at that price range. And you really showcased how nice it can look under varying conditions. Good job!
  14. I am nowhere near this level of skill or budget, but I find this discussion very informative and with my limited knowledge of higher end equipment, it would seem the FS5 ticks most of your boxes, if not all? I have seen some beautiful colors and footage shot with it. I know a few people on the forum own one, so you may want to check the download section to see if there is any FS5 footage on there or put up a request. Good luck.
  15. I thinks it's under the gear setting, under display or LCD... but I'm going completely from memory.
  16. mercer

    Anyone Else??

    Btw, @Dustin what types of filmmaking do you do? Narrative, Documentary, Commercial/Industrial, Real Estate, Travel, Event? The reason I ask is because all of my decisions are based upon low budget... no budget narrative filmmaking and then my own personal situation and skill set (which isn't a lot) so like everybody's advice to you or others... YMMV.
  17. mercer

    Anyone Else??

    I think it depends on what your needs are. I take everything from a writing standpoint and how I envision the project. If you're writing an action film, you may just need the 120fps. I'm a cabinet maker by trade and like carpentry you need the right tool for the right job. A lot of people can make due with what they have, but the proper tool makes the job easier. This is why I have resigned myself to having 2 or 3 cheaper cameras with a couple lenses for each one... different tools for different jobs. But do I really need 2 or 3 cheaper cameras... of course not... it's just the projects I am planning require different features that not every camera in this price bracket has. So need and want is subjective.
  18. mercer

    Anyone Else??

    Yeah, that's an awesome price for that camera and it's a very capable tool. The Panny AF100 can be found pretty cheap now too... I almost bought one for $600 last month, but for only a little more you can get the a6300 and have slog2 and 3 and a temperamental 4K. Or a G85 with 4K and IBIS. I am actually pretty content with good 1080p, but 4K is a nice option to have, even if I rarely use it.
  19. mercer

    Anyone Else??

    To add, spend a few minutes on Amazon Prime under the horror category... the production value of some of these movies look like they were shot on a Flip cam and the stories are even worse... you will be hard pressed to find a story that doesn't involve "a paranormal investigation team" or "after the loss of their child... they moved to an old country farmhouse." Sometimes the two are combined. So my point being is that sometimes you don't need good production value, image quality or a good story, you just need the balls to go out and make something. It reminds me of the line from Ed Wood... when speaking to a producer about his latest film, the producer told Ed that his movie was horrible, maybe the worst he ever saw, Ed Wood went on to proudly say... "The next one's even better."
  20. mercer

    Anyone Else??

    Yup, for the money, the G7 cannot be beat. Well, I actually like the image from my D5500 moreso than from the G7, but that's irrelevant to this discussion, the point is that when using this level of equipment you're never going to get the best of everything. The $400-$1000 camera market is a confusing beast. I've been searching for the best camera, for me, in that price range, and everything is a compromise. I've settled on the idea that I want a couple cameras for different jobs, because none of them will do everything you need or want. But in the end, story is king as they say.
  21. mercer

    Anyone Else??

    Sometimes, when you shoot wide and you want to nail exposure on your subject, you decide to let the sky, or something else, run a little hot.
  22. mercer

    Anyone Else??

    Maybe a company will kickstart a 480p raw camera.
  23. Btw, I originally had the camera set to record 24p 4K, but while navigating the menus for about 5 minutes, without once pressing record, the overheat symbol popped on... lol... even the heat sinks could not handle the convoluted Sony menus.
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