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Everything posted by mercer

  1. I would go with the Nikon D750 instead of a Canon, unless you are shooting Raw, or using a 70D or 80D for the DPAF.
  2. Thanks, I really like the L-Monochrome profile. I used it with everything dialed down and the orange filter. I underexposed most of the shots by about a stop, which was probably a mistake, but it turned out okay. More tests.
  3. I have both of those cameras... But I agree that the GX85 for it's price is a great narrative tool. I am kinda glad I haven't sold it. Up to $500, I think the D5500 is really good. The XC10 is a great camera, but I think a 5d mkiii with ML (especially with current developments) is the better pick.
  4. I thought it could be fun and informational to get some thoughts about what cameras are good for narrative filmmaking at different price points. • Up to $500 • $500 - $1000 • $1000 - $1500 • $1500 - $2000 • $2000 - $3000 • $3000 - $5000 • $5000 - $10,000 • $10,000 and above... Obviously, most of us believe that a great film could be shot on a used EOS-M for a hundred bucks, if the idea and filmmaking is good, but I am curious to hear, from a technical standpoint, what everybody thinks is the best at those price points?
  5. @hyalinejim, those look great, love the first grab and the fence. I can't really put my finger on it, but the XC10 has such a cool modern, yet vintage look to it's video. Ben, someone may have asked you this already, did you use manual exposure or shutter priority for this and the other video you posted?
  6. mercer

    Film School

    I would even add that it may depend on the school you attend. In the US, you will, generally, make better connections from NYU, Columbia, Northwestern, USC, UCLA, etc... than you may get from a state school in the Midwest.
  7. Yeah that acros is gorgeous and the 4K almost has a raw quality.
  8. That's a good price for the A6500. I haven't owned a Sony since the A5100, which I liked... especially for its size. I've been slowly moving everything to Nikon and contemplating getting the D500. I've seen a few comparisons between the A6500 and the D500 and to my eyes I like the D500's 4K better, but that camera has a heavy crop as well. The GX85 is an awesome camera. I've been saying I was going to sell it since I bought it, but still hold onto it for its run and gun... ability. However I have one final test to do, if it passes I will keep it for a while to make a short with it, if it fails, I will sell it and go all in with Nikon. BTW, that 20mm is an awesome lens. You could do worse than that combo.
  9. Yeah, that is the word on the street. I haven't personally done the math but all reports confirm it is 2.2x. In that video it may be a little more because I use e-stabilizer as well.
  10. Looks pretty good. I was using the Prolost Neutral settings that were popular for Canon DSLRs... for Panasonic maybe it's Prolost Natural... But basically turn contrast, sharpening and noise reduction all the way down and then saturation half way. I did not touch the curves or iDynamic. Where did you notice a benefit with iDynamic? I also started shooting everything at 4400 Kelvin. I found it was a good all around WB number that worked better than AWB, but still gave me the leeway to correct/push either way in post without too much effort. I've posted this before, but it gives you a quick idea of my results. I colored it with FilmConvert... I have been going through a lot of my equipment and deciding what to keep and sell. Every time I think I am definitely selling the GX85, I'll pick it up and the floaty image brings me back to it. I am primarily a hobbyist with a few short/feature film ideas I'd like to work on in the next year. Each film has its own look and needs, so I have been testing and testing a bunch of cameras. One of my ideas is a B&W project, with my preliminary tests, the GX85's L-Monochrome is excellent... so much so I have ordered the Rokinon 12mm cine lens (I'm done with lens adapters) to give the GX85 one last test to see if it would be a good option for this upcoming project. Anyway, I love seeing the results the members of the forum are getting with this camera!!!
  11. I don't know, I think it has been pretty self evident and proven by Ben, kidz, Lintel and others that the XC10 isn't a low light camera but it EXCELS in C-Log at or near base ISO. Fighting that seems pointless when the results are so amazing. Should these issues be addressed by Canon... Yes! This is not a $500, or less, camera.
  12. mercer

    Nikon Customers

    Yeah the ai/ai-s lenses will meter on every model over and including the D7200. For a while I was planning on just getting the D7200 for the extra exposure tools, but a new D7200 body is $1000. Since I am selling most of my lenses for other systems and most of my cameras... pretty much all of them, I have a little extra money so I was thinking about either the D750 or most likely the D500 for the option of 4K. I've seen a lot of comparison videos online and IMO the Nikon beats out the A6300, and the GH4 in their respective basic settings. I don't love the 4K crop of the D500, but I can make it work when I need 4K. With the added benefit of eVR in 1080p, the D500 seems like a good fit for me. But I have one final test to do with my GX85 before I make my final decision. If the GX85 passes this test, with flying colors, I may just end up getting the D7200... they sell for $750 refurbished. As I said before, I've contemplated getting some of the 1.8G lenses, but I love the ai/ai-s lenses I already own and see no need or desire in replacing them with modern, focus by wire equivalents, just so I can use the meter with the D5500.
  13. mercer

    Nikon Customers

    Which Nikon camera do you have?
  14. mercer

    Nikon Customers

    I was mainly asking because I know you do a lot of stills work and since the D500 seems to be geared more towards sports and wildlife, I wasn't sure if the camera made sense for someone like me that will do 90% narrative work with it... mostly amateur, hobby work. I've owned about 10 cameras over the past year and I've come to realize I prefer the form factor of a DSLR over cinema cameras and mirrorless rangefinders. And with my skill set as a shooter and in post, that Nikon Flat image has been a Godsend to me, I would just like a few extra exposure tools that the D5500 doesn't offer with my ai-s lenses. I've contemplated picking up the 35mm 1.8G lens but I can imagine the focus ring isn't the most ideal for manual focus? Also, out of curiosity, do you know if AF Lock works in video mode with Nikon DSLRs? You'd think that would be an easy question to answer but surprisingly it is not. BTW, I had the Micro for a while, and I agree... what a lovely image... I just could not stand the form factor. I held onto it for a while hoping I could make it work, but it just never felt right shooting with it. After shooting with it for about two months, I decided to go the opposite route and find a run and gun machine, so I bought the XC10 and wow what a cool camera that is... except I love shallow depth of field and the tactile feel of my manual lenses. So, on a whim I picked up a D5500 because I had heard so many good things about it and it was dirt cheap... and I just fell in love with that Nikon image. I would plan on going out and shooting with the XC10, but would usually bring the D5500 instead. So, that brings me to here... Anyway, thanks for your help, much appreciated!!!
  15. mercer

    Nikon Customers

    I don't expect the EVR to be revolutionary or take the place of a steadicam, but if it is remotely helpful, that's a tick in the pro column. I just realized that the D5 and D500 are 20mp cameras... I guess I just assumed they were 24mp, so yeah the crop should be more, unless they go away from the 1:1 crop method. My only concern in getting the D500 now is the fear that the D7300 will have 4K video at $1200, but that seems highly unlikely and most likely the lower end models won't adopt it until the next cycle. I really thought the D5600 was going to have it. I supposed it could trickle down to the D7300 depending upon how quickly Nikon wants to add what they consider higher end features to lower end models. As far as the crop goes, I have an old RMC Tokina 17mm which won't get me that wide, but it will do for now until I save up for a 11-20mm or the 14-20mm. The 2:39 scan would be cool, but you're right they'd never do it... I don't even think it would enter their minds. If they would just offer focus peaking, I would be elated.
  16. No, a couple months ago, on a whim I bought a D5500 and I just fell in love with the image and the Flat profile. Every time I planned on taking the XC10 out to shoot, I ended up taking the D5500 out instead, so I am going to upgrade to the D500 while it's still on sale. With the extras I have for the XC10, I should get enough to get the D500.
  17. I know most of the people who visit this post probably already own the XC10, but if there is anybody looking to purchase one, I am pretty sure I am going to sell mine. I'll be listing it on eBay in the next few days, but if there is some interest please pm me.
  18. mercer

    Nikon Customers

    Do you know how well the metering works with ai/ai-s lenses? Also, do you think it would be a good investment for me... I'll do 90-95% video with it. Right now I have the D5500 for 1080p and a GX85 for 4K. I also have the XC10, but I am pretty sure I am selling it. I'd really like to have one camera that covers the minimal amount of 4K I will shoot and also handle the majority of my shooting in 1080p. By going with the D500, I can also sell 3/4 of the lenses I have that will be incompatible with the F mount, however I will keep the D5500 as a B-Cam/Crash Cam. Any insights you have would be much appreciated.
  19. mercer

    Nikon Customers

    Yeah, I have been really impressed with their 4K. I hate the crop, but for me the 4K will be a bonus feature for establishing shots, or just to have in case I want a little extra resolution. It also gives me a reason to buy the Tokina 14-20mm f2... I assume Nikon will funnel 4K video into their other cameras and the D760 seems like the next logical choice. But even with the full frame camera, I would suspect an aps-c crop in 4K... I think the UHD crop of the D5 is 1.45x so logic dictates a hypothetical D760 with 4K video would have the same as the D5. I would love to see them implement a DCI 4K mode which will lessen the crop even more. It would be great to see DCI implemented via firmware in the D500 to get it down to a 1.9 or 2x crop.
  20. mercer

    Nikon Customers

    Yeah, Auto WB is pretty decent with Nikon, that's what I've been using and I have had zero issues. Thanks for the info regarding the in camera VR. For run and gun static images, it could be useful. I mostly use a monopod with a ball joint and feet. It's great for reproducing short slider and jib movements but to do this, you keep that joint loose and micro jitters can be an issue, so hopefully that can help.
  21. Have you tested your camera outdoors in good light with C-Log at base ISO? I always felt that just because a camera can go up to 6400 or even 20,000, doesn't mean it should be used that way.
  22. mercer

    Nikon Customers

    Also, @jhnkng have you tested the Electronic VR in 1080p? I must admit I am very intrigued by this feature as well.
  23. mercer

    Nikon Customers

    Thanks jhn, I had a go with them this morning. Nice files and good white balance. I really want to stay with aps-c, and I am getting really tempted by the D500. As of now I have the D5500, and although I really enjoy the camera... the size, weight, articulating screen and image. The lack of kelvin wb and exposure aids with my ai/ai-s lenses is driving me crazy. Another member told me a trick to shoot a few seconds and then switch to play to see the RGB histogram and it works, but it is a little tedious. So I was really thinking about upgrading to the D7200, but with recent prices and freebies from BH, when all is said and done and I sell off the freebies, the D500 body would cost about $1400, which is only $400 more than the D7200. So, even though I don't need the 4K, for $400 more...
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