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Everything posted by mercer

  1. What ISO is this? And was this shot with the camera moving or her moving? And finally, what focal length and how close were you to her?
  2. Very nice work Ricardo. What's Greenleaf?
  3. I spent a long time a couple months back looking up some of the regular EOS HD posters on Vimeo and I watched a ton of your videos, Andrew... and I must say that this may be your best. Great music choice, great color, great mood. It felt like a Hollywood montage from a thoughtful 70s film. I'm curious of the same thing. I doubt the 4K will trickle down until a later generation, but the 1080p should... especially if Fuji continues with the same 24mp X-Trans sensor. I am actually a little curious about the upcoming X-A3 and its 24mp Bayer sensor. If and when the X-T2 goes below a grand, I may have to pick one up. I just bought the X30 for a glove box jpeg cam and I tested out the video. Although not great, in close ups with Classic Chrome or Neg Std, it's not horribly bad and the colors are just... Wow.
  4. I think the XC10 is a C-Log camera, with the occasional WideDR if you are in an insane time crunch... not that C-Log is all that difficult, or slow to correct/grade in post. It's also a camera that should mostly be used at its base 500 ISO. When lit properly, you can get away with a little more, but when lit properly, you shouldn't need to.
  5. Thanks for the continued review. Are they SOOC jpegs or screengrabs from a video? Is the moiré and aliasing in 1080p as bad as the XT1/XT10?
  6. mercer

    Nikon Customers

    Thanks for this. Do you have any 4K clips from the D500? Hopefully with the Flat Profile? I assume you have to enter live view all the time for video? Or is there a setting where it will power on in live view?
  7. Have you been using it in manual or the semi-auto Reid recommended? Are you familiar with the movie It Follows? If not, it's a slow burn, horror film that was at Sundance a couple years ago. Anyway, I watched it around Halloween and thought... man what was that shot on... it almost looked like film. When I googled it, one of the first pages talked about how much it looked like film. They used an Alexa for most of it and a Red for some of it. I think your last few videos remind me a little of the look from that movie. It has this late 70s/early 80s film vibe.
  8. I don't think it looks thin at all. It definitely has a filmic feel to it. I hate brittle video, and I haven't seen it from the XC10 at all, even the 1080p.
  9. I would just use gaffers tape. Or measure the circle around the light and see if you can find some colored filters that will fit in there.
  10. Other than spreading half-truths, I don't blame the Left for my vote. I blame them for assuming the worst of me rather than discussing my choice. I blame them for ignorantly labeling me this or that without knowing how I feel about specific policies. I, personally, am fine with my vote. I will wait to see how he governs before I reevaluate my decision as I'm sure a lot of the other Trump voters will do. I am not above admitting I am wrong if I am.
  11. Yeah, I like it. Nice touch, especially since you use it sparingly and at good moments.
  12. The occasional zoom out really gives your video a modern S8/16mm feel. Once again, awesome job.
  13. Interesting episode. Definitely proof that this is all very subjective. I liked the Nikon and Fuji the best, but I tend to like darker images. I was most surprised by Canon, although the jpegs were pleasing, I found them to look rather generic and even though the WB on the Panasonic and Olympus cameras seemed a little wonky, they definitely had an edgier, more unique quality in their renderings. I was also very surprised by Pentax, I thought the images looked great. I would love to see Pentax bump up their video quality like Fuji has. Obviously, the biggest outlier in the test was the iPhone and I question if it receiving the number one slot for that one category, was based more on familiarity of the image. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Hmm... haven't heard this. Is it due to the actual mount or is the exterior of the adapter hitting the exterior of the G80... like the front of the evf housing?
  15. Thank God this camera isn't in stock anywhere... I have a feeling I may have bought one by now. The B&W is simply gorgeous. I haven't used a Fuji camera before, so to test the waters, I just bought the X30. Obviously, I don't expect great video quality but for my fiddling purposes and as a pocket still cam it will be cool to keep in my glove box. I am really interested to see how a low contrast vintage lens, like an older Tokina or an MC Minolta, fares with the X-T2. With the XF lenses being so good and the video quality being so much better with this generation of the X-Trans sensor, there doesn't seem to be many tests online with vintage lenses.
  16. Also, don't forget the Canon 35mm f2 with OIS... a beautiful compact lens. The focus isn't quite as smooth as the Nikkor lenses but it's still pretty smooth.
  17. There's also an older Nikkor 35mm 1.4 that a lot of people like. I've never used one, but @Mattias Burling speaks highly of it and I think has showcased it a lot on his YouTube page. Obviously, it's pricier than the f/2 version, but one could probably be found somewhere between 3-500 USD. But you could also find a new Rokinon/Samyang around that price range as well. It won't have the build quality, nor longevity of the Nikkor though.
  18. I've only used the ai-s version, but the non-ai and ai version should have a similar look. I have never used any of the modern 35mm Nikkor lenses.
  19. Also the Nikkor 35mm f2 has a butt load of character and is tack sharp.
  20. The Takumar 35mm f2 is quite nice wide open.
  21. Damn you guys with your great videos. Really nice. I haven't had the time to use my XC10 for a couple months now, so I was contemplating selling it rather than it sitting there collecting dust and then I see both yours and kidz work... Seriously Ben, probably the most filmic image I have seen from the XC10... it really does look like 16mm. Was this 1080p?
  22. Firstly, I have never once stated that the United STATES of America isn't a democracy, so I don't know where you fabricated that nugget. But it is in FACT not a pure democracy, we are a Republic. With your years and years of education, I would think you would have learned that. I never wrote the Electoral College exists to protect the small states, I wrote that the Electoral College exists to guarantee that the voters from smaller, less populated states have an electoral voice. I'm sure I phrased it differently, but I would assume that someone with your level of education could interpret both statements equally. When did I ever write, state or insinuate that I wanted to erase any history from anything? This is the problem with people like you, you cherry pick statements and then label people a racist or a homophobe or whatever other irrelevant term to attempt to prove a non point for you. Also, please stop using the phrase "voter block" improperly. Surely a man of your intellect and varied life experiences understands the difference between a voter bloc and majority voters? Again I'm unsure where I stated that small states need to be protected from large states? In all your years of self-proclaimed education did you not take a reading comprehension class? And again, the specific reasons for the origin of the Electoral College is irrelevant in this matter and in modern times because slavery doesn't exist any longer and it's really offensive for you to use it as an argument because you want to cry in the corner because you didn't get your way this election. Boo hoo. Why don't you put your big boy pants on and have an honest discussion rather than putting words in people's mouth while condescendingly berating them with infantile arguments? If you feel you are so correct and enlightened why not try and prove to me why I should have voted for a person who swore to double down on the Affordable Care Act, a person who has openly stated she wants completely open borders, a person who negotiated one of the worst nuclear weapons agreement in modern history, a person who ignored her own employees at the Libyan Embassy when they repeatedly asked for help, leading to the death of four Americans? Please tell me why I should have voted for a person that funneled funds from her "charitable" organization to pay for her daughter's wedding? FYI, I'm actually a registered Democrat.
  23. Thanks Lintel. I will look into this. If this is the case, I'll have to reevaluate everything.
  24. Voted. Beautiful video. Loved the shot of her twirling on the beach. And obviously the end where she smiles at the camera. Good luck with it.
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