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Everything posted by mercer

  1. I did not mean to replace the GX85 with the LX10, I mean for a cheaper price than the Sigma and the Metabones, you could buy the LX10 instead of, so you would be covered with a fast lens, with IBIS on the wide end. And probably, even with 2 cameras you would be carrying less weight than you would with the Sigma and Metabones. As far as your cutting, I would have enjoyed a few cuts that followed the snares since they were really driving the melody of the music. Sorry, I never heard of Macklemore. I guess I'm showing my age. When you're in your early 40s, you probably will too.
  2. mercer

    classic digital

    Okay, eff it. Here's the first short I ever made back in '04... Shot on a Canon ZR60... https://vimeo.com/105266650 For some reason I can't get it to embed. It's probably better that way.
  3. mercer

    classic digital

    Has anyone used an XA10? The price has come down fairly low on the used market and I have seen some decent samples online... But also some horrible ones. With the XLR inputs and some of the pro features, this camcorder could really be useful in run and gun scenarios?
  4. Some good suggestions in here. I learned a ton from this post. Do you have a Vimeo page? I'd love to see your work.
  5. This. There has been a few discussions over the past year or so about using a surface for editing and I don't remember if there was any resolution on how effective it is... I think @Mat Mayer was researching a Surface for editing. So he may be the guy to ask. I have a 2015 Air and it works pretty good with FCPX. And since you're already used to Final Cut, I'm not sure why you'd want to change and invest in a new editing program. With that being said, I haven't used Vegas, but my friend had it for a little while when he was in between Macs and he really liked it... He thought it was the closest to Final Cut/iMovie.
  6. Or another option would be to buy the LX10 when it comes out. In 1080p you will have Dual IS with f1.4 at its widest. @jase Great job!!! You're a talented dude. If I were you, I would consider doing travel videos... I think you could be really successful at it. What music was that? I don't think it's a take on traditional Peruvian music... Is it? If I had to give one criticism, I would suggest using the rhythm of the music to inspire some cuts... Occasionally cutting to the music could be cool and liven the piece in a few places... Just a thought.
  7. Maybe, but it's my understanding that it is focus by wire. Nikon cameras focus differently than Canon and since Sigma is a 3rd Party lens company, it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that it would be a slightly different design for different camera manufacturers. Also remember there are no hard stops either. I've never used one, but the Sigma seems to be a fine lens. I just wouldn't expect anywhere near the Voigtlander experience. And honestly for the price of the set up, you could buy a used Voigt 10.5mm and a second camera... It would probably be smaller and lighter too.
  8. I wasn't actually talking about you or even this specific incident but your reply coincidentally proved my point.
  9. Okay, gotcha. The Panasonics are great. If you want 4K or need it, the GX85, or G80 will be great. The GM5 is supposed to be great, Jase got some awesome footage with his GM1, but for the price of a GM5, I would consider a GH3, they can be found pretty cheap nowadays and they have a couple extra features the GM cameras don't have. Just some thoughts. Do what suits you best. As far as the M is concerned, to use EF lenses, you will need the Canon EF to EF-M adapter... I think it costs a hundred bucks. Honestly, if you just want it for messing around and family videos, I would look for the M10 or M3... I bought a new body from Japan for less than $200. It has a flip screen and focus peaking and is just a fun camera. The AF is probably better than the original M as well. But with the original M you can load Magic Lantern on it and get a bunch of extra hacked features that are pretty fun too.
  10. Haha, now I'm really confused. So one of the Panasonic cameras is going to be your primary camera for narrative or paid work and then the M1 would be for kids/family type stuff?
  11. Yeah, I had the Pocket and the 12-35mm f2.8 Panny. It was a cool combo being able to go handheld, but for the money, I decided to return it. I wanted a rig less handheld camera and it fit the criteria, but my copy of the Pocket got so hot it was almost too hot to the touch. If I was a better colorist, or if the pocket was 500 bucks still, I may have kept it but for the money, I decided to go another route. Haha, I actually have the GX85 as well and that is a cool cam, but I am selling that too. I'm all over the place with cameras...
  12. I know you've mentioned a few other cameras as well lately. Would the M take the place of that camera, or would it be in addition to? Btw, I love old, Minolta primes. They meld nicely with the M series of cameras. I have a small collection. Stupidly, I sold my 35mm 1.8, which is probably my favorite lens of all time. If you don't already have it, you should be on the lookout for one.
  13. Is that used or new? Also what do you want to shoot with it? What lenses do you have? What's your budget?
  14. Great video, I know that was one of the reasons I ended up buying one. Ultimately, I didn't like the form factor, but I know there was a lengthy discussion and praise of that video in the early days of the BMMCC's release. With that being said, I would definitely contact them if I were you. I read it to mean that they are not saying it won't work, just that they are not going out of their way to continue to specifically make it work. Maybe your argument could convince them. Btw, slightly off topic, but I hate that there is this defensive, almost attack behavior with BM loyalists when someone questions anything about the company or their products.
  15. Did you make that early boxing video with the BMMCC?
  16. Yes, I believe the M series is now a part of their compact division. This video was taken with a G7X MKii. This camera doesn't even have DPAF and it does a pretty good job with the touchscreen focus... Btw, this is not my video... Honestly, I don't think it looks too bad. And the M5 should look even better.
  17. Nope. That was the deal breaker for me. I love the M line. I have the M1 and the M10... And the M10 is great. It has the best focus peaking I have ever used. I don't shoot stills and I don't own any M or EF lenses, so the DPAF is irrelevant for me. But with that being said, if you have a story to tell, it will work great. They are well designed cameras, with that great Canon color and the DPAF is awesome. The IS should work great as it does with the XC10.
  18. Sorry to quote myself but I just wanted to add that with your collection of EF lenses, then the 80D may be the logical choice. Good stills. DPAF. And decent 96mbps 1080p video. Also, maybe look at the 70D, you still get the DPAF, plus ML is making some strides with the 70D and with their most recent 10/12 bit Raw discovery... It could be an amazing video camera as well. And finally, the M5 is always a choice. I know the couple videos released were less than impressive, but most of those Canon released/sponsored videos usually are. I believe they instruct the photographer to shoot everything in auto mode in the most generic easy to use method. I am going to hold off my judgement until it's released and gets into some capable hands.
  19. mercer


    I've been curious about this lens for a while, I have the 2.8 19&30mm lenses and I like them, but they're a little slow for a prime. Glad to hear the contemporary is a good lens. How's the focus ring... Crap I suppose? Another lens I am really interested in. I want to see how my old Cosmicar lenses do with the GH3 and how much I get along with her before I commit, but this Rokinon Cine looks like a no brainer to me. Here's a video I found on Vimeo with it on a GH4. Obviously, this guy did an amazing color job, but the lens looks pretty damn good to me. Haha, and this seems to be his director's cut...
  20. Have you processed any of it... Would love to see it. And were you getting full 1080p for 11/12 seconds?
  21. Also @John Brawley recently posted a beautiful video with the... I believe it was the... em5mkii. So maybe the Olympus is a good option too. But I think he used an external recorder with it... Which is always an option as well. But it has that amazing Olympus IBIS and a Flat profile that seems pretty good. With wi-fi? Because with MLRawViewer, the process is pretty painless for dailies. Open the files, view and correct WB, you can even add a couple LUTS, but I think they are limited and then export to prores, mov, or dng..
  22. I have been interested in 1080p solely for a while now. To me it seems any 1080p Raw is great. 5dmkiii ML Raw will probably have the most dynamic range and best color. But so far the Nikon 1080p has been my favorite. The Flat Profile is just awesome. So if you want full frame, the D750. If you want aps-c (S35) then I would say the D5500 for a great simple camera. The issue with it is there are no exposure aids with manual lenses. The D7200 will give you zebras and meter with ai-s lenses but the 60p crops an extra 1.3x over the normal 1.5x crop of aps-c. The 24p is normal aps-c though. The 5500 only crops the aps-c crop in 24p and 60p. And then there's the flagship aps-c... The D500 that has 4K with a big crop but the 1080p modes all look good and they have IBIS... I think it's digital IS though. Also if you want great 1080p with C-Log and DPAF, there's always the C100ii. If you don't need the DPAF or 60p, get the regular C100. Edit: I originally wrote the D7200 will give you peaking... I meant to write zebras.
  23. I think the M5 is based off the Poweshot cameras, so I don't think ML could work with it.
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