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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Great tips, thanks. With the GX85 I had started underexposing by about a half a stop and liked the results better than ettr, so good to know. How is the in camera audio... Is it usable with the rode video mic pro? Does it need the +20db?
  2. @TheRenaissanceMan do you use Natural? Should I expect the profiles to be similar to the G7 (minus the cine) and the gx85? How do you like the 72mbps all-i?
  3. Without a doubt, if you are looking for a good stills cam... Possibly the best for the money... Go with the D750. It can practically see in the dark and the Nikon Flat profile, for video, is just a pure pleasure to use.
  4. mercer

    classic digital

    Cool. I have Amazon prime, I'll be on the lookout for it. I thought I had commented about this. Yeah, it's pretty awesome. It looks like it would be on Cinemax late at night. That's a compliment by the way. I love the "Photographed in Color"
  5. There's plenty of stuff online about it, I was just wondering your thoughts/settings on the 1080p on your G6.
  6. I wish I could like this 3 times. Everything is just spot on man. A pretty lady, cool bikes, goofy acting, great camera work, and a wicked, slick grade. You need to teach me how to grade, because those distressed colors look sweet. What settings were you using? I went and bought another camera the other day... A GH3... So I need some pointers with Panasonic 1080p.
  7. Btw, is there a camera settings consensus with the GH3? I've been watching a lot of Driftwood's videos since he thoroughly tested all of the profiles and I have a few ideas, but there is just so much info out there that it's time consuming wading through it all. I've been finding with most camera brands that a variant of Prolost Neutral settings seems to work fairly well.
  8. Oh yeah, I remember that and yeah I think I like it better than the 4K. Don't get me wrong 4K is great, but I think there is some weight in that Panny 1080p image that doesn't translate with the 4K... Even when downscaled. I assume the GM series shoots the avchd 1080p... Which is the same 1080p that's in the GX85? When I get the GH3, I will do a comparison between the GX85 1080 and the GH3 mov 1080p. I suppose the higher bitrate will be nicer than the avchd, but I'm not really sure... I never shot 1080p on a Panasonic before.
  9. Reupload that please. I remember saying that but I don't remember the video.
  10. I was thinking about selling my 50d, but maybe I should hold onto it for a little longer.
  11. It looks nice. Great job. What did you shoot that with? As I said, I am a hobbyist, so my needs may be different than yours. Plus I am only interested in narrative and for my eyes 1080p is more than enough and I could argue that the 1080p from the GH3 is more filmic looking and looks better than the 4K from the GX85 or A6300. But everybody is different and we each have our own needs depending upon the work we do. I used a monitor with the Micro for a few months and I never want to go back to it. I do think think the avchd has some special sauce but nowhere near as good as the high bitrate 1080p of the GH3 and GH4. I think there is something to be said that the movies in Sundance in 2015 were a mix of cinema cameras, some 5Ds and GH2 and GH3s. What kind of work do you do?
  12. Oh yeah, there is no reason not to make quality work, with the tools at our disposal at the current price points. I am just a hobbyist and never even thought about gear until about a year ago... I was happy with the image out of the eos-m. But now after making the rounds on the 4K cameras and using some good 1080p, my research has brought me to the evolution of Panny 1080p and it just seems a shame that it was left behind for 4K. That Panasonic 1080p image was something special. And I guess it was advanced with the GH4 and now maybe even the upcoming GH5, but to have had those bitrates and frame speeds on the G7, or GX85 would have been amazing. Of course a new GH3 is pretty cheap right now, and in my eyes the image still holds up.
  13. I recently bought a D5500 and love the image I am getting. Soon I'll be in the market for a good compact, I have it narrowed down to a Canon G7X mkii or maybe the new LX10. As I was researching compacts I came across a lot of LX7 videos and I was blown away. I'm not sure what Panasonic did with that camera, but even with all of its faults, there is just some special mojo in that camera. Those videos led me to a lot of GH3 videos, and again there was some amazing work produced with that camera... the image is so cinematic and filmic. Since I started with Canon and never really explored the GH series as the GH1 and 2 were being hacked, I never really saw the 1080p Panasonic evolution, but man were they onto something... What happened? I know, I know... 4K. I believe the GH4 has a high bitrate 1080p, and you would think the lower model cams would have inherited some of it, but instead Panasonic seemed to go with the 4K feature instead of progressing their 1080p... or even implementing it into other models. Does anyone know why? I believe the newly announced FZ2500 will have the 200mbps 1080p... how was the quality on the GH4... is it worth looking at the FZ2500, instead of a true compact just for that codec?
  14. mercer

    classic digital

    Exactly. I think these companies were on the verge of making perfectly organic HD and then they decided to go for thin and brittle 4K instead.
  15. mercer

    classic digital

    Thanks Tim, I am pretty sure the LX5 shoots 24p. So I will be on the lookout for one. But in all honestly the newer compacts are so full of great specs, I will probably pick up either a Canon or Panasonic newer model.
  16. mercer

    classic digital

    Here's an interesting article my friend found. https://www.google.com/amp/s/filmmakermagazine.com/88000-the-limits-of-quality-control/amp/?client=safari And here's the trailer...
  17. Lotsa fun and a great title. You should write a feature with that title. Great touch with the spitting out of the snack mix, in both spots. Not sure why you didn't like the D5200, because this looked great. So damn clean in the shadows... And overall, but you still managed a nice, albeit slight filmic look to it. How did you grade it? Of course, I recently bought a D5500, and love it, so I may be a little biased about it. Of course, if you don't like the video work arounds for checking exposure, I get that... That's why I am going to upgrade to either a D7200 or even go FF with the D750... It depends what the deals look like around the holidays. Anyway, as always, good job. With every passing piece you do I am becoming a bigger fan of your work.
  18. Sure why not? Obviously, this is totally off topic and in no way am I saying you can get the same look or quality with a 1/3" sensor as a full frame, but I am pretty amazed at some of the features 1/3" camcorders have now. I would have been drooling over them 10 years ago.
  19. Yeah, Nikon is strange with their crops. The D5500 is DX in 24p and 60p, but the D7200 is DX in 24p but adds a crop to 60p? Huh?!
  20. Don't regret that GX85 purchase Panny. Even if you use it in 1080p, with the 5-Axis, it will add another tool to your box. The G6 and GX85 will work beautifully together. Put the G6 on sticks, press record, then walk around with the GX85... Perfect 2 cam set up. My only advice to you... And this is based on the high level of work I have seen from you, is don't get enamored by the 4K. It's nice and all but the 1080p you're producing looks great as well and is more than enough for some narrative pieces... If that's your goal?
  21. Well, I think it's an awesome camera, other than its lack of mic input, it's better than the G7, I am just starting over with video altogether. I have collected and tested a bunch of cameras and lenses over the past year and a half, and I want to simplify everything. I don't do any professional work, so I need less equipment. I do have some modest narrative goals I am working towards, but now that I have tested a lot of these consumer cameras, I am fairly certain what I need equipment wise to help me reach those goals... And it isn't much. Also, I have some small projects where I am kinda interested in using a point and shoot camera, so the LX10 is on my radar and even a consumer camcorder for another project I have in mind.
  22. I'm probably selling mine in a week or two, PM me if you're interested. And if you're in the US.
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