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Everything posted by mercer

  1. No, just the Coolpix A... It came out a few years ago.
  2. And if Panasonic pulls off these specs and every hybrid video enthusiast in the world buys one, they will still lose in sales to an upcoming 90D or M5 or D5700 or... Because a company cannot win market share based on enthusiast hybrid video shooters and if that market isn't going to give them sales over their competitors, then why spend the money in R&D to include the outlandish features?
  3. Oh yeah, forgot about ML... Brain fart. Well, can DSLRs do good focus peaking? You make fine points, but it still doesn't give Nikon a good reason to enter the cinema video market. We also have to remember that a lot of people, in this post, are referring to consumer cameras with professional video features... Different discussions. Or they don't want to because it doesn't make sense for their business model. Just because a small group finds it strange doesn't make it so.
  4. Oh yeah, I know. Jazzbox had mentioned he was considering selling his GH4 and other equipment to buy a C100... See I really like the idea of these compacts for guerilla video. I never heard of the coolpix a... But I may want to pick one of them up when the used prices drop a little more too. It looks great.
  5. The other companies have vested interests in creating such things. Sony has a Hollywood studio and 4K TVs to sell. Panasonic has 4K TVs to sell and a history with indie film video, Canon has a long history with filmmaking right back to the C8 camera and lenses and Scoopic camera. Nikon had a couple Super 8 cameras back in the day... Hell Ricoh has a bigger history with motion recording than Nikon does. Now obviously just because there is no history doesn't mean they shouldn't, but it also doesn't mean they will go out of business if they don't adapt to the desires of the few people on this forum.
  6. If Nikon wanted to invest money into R&D, it would make more sense for them to create their own sensors instead of a cinema division. You guys are acting like they have zero motion capabilities. Their higher end cameras have HDMI out, zebras, 4K (which isn't even a necessity) so they could use peaking. Is focus peaking possible with a DSLR?
  7. Yeah the X100 looks like a fine camera. I really like the idea of these fixed focal length compacts. With the mic input, built in ND filters, and film simulations, this could be a great tool.
  8. It is pretty funny how myopic some people are. DSLRs aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Nikon will continue to expand at a conservative pace and will do just fine. In fact, if more camera manufacturers go under, or leave the market, Nikon will not be the next to exit and most likely will be standing way longer than the electronic companies that are only out to sell 4K TVs.
  9. Companies like Canon, Nikon, Fuji, even Pentax have a traditional camera lineage that gives them a little leeway and insight into these changing times. I personally think, waiting to include some of these features, we consider a necessity, is the smartest thing they could have done and I would question how it's helped the big electronic manufacturers by including them? Panasonic trails Canon in mirrorless market share. Sony can't make a consumer grade camera that doesn't implode upon normal use. And then there's Samsung... And then there wasn't Samsung.
  10. Okay, I should have it to you tomorrow or Friday.
  11. I have a really busy week. Can you download mine from my Vimeo page? I hope to get out tomorrow and do a more thorough run through, if I have the time.
  12. Also, what shutter speed are people using? I've been using 1/48, but since they added the 1/50th and the rolling shutter fix, I wonder if that was supposed to quietly fix the problem. Because, to me it looks like a rolling shutter issue.
  13. Yeah, and we should post it here as well. We want them to see there are a lot of eyes on this issue.
  14. I'd wait to sell it until we confirm that Tom is having the same results with ALL of the same parameters. Honestly, I'm not too concerned about it because I will rarely shoot over ISO 500, I know it can still rear it's ugly head, but I never noticed it any of my footage until I bumped it up to ISO 20,000. If Tom's XC15 footage showed it, I would have chalked it to... Don't use any camera at 20,000 ISO. Lol.
  15. On another note, I have been watching some XC10 videos on YouTube and there is some great footage out there. I am amazed how many people are using all auto and getting some incredible results out of this camera. I may be on a a mission to shoot a completely auto, run and gun feature with the XC10.
  16. I am going to redo my test at every ISO setting, I may even switch it to gain as well, in C-Log, in manual and auto, with and without IS, in 4K and HD, with and without ND... Etc... I suggest we all do the same.
  17. @tomsemiterrific can you confirm all of your settings and redo your test with nothing initialized in C-Log?
  18. If CVP didn't have any other complaints, it may behoove you to exchange yours... If yours is still within the return period. Write down your prior serial number for future reference. But I would still contact Canon as well. Did you sign up for CPN? I quickly looked at the site last night... Do you know how many points the XC10 is worth? Btw, could it possibly be zoom related... Reflections? Or maybe the internal ND is misaligned?
  19. Btw, just watched your Cinema EOS test video... Looks good. That's one of the profiles I want to dive into next.
  20. Good test. Are you going to add a feature with every test to see if you can pinpoint the issue?
  21. Yeah the XC15 looks nice, even at 20,000 ISO.
  22. Yeah it is pretty bad. Hopefully they'll fix it with a firmware update. Luckily I haven't noticed at 500 ISO and I will never shoot at 20,000 ISO again. I will say though, after not using the camera for a little over a month, I almost forgot how nice it is.
  23. Crazy thing is, there is really only one pumpkin on my table.
  24. Here's my test in HD... And here it is in 4K...
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