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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Idk, I think you may be expecting a little too much at 20,000 ISO. I didn't get a chance to do the test today, I may get to it Thursday, but I have a pretty busy week ahead of me.
  2. mercer


    Good to know, thanks. Every time I think I may want a modern lens, I read about how clean and perfectly sharp they are and I hear... clinical. I think I'll just end up buying the RMC 17mm or the AT-X 17mm... Either one of those would probably match my Tokina manual AT-X zooms better. Do you have any videos online with the 58mm Voigtlander on the 750 or 800 (810... Whichever you had)
  3. mercer


    So, it didn't even match color wise with your angenieux Tokina?
  4. Some of those Cooke videos you posted last month were gorgeous. And this is just another testament to the quality of both the C300 and the C500.
  5. The Voigtlanders are beautiful on the G7, so I'd imagine they'd work great with the GH4 as well. A lot of others also really like the SLR Magic lenses.
  6. I may have a couple minutes to test mine tomorrow. I'll let you know.
  7. I think Tom has both cameras.
  8. Honestly, I have a 28mm f2 ai-s and I will rarely take that lens off the camera. I have that Polanski normal viewpoint I like, plus I am better when I have fewer options. However, after seeing The Revenant and The Witch, I would like one ultra wide zoom... Since I already have two manual AT-X Tokina zooms, I am looking to eventually get either the 11-20mm or the 14-20mm Tokina. I'd rather have the 14-20 for the extra stop. But I have to sell off a bunch of lenses before I will get one... Hopefully it will go on sale this Christmas.
  9. Thanks, I think I'm just gonna stick with ai/ai-s lenses. I love the focus rings on them. Have you ever used the 1.4 ai-s? I have heard some mixed reviews. Once upon a time I had the K non-ai version and it wasn't that great, but I've never used the ai or ai-s versions.
  10. I'd love that lens, but I can't seem to find one for the right price... Especially since I just bought ai-s 35mm f2 for $70.
  11. I like S35, so I will probably just buy a D7200 on a Black Friday sale to get the extra exposure tools. I don't need to be spending extra money on lenses just so they'll meter on the D5500. I guess I'll also just keep the D5500 too for b-cam, I got it pretty cheap. I bought so many cameras over the past year chasing a particular image and I could have saved myself a bunch of time and money if I just bought the D5500 a year ago. Like you said, there is just something so cool about the image and its flexibility.
  12. mercer


    Thanks Kisaha, I totally agree about keeping sets from the same manufacturer for optical qualities consistency. And I agree about the ultra wide angle... I was looking for people who may have some experience with those specific ultra wides so I could choose between the 11-20 and the 14-20mm. I haven't come across too many modern Nikkor prime lenses that offer a smooth manual focus ring, and since I love the look of my ai-s lenses, I've decided to keep my primes all manual. I have the two manual Tokina zooms, which I like a lot, I just don't have an ultra wide, or even a fairly wide... With the crop factor of my 24-40mm, I'm sitting at 36mm with my wide end... So hopefully one of the aforementioned zooms can fill in the ultra wide to wide range I am missing. Thanks for the heads up on the Sigma 17-50mm... I'll keep an eye out for one.
  13. Thanks for this. I bid on a 1.4D last night and lost... Glad I didn't win it. I'd rather work with ai-s lenses, but they won't meter on my D5500, so I am kinda flying blind. Another poster informed me of a good trick... Take a second of video and the hit the play button to see a histogram of the previous shot. It works well but is still a little clunkier than I'd like. I like this Nikon so much, that I will probably get a D7200 for metering, zebras, Kelvin WB (even though AWB works pretty damn good) and headphone input. Then I'll just stick with ai/ai-s lenses. But for now, I wouldn't mind one lens that metered on the 5500. That 1.8D is so cheap, I'll probably pick it up. Is the manual focus ring that bad? It certainly looks that way, but I can't tell if the maker of that video has his camera set to Photo LiveView, or Movie LiveView, or if that even makes a difference. Other than a refurbished 16-80mm... They're all out of my price range anyway. But they look like great lenses.
  14. @Lintelfilm uses, or has used, his with a Ninja Star.
  15. Also, I dropped the Saturation in half in the Flat profile for that shot because I noticed the Blue Channel was clipping a little at default. I've since been using it at default again, except for sharpening all the way down. I like both ways for different looks.
  16. The center shot was my Tokina 24-40mm f2.8. I love that lens. I actually have another I am going to sell but it's in the OM mount... Of course, you can switch the OM mount out with a Nikon mount and it will work with Nikon cameras... I think you can get the conversion kit for 20 bucks from China on eBay.
  17. I messed around a little more today with a couple clips...
  18. Obviously an extreme example, but that is pretty bad. Do you have the RS cure enabled? Not that I believe that's the cause. Also, how are you handling your files in post? I bring all of my footage through EditReady. I'll either downscale and transcode the 4K MXF files to 1080p ProRes or transcode the 1080p MXF files to 1080p ProRes. Again, I'm not saying your post workflow is the issue, but I believe for these tests to be congruent, there should be a specific protocol we follow to establish a proper control group.
  19. I have not seen it, but I honestly haven't used the camera in about a month and I have shot mostly 1080p with it. It seems that most of the problems are from users who shoot primarily in 4K. I plan on getting out in the next week or two with it, so I will definitely look out for it and try to recreate the issues you guys are having. Could you guys specifically describe the shooting conditions where you have noticed it the most, to help make my tests more useful? Also, if your cameras are within the return deadline, I would exchange them out for a new unit... Just in case you did get a faulty camera. I do have a lot of older footage I shot in both 4K and 1080p... Mostly handheld in C-Log with IS. I also have some WideDR footage I shot on sticks, I'll go back and reevaluate it in case it was there all along and I just didn't notice it.
  20. mercer


    So, I am floored by my recent D5500 purchase, so much so, I am selling off most of my other lenses and keeping a few small sets for my Canon eos-m10 (which is a blast of a little compact, interchangeable lens camera btw) most notably my set of Minolta MD lenses which render beautifully with the Canon. I really want to keep my lens options to a minimum with the Nikon, but ideally have a good small set of primes and zooms. I currently have a Nikkor ai-s 28mm f2, 35mm f/2, a Series E 50mm f/1.8 (which I hope to replace with a faster 50mm in the future) and a 35-70mm f/3.3-4.5 Nikkor zoom which gets bad photographic reviews, but I find to be a pleasant little walk around lens for video. For zooms I have a Tokina 24-40mm at-x f/2.8, 35-70mm at-x f/2.8, and the "Plastic Fantastic" 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5... With some interest in the 20-35mm f/2.8 because I have read that it is like having a set of wide to normal primes. Since I am selling so many lenses I have collected over the years, I hope to use some of the money to get some higher quality Nikon, or Nikon compatable, lenses. As of now I am interested in a few different lenses (mostly zooms) that I hope some people here may have some experience with... 1. The Angenieux designed Tokina 28-70mm f/2.6-2.8 - I've already heard so many glowing reviews of this lens, from users on this site, so when I find one at the right price I will definitely buy one. This lens is so special I am not even worried about any focal range overlap. 2. Tokina 14-20mm f/2 - I've never owned an ultra wide zoom... Or lens really. I briefly had the RMC Tokina 17mm and found it to be a lovely lens, but that lens is a little slow and the prices seem unjustified in the Nikon mount. Has anyone used the 14-20mm and could you tell me about the manual focus and any overall impressions of the lens? 3. Tokina 11-20mm f/2.8 - I have read some great online reviews of this lens and it seems to be a better choice than the legendary 11-16mm as some believe the 11-20mm resolves better on the current crop of 24mp Nikon cameras. So, is the 14-20mm f/2 so much better than the 11-20mm to warrant the $200 bump in price? Does the extra stop make that much of a difference? 4. Tokina 24-70mm f/2.8 - as I said, I already own the Tokina 24-40mm and 35-70mm at-x f/2.8 manual zooms. I really love these lenses, but I have heard great things about the 24-70mm, that I'd love to hear any personal experience with that lens... Specifically manual focus operation. I am pretty content with the two I have that cover those focal lengths, but if the newer 24-70mm is absolutely amazing, I wouldn't be adverse to selling them and trading up to a higher quality lens that covers that focal range gamut. As far as primes, I am content with my Nikkor ai-s lenses. As I mentioned I would like a fast 50mm Nikkor, but rarely will I ever use a long prime. I may eventually pick up an 85mm f2 or the 105mm f2.5 for those instances that I may need a longer reach, but I usually like to stay between the 35mm - 60mm FOV. I may also buy a 24mm f2, or a 20mm f2.8 eventually, but I'm in no real hurry for it. Also in the future I may be interested in expanding my prime collection with lenses from other manufacturers. The Voigtlanders look great. And I believe there are some interesting Russian lenses in the F Mount... So any information on cool 3rd Party primes would be appreciated as well. I know that's a lot, and I know lens choice is very subjective, but I'd love to hear other's preferences and maybe even see some videos made with some of these lenses, if anybody has them. Sorry for the long request, and thanks in advance.
  21. And it has CPU data transfer for metering on the 5500. The problem is that the money I'll spend to get lenses that will meter on the 5500, I could just get a D7200 or halfway to a D750. Hell, if I decided to be really frugal with my lenses, I could just save up for the D500 and have IBIS in 1080p and obviously cropped 4K... Of course I'm unsure of the actual 4K crop on the D500. Anyway, but yeah that Voigtlander looks gorgeous and I love what Geoff has been doing with them. Nah, probably not... I'll probably be fine with just getting the ai f/2 50mm or a 1.8 ai-s. Or maybe I just had a bad copy of the 1.4... They're so cheap with great resale, maybe I'll just try another... You haven't steered me wrong yet. I heard some good things about Cineflat and obviously the Flaat series of profiles... But as you said, that Nikon Flat is so nice and easy to grade and I definitely see some shadow latitude with it. Yup, I was looking at the D lenses for the on lens body aperture control, but I haven't seemed to find one videographer/filmmaker that actually likes the lens, so I'll probably just stick with my ai-s lenses, but I'll keep an eye open for that 1.4G, thanks for the heads up.
  22. Yeah, it may have been. I had it years ago, back in my t2i days, so my memory may be tricking me or maybe it looks better with a Nikon. I guess for the time being I'll use the series e and then either pick up a 1.2, when I can find a good copy for less than $300, or maybe that 58mm Voigtlander. I had the 25mm Voigt when I had the G7 and it was a gorgeous lens. After using it, no other lens looked good on that camera.
  23. What camera shoots higher than 60p in 4K?
  24. Yeah, I had the K version and it was okay, but not great. Especially wide open. And as I said, if I'm going to buy a fast lens, I'd like it to be at least interesting wide open, I found the 1.4 pretty ugly wide open... But it's in my price range and it cleans up as you stop down, so it still may be an option. Do you have the ai-s or ai?
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