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Everything posted by mercer

  1. The 80D isn't bad. It has a higher bitrate than most Canon DSLRs at 1080p. Supposedly, it also has ML's interest. On the used market it resells close to new prices. It could hold you over for a little while as you raise the rest for a 1DXii.
  2. Yeah, I may get a second mortgage to pay for that. If I'm going to get a fast lens, for lowlight, I'd like it to be decent wide open or have interesting character... At least the 1.2 has that dreamy look wide open, the 1.4 is just soft. After constructing rigs and modifying lenses and adapters for the BMMCC, I am honestly tired of DIY jobs for filmmaking. I am a cabinet maker by trade, so I'm sure I could do it, but I have little interest in working for my hobby. Not to mention my 50mm f2 is so clean, I'd hate to hack it up myself.
  3. Basically everywhere. If my memory serves me only the K version gets really good reviews, but the ai and ai-s versions get only so-so reviews. Supposedly a lot of issues up and down the aperture ring and to top it off some unpleasant bokeh. I have a pristine copy of the f/2... It's a beautiful lens... One of the sharpest 50mm lenses I've ever used... I guess I could send it off to get AI'd, CLAd and have it declicked... That's an option. Do you know how much that all costs... Approximately?
  4. Actually, I think I might have a a 50mm Series E. But I was considering a 50mm D lens due to their ability to meter on the 5500. Ok, thanks. I must have misunderstood the article or skimmed it too quickly... It was a while ago. Unfortunately, there aren't many fast 50mm options with good reviews. There isn't much love for the ai/ai-s f/1.4 and the 1.2 is crazy expensive, but the 1.4D gets decent reviews for its glass and IQ, I just fear that build quality. I was also looking at a couple zooms. I already have a Tokina 24-40mm AT-X that I really like, and its sister the 35-70mm, but I'd like a wide to medium zoom as well for run and gun. I saw the 28-50 ai-s and that gets decent reviews but I don't really want a push/pull zoom. Do you have or have ever used the 24-50 AF-D zoom?
  5. Yeah, I figured the focus rings weren't that great. I have the 50mm f2 non-ai but I have heard that some non-ai lenses can hit the mirror on DX cameras, so I was thinking of getting a faster 50mm... maybe the 1.4D... Do you know how the focus ring is on that lens? I assume the D lenses are focus by wire?
  6. Could you rent a camera specifically for that client. Because that C100ii will pay for itself in no time.
  7. Did your c100 arrive yet... How do you like it?
  8. Since there's all this talk about lenses for C100/80D I just thought I'd quickly say that I have a used 17-55 I want to sell and a Canon Refurbished 35mm f/2. I'll be taking some pictures and listing them in the sale section and on eBay next week.
  9. Honestly, I think the 1DC would be the A cam to a C-100 B-Cam... But YMMV based upon how important DPAF is to your video work. They both have C-Log, so in that respect, they would work great together. As far as stills, I'm just starting to shoot them, but I believe other than the lack of DPAF, the 1DC would be a great stills cam.
  10. Also you have to remember that the XC10/15 records 4:22 broadcast quality 4K footage in camera, plus 4:22 1080p. The C100 will only record 4:20 1080p footage in camera. So, technically the XC10/15 has better color than the C100 and matches the C300s capabilities... If based only on that spec.
  11. In the end the operator and colorist will make this, or any, footage look good or not. I have seen great c100 footage and horrible c100 footage. I have recorded good XC10 footage and horrible XC10 footage. For the price, the XC10 is a great camera, and if you really look there is great XC10 footage floating around... A lot of which is in the XC10 threads on this site.
  12. Running the camera in TV mode and riding the shutter speed will affect motion blur, so I personally wouldn't do it, but my intention for the camera is narrative filmmaking... For docs and event work, his method seems like a great approach. I think @kidzrevil changes the shutter speed instead of using nd filters, so take a look at his videos to decide how you think the motion blur looks.
  13. Yeah, this is a cool test. I don't have any exact numbers, but I know a lot of TV shows use the C300, and I'm sure a few features as well... So the fact that an indie filmmaker could pick up an XC10/15 for around 2 grand and shoot at C300 level is astonishing and one of the reasons I bought the XC10.
  14. How are you using a grey card when you are shooting this type of guerilla filming? I've never used a grey card for exposure or WB, so please be detailed. And are you using any zebras or metering to judge your exposure? I haven't shot too much in 4K with the XC10, but I'd like to start.
  15. Has anyone used any of the Nikon D primes with the D5500, 5300... Or lower cameras? I'm pretty sure they will meter in camera but I just wanted to make sure... Also are the focus rings horrible?
  16. Cool pans. The color looks great. Love the final Chuck Taylor shot. Btw, it does really look filmic.
  17. mercer


    Yes, there is a little latch you have to push down as you turn the adapter.
  18. mercer


    Has anyone used the Nikon 50mm 1.4G lens?
  19. That Nikon image is so clean, nice work. I actually saw this video before. I don't remember when or why I watched it... Maybe I did a search of the lens you used. Either way, now I want some blackberry pie.
  20. Thanks, man. I've been working on color grading some in my spare time, just not sharing every failure any more. There are a few hot spots I wish I could have cleaned up a little more, though. But all in all, I am loving this Nikon Flat... The image has a lot more resilience than I thought it would. I'd love to see it, but the link doesn't work.
  21. Do these women just walk up to you and start posing? Lol.
  22. Just messing around with some clips...
  23. Nice clip. Yeah, I've used Sony, Samsung and Panasonic for the better part of the past year, with a few stints with BM, and after I got my XC10 and now this Nikon, I think I appreciate cameras made by traditional camera companies as opposed to electronic companies... IMO.
  24. They show up occasionally but you have to diligently check because they usually sell pretty fast.
  25. Thanks for this. Although not optimal, it definitely did the trick and was better than flying blind like I was before.
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