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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Some of your Nikon work put these cameras on the radar for me. That winter beach video you did with the Tokina/Angenieux zoom was a real eye opener to me as to what these Nikons can do. Yeah, the 750 is a way better camera, I'm just unsure if it's worth the upgrade this far in the product cycle. With the D7200, I'd get a lot of the video features for half the cost. And then if I get along well with her, I can get the 760, or whatever it will be named. Who knows, their AF may be up to Camon's DPAF with the next generation.
  2. Yeah, the camera is a blast. I was chasing that 4K stabilized image for the past year and I forgot how fun a simple DSLR and a monopod were... Especially with this codec and profile. Right, the D750 and its facial recognition, I'd imagine, is a valuable tool for stills. As of now, I only do video really, but I'd like to start shooting stills. I really like the D5500, but the lack of exposure tools is driving me a little crazy. Since I have only manual glass, the D7200 would have been a better tool. I just need to decide how much I really like the camera and the workflow before I decide to upgrade... I have some footage to mess with this morning and I may head out again this afternoon.
  3. Those grabs are so nice I had to like em twice.
  4. mercer


    I don't mind a few flaws. It's weird though, after spending the past year with M4/3 and cropped sensors, I forgot how wide my Nikkors are in S35.
  5. I would look for a used one from BH. For some reason you cannot return new ones, but you can return used ones.
  6. Headed out today and had a blast with the D5500. I won't bore everyone with a ton of shots, but here's a screengrab... I found the camera and the Flat profile very forgiving. I could expose to the right and pull it down... I could underexpose and push it up... Just a really nice profile and codec.
  7. Great summation... I ran out of "Like" for the day.
  8. mercer


    How is the 58mm wide open? It reminds me of the m4/3 25mm in looks and build quality, so I thought it might hold some similar optical qualities as well. I've seen some of your 40mm work and it looks like a great lens. I am pretty happy with my Nikkors right now, but when I get the itch for a new lens, these Voigts may be the way to go.
  9. A refurbished 750 goes for around $1450, a new grey market for about $1600... A grey market D500 goes for about $1700. When you get up in that price range you may as well go new from BH to avoid any warranty hassles. The refurbbed 750, for $1450 isn't a bad price, but I can get a refurbished 7200 for $750... Is the D750 worth twice as much as the D7200... That's the question? I definitely see your point, I just have to do some more research to see which, if either, suits me better. I don't necessarily care about full frame... So I'm not sure what is gained, feature wise, with the D750. If I get the 7200, I would probably keep the D5500 as a B-Cam/High risk cam... Hmm... But I guess using my 28mm f2 as a 28mm f2 does sound kinda interesting. Anyway, thanks for the help... I guess I should get through a full shoot day before I go all in... Thanks for this, great trick. I'll give this a go today. Do you have any LCD brightness level suggestions. I usually go all the way up with them, but yesterday, I noticed that what I thought looked great in the LCD, in fact was underexposed by a stop or two when I brought it into the computer. I only have ai-s lenses so I can't even use the in camera meter... Which is actually how I prefer to expose.
  10. mercer


    Do you have the 58mm Voigt?
  11. I'm pretty sure Metabones has acknowledged that their EF speedbooster does not work with the IBIS from the GX85.
  12. Price, 5-Axis IS, and broadcast quality 4K codec. If none of those matter to you, then probably not. The C100ii has interchangeable lens options, DPAF, S35mm sensor, better audio interface, more built in ND support... I'm sure there's more, but that's all I got as I don't have a C100ii.
  13. By continuous LiveView, I mean, is there a menu setting to set the camera to LiveView, so when you turn it off, and back on again it is still in LiveView. No, I'm not a professional anything, I love taking video and working on short films. I hope to make a feature film this year if things work out. I also would like to start doing more stills. With my little time with the D5500, I've just been very impressed with the images, so I was contemplating getting a D7200 if the added exposure/focus features made the technical work a little easier. Right now it's just a thought, I am going to shoot a lot more tomorrow and see how it goes... Knowing me I could completely change my mind by Tuesday... But I don't think so... I am really loving the image I am getting out of this camera.
  14. Thanks Mattias... I am enjoying this D5500 so much, I am contemplating selling off more lenses and gear and making it a B-Cam to a 7200 A-Cam if the exposure and focus aids are better.
  15. Yeah, the camera works beautifully in hybrid manual/auto mode... So to speak. I use mine in manual, but ride the exposure on the wheel when necessary, but I have been either lighting my scenes or shooting in daylight... The ability to close down or open up the aperture as I track my actor in and out of shadows has been awesome, then use Push AF when I choose my priority focus is really cool... And being able to do it all with my right hand while I walk around is the icing on the cake.
  16. Yeah, it's a shame 4K became such a staple so quickly. The two camera companies (Canon and Nikon) were stuck in the 1080p world while the three electronic companies (Sony, Panasonic and Samsung) needed ways to promote their 4K TVs. I've only done a few preliminary tests with the D5500, but I already like the picture quality better than the downscaled 4K-1080p image I've been getting out of the Panny's... I'm sure it's the color more so than the resolution and IQ, but either way I find it more pleasing... It doesn't much matter though... Sadly, the marketing of the next best thing will always win in the end.
  17. Yeah, a little too much... "I'll tell you what... If you buy today... But wait there's more." That would be a great price though.
  18. A couple more questions pertaining to the D7200... 1. Do you use the zebras with the D7200/750 and if so, how helpful have you found them? 2. Are you exposing to the right and pulling back in post? 3. Do AI-S lenses meter with the D7200? 4. The B&H overview makes it sound like there is some kind of focus aid in Manual mode with the D7200, do you know if it is just a focus confirmation beep or green dot? 5. Does the D7200 have a continuous LiveView mode? That is all... Thanks
  19. Sorry, got you confused with someone else. Thanks.
  20. Can you dial in the Kelvin temperatures with the D5300?
  21. That certainly sounds too good to be true... Tell him you'll meet him at his local police station's parking lot.
  22. I'll definitely give this a test later in the week and report back.
  23. Thanks for the tips. I am a little bummed I can't dial in the WB temperature but the camera does offer the Kelvin values for each preset, so that will help. With my preliminary tests, Auto WB worked pretty well in mixed lighting, which is always good as that is usually the hardest for me to nail and often my usual lighting scenarios. I've never used a gray card or a color checker but with Color Finale's recent addition of color checker WB correction, I may give it a go. Have you ever used one of those WB lens caps? They seem like they could be handy. Saturation has always been one of my nemesis with picture profiles. At first glance, it seems like Nikon's flat profile favors blue and green... Orange and red seems much less saturated out the gate. I'm heading out tomorrow to give her a thorough workout, so I'll test to see if it needs to be knocked down a notch or two. Anyway, happy shooting!!!
  24. Sounds pretty good. It does seem a little big for my tastes, but that is a great focal range. I had the 35-70mm f3.5 for a little while. But I sold it a while back with the rest of my Nikkor lenses. After a few months, I missed them so I've since started picking up newer copies. I decided to go with ai-S versions this time around with the 28mm f2 being my favorite. The only non-ai lens I'll keep is the 50mm f2 becaus it's one of the sharpest lenses I've ever used. I just won a like new 35mm f2 for 70 bucks yesterday... Am excited for that one. I also have a cheapo 35-70mm 3.3-4.5. It gets bad reviews but I found it's a nice sleeper lens for video. Is the 20-35mm the AF-D version, or is there an ai-s model too? I also have a couple older Tokina zooms in Nikon mount. I just bought a D5500, so I am re-exploring Nikon mount lenses.
  25. That's what I was thinking too. I like to stay around 44, 4500 for that same reason. Thanks. With my initial tests I was using auto, which could work fine with consistent lighting, but I think I'll use the cool white fluorescent instead. Thanks again!!! On a side note... I am amazed at the picture quality... Who needs 4K!!!
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