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Everything posted by mercer

  1. I just picked up a pocket, am selling my micro and you ain't kidding, the menus are so simple and straightforward. I just don't know why it's such a big deal that somebody wants a C100ii instead of an FS5? It really just comes down to personal taste. I have no interest in rigging cameras, so I bought a pocket to replace my micro. To a lot of others, the micro is the obvious choice of the two. I like the easily accessible Canon colors and menus more so than the Sony variety, it doesn't mean Sony is bad, just different tastes.
  2. I haven't seen it once, but I mostly shoot in HD on the wide end, but I exclusively use 5-Axis and I have whipped the camera around fairly fast. If I'm not mistaken I remember reading in the manual that ghosting can occur on the long end, but it seems you guys are noticing it even on the wide end? If it's ISO related, then I may never notice it because I rarely go higher than 500.
  3. I watched the trailer. And I am blown away... It looks great. Honestly I don't think 4K would have helped the look of this film at all. Congratulations on a great looking trailer. I look forward to watching the film!!! Damn, I wish the D5500 would drop just a little bit in price. If you are considering a 4K upgrade for your next film... I suggest you stay within the Nikon ecosystem... Maybe a D500. Btw, I would love to hear some production notes... More about camera choice positives and negatives, lenses used, lighting, sound equipment... Anything really. Thanks and good luck with the film.
  4. Obviously, those prices reflect the used high end video camera market in Sweden. I assume the law of supply and demand dictates some good deals to be had if you're in the market and you have patience.
  5. I thought the same thing except an XC10/Pocket combo... not necessarily for the same project. But there's just something about that S35 C100ii image.
  6. Yeah that looks brilliant. I am sometimes half tempted to sell every camera and lens I own, except my Canon 35mm f2, and buy one.
  7. With all due respect, I couldn't disagree with you more here. Chances are Omar was doing very little color work with his Canons and since he uses them and his lenses for paid gigs, why would he want to switch to a whole new camera system, at FS5 money? The C100ii is a good upgrade that will get him work and get him to the next level of color and equipment.
  8. Slightly off topic, but speaking of ML Raw Viewer, I just learned that you can process raw files from the BMPCC with it. Probably not the most ideal workflow, but for a quick and easy process, it's pretty cool. You can also convert them into a variant of C-Log, SLog 1 & 2, etc... I wonder if it could be a way to match footage between different cameras.
  9. Nice lenses. They should work great with Canon's DPAF. I don't know anything about Gimbals. I would probably go the Steadicam, Glidecam or Movi route... But that's just me. I'd rather my stabilization be mechanical instead of electronic.
  10. I'd still get the C100ii. Since you're coming from a modest Canon background, there's no reason to switch now. With your budget you can get a new c100ii, a good Sennheiser Mic, a good tripod, maybe a Stedicam Solo or a Movi. You can put together a really nice kit that will be a money maker and have itself paid off in no time. Then you can go experiment with a Sony or an Ursa. Btw, what Canon lenses do you have?
  11. Gotcha. Are there any issues stacking a fader nd on top of a low con filter?
  12. Ha, yeah I know, but I thought you said you were in LA. I've gotta try one of them contrast filters. Have you ever tried the Schneider Digicon filters?
  13. Comgratulations!!! When I first started messing around with ML Raw, I say messing because I am no expert, but I found this article very useful. It just helps to get you going, quickly and easily. http://www.cineticstudios.com/blog/2014/08/the-easy-way-to-use-magic-lantern-raw-straight-to-prores.html
  14. I would think the 1080p is closer to the C100 and the 4K is closer to the C300. Btw, the subway shots are my favorite. They look wicked. The diffusion filter works nicely. Black Mist? Btw, is that NY? I'm there now for work. I love this city.
  15. Yeah, holy shit... That looks epic. Nice DR. Which Impulz did you use?
  16. Yup! I've always liked the underexposed Canon look. The 70% zebra trick is what made me really love the camera. When I first got it, I had it set to 100% and for the life of me, I could not get the highlights down in post. I also made the mistake of leaving the built in ND on a couple times and being utterly confused by the settings... And then I had my duh moment. It's actually a shame the built in NDs don't have more power. As I said above, I leave it on manual and ride the exposure wheel. In 1080p with the 5-Axis I can walk around, with almost steadicam level of stability, ride the exposure and use Push AF. It's a ton of fun. With post I have had equally good results with LUTS and just simple saturation and curve adjustments. The Impulz Log to Rec709 LUTS really shine with the C-Log. I've also liked FilmConvert with it as well for a quick turnaround.
  17. The RS wasn't bad in that video, but the DB was off the charts.
  18. Btw, I doubt you're to blame... You're a better photographer than I am and I am liking my results... Maybe I have lower standards. Supposedly, Canon released a very informative white paper about c-log... I haven't read it, but a lot of people reference it.
  19. The lens isn't great... Well it produces nice images, but the manual focus ring sucks and it would be better as a constant zoom. I wish it stayed at 2.8 up to 50mm. Have you been using the 1080p or the 4K?
  20. Really? I find it to be the most pleasurable shooting experience I've encountered with any camera. I reset the custom buttons so Push AF is right on the grip and then the aperture wheel is easily accessible with my index finger. If you treat the focal lengths like 3 different zooms it works great... IMO. You have a 24-50 F/3.7, a 24-70 F/4 and then a full range at 5.6. Or it also works fine if you treat it as a bunch of primes. What don't you like about C-Log? I've found it has some good latitude in post but you have to expose it with the 75% zebras. If you use the 100%, you'll never pull back the highlights.
  21. Yeah, but you have to admit that the NX1 is way better... Ugh. Lol.
  22. I really hope Samsung gets back into the camera game, just so I can see NX2 littered upon every camera announcement thread instead of NX1. Good thing they left the market though, because every other camera manufacturer probably would have went out of business or stopped making cameras because their tech couldn't come close to the NX1 for at least another 5 or 10 years.
  23. I agree on some level. 5 minutes is more than enough time for a a take. My fear would be how much cool down time in between takes is needed? The RX100 has been a unique line of cameras, that could be implemented so well with run and gun guerilla narratives. I will admit that I am intrigued by the 6.5 second raw bursts. A narrative could easily be designed with 6.5 second shots... But the question is... How many consecutive shots can be taken before that overloads their heat sinks?
  24. Looks great. The lowlight holds up well. I just love the 5-Axis 1080 C-Log from this camera. I haven't tested the 60p yet, but it looks good. Was this shot with AF? Any post sharpening?
  25. mercer


    Yeah, that 25mm Voigtlander is a work of art. I briefly had the lens and it rendered beautifully with the G7 and the best lens I used with the Micro, but the crop factor of the Micro didn't suit my tastes with that lens... The 10mm or the 17mm would have been a better choice, so I ended up selling it to help offset the cost of the Micro. And now I'm selling the Micro and replacing it with the Pocket cam. I just bought the Panny 12-35mm for the Pocket, to use the Pocket as its name suggests. I may try and pick up a used 17mm Voigtlander if the price is right.
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