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Everything posted by mercer

  1. mercer

    "No-budget" Video

    At that price range I would definitely go with Canon 50D. With Magic Lantern this stills camera becomes a Raw video recording monster. But since the 50D wasn't released with video features, there will be no sound. The video guts were inside the camera, but Canon decided against including them with 50D, it took Magic Lantern to unlock them. If you're absolutely looking for a camera with sound as well as video, then maybe a used GH2, eos-m... Etc... If you do decide to go with a Canon and Magic Lantern, just be forewarned, there will be some hiccups... You will get some dropped frames... The camera will occasionally freeze... It will over heat... The post workflow is a little tedious, but not too bad... Although rare, there is always a possibility you could brick the camera. With that being said, it can be frustrating, but if you do your research and work the camera, you should be pleased once you get those files into your computer. Or if you're patient and scour craigslist regularly, you may be able to find a used BMPCC, but even then, with the best deal, I doubt you'd find one for two hundred... Probably closer to five.
  2. Haha, I quite like the review. You are one likable angry guy. But you need some type of foil, a wife in the background or an ex-wife you can bitch about. The anti-unboxing portion was great... You just tossed the literature aside angrily... Good stuff. My only suggestion, if you're looking for any, is to get the time down. If you could mix your natural character and a full review in under 5 minutes, I think you could be onto something.
  3. mercer

    "No-budget" Video

    Pretty cool color grade enny. Was the clothing color chosen beforehand, so it would almost appear it was in black and white?
  4. mercer


    Canon tumors have frequently posted about it and they seemed fairly certain that it was happening this year... According to sources? Who knows.
  5. mercer


    Man, that is tempting. If I didn't already have two cameras I need to sell, I would probably jump on it. I have a BMMCC and a GX85 I need to sell before I could put out any more money. But that is a good price. The M mount is actually Canon's mirrorless mount known as the ef-m mount. The M5 pretty much has identical specs as the 80D, but it will also have focus peaking, 5-Axis IBIS, the most autofocus points of any camera. It should be a little beast of a cam. The XC15 looks decent, I like the upgrades, but not enough for me to upgrade to it. I'll wait for the XC20 to get DPAF, constant zoom and hopefully 5-Axis in 4K and maybe 4K 60p... Well at least one or two of them. I do like the addition of the waveforms though. I'm hoping they'll eventually add them to the XC10 in a firmware update.
  6. mercer


    I ended up getting a prime instead. You're right about the faster lens, so I bought a refurbished 35mm f2 IS from Canon... They're having a sale on their lenses until tomorrow. I think with either the M5, or the 80D, this lens and Andrew's C-Log and a little grading luck, I should be able to match the XC10. We'll see.
  7. RJ makes speed boosters for the eos-m but they are just dummy adapters. Unless the price of the M5 is astronomical, I am probably going to get one. I may pick up an RJ for Nikon. Do you have a link to the Korean? Or where you saw it listed? Oh yeah, where you been lately... Did you buy a rangefinder from ES?
  8. That makes sense. I decided to go with the 35mm f2 IS. I'm really looking for something to use along side the XC10 in 1080p, for close ups, so the fast prime made more sense and Canon USA is having a sale on their refurbished lenses. However, if I enjoy the DPAF, I will probably consider the 17-55mm, or the 24-70mm f4.
  9. Yeah, this camera seems more and more appealing with every spec. I've honestly never used, nor own an ef lens, but with the DPAF and focus points, I am seriously considering getting one. I was thinking about a constant f4 zoom, but the 35mm f2 IS sounds a little more practical for my purposes. Canon has some refurbished ones on sale.
  10. According to canon rumors, the M5 will have more AF Points than any other camera. It will also feature touchscreen focus while looking through the EVF.
  11. mercer


    How's the focus breathing on it? I was reading a few reviews of the 24-70mm f4 and it seems to have a little breathing. I can handle a little, it can be a nice effect sometimes, but I don't want too much.
  12. mercer


    Do you have the f/4 L or the 3.5-5.6? I've heard good things about both.
  13. I haven't used one, but I think ef lenses will work with the adapter as well There will never, ever be a camera as capable as the NX1. I know because you come to every thread about a new camera and remind us.
  14. mercer


    Have you ever used the 24-70mm IS L f/4? That's the one I am most tempted by. Good size and weight. It should adapt well to the M5 if I go that route instead of the 80D.
  15. According to BH specs the 80D shoots at 90Mbps.
  16. mercer


    Yeah, Color Finale is what I use as well. It is a great program. I figured there will be a little work, but if it gets me halfway there, hopefully I can fill in the rest.
  17. mercer


    Thanks, I'll check it out. I think that's the lens Andrew talked about in his 80d review. Btw, if you're not worried about sound and you want to give Magic Lantern a try, then maybe you should look into the 50D. They're next to nothing used. And they work well with ML Raw. Obviously since the camera didn't have a video function (released) it never recorded sound. But in all honesty there is a kind of freedom not having to worry about it and just concentrating on the imagery. Anyway, to get back on topic, I think I may load Andrew's log profile onto the 50d or my eos-m, for now and give it a whirl. It seems like it can open up a lot of avenues for matching his C-Log to actual Canon Log. And in the end, that is exactly what I am looking for.
  18. I can see why in a professional scenario, high end 4K is almost a necessity these days, but I do no budget shorts, mostly for fun but hopefully as another sales tool for my screenplays. My childhood friend started shooting movies in his backyard on Super 8, then VHS. Eventually we worked our way up to Mini DV, HD, 4K, etc... I was always interested in filmmaking but couldn't afford it, so I made screenwriting my primary goal. A few years back I was finally able to afford a camera and I have been playing catch up ever since, trying to learn and get better at the craft... More pitfalls than successes, but at least I have a lot of lenses now... Haha. Knowing you're considering the 1DXii, you may want to take a look at the XC10 as a B-cam. It's a great run and gun camera you could give to almost any operator or 2nd unit crew to get b-roll.
  19. mercer


    It seems great. I don't mind the weight, but the length bothers me a little. I am also considering the 17-40mm f4 L or the 24-70 f/4. They're both a hair lighter and two inches shorter. But to be honest I am still unsure if I am gonna go with 80D or M5. I have to wait and see the final specs on the M5 and price.
  20. mercer


    @tomsemiterrific that 17-55mm is the lens I keep hearing about. I just lost a bid on it last night. It's that good?
  21. I just spent the past year chasing specs, and although I learned a lot, my footage isn't much better than it was when I was just shooting with my eos-m... I was just chasing that elusive resolution. I know you've been looking for a camera to shoot your next feature with, if I were you, I would just grab the C100 mkii or C300 mkii and be done with it. You know they'll be reliable and the cinematic look is built into their color science. And honestly, I still watch most movies on a 720p JVC, so what do I know... It looks good to me.
  22. mercer


    Installing Magic Lantern is simple. You download Magic Lantern to your computer, verify the camera is running the proper firmware. Format your card in camera. Put it in your card reader and copy the files from magic lantern on your card. Then put the card back into camera and run firmware update. I don't know how much you would want to spend, but the mkiii is the best camera for ML Raw. The mkii is good as well. Any of their cameras that use CF cards works the best for Raw and will get you closest to 1080p Raw. Yeah Canon can be infuriating some times, but like you said, they get you there in the straightest line possible, especially for someone like me that is horrible at color grading. I think they just have too many camera models, so they up sell everything. Thanks for the lens suggestion, I will definitely look into it. I've also heard good things about the 35mm f2. It's a little pricy but I'm at a point where I'd rather have a few good lenses than a dozen okay ones.
  23. Is it though? As a consumer I would rather give my money to a company that is honest about their technological issues than to a company that gives everything but the kitchen sink and half of it doesn't work properly. Say what you will about Canon, but when you buy one of their cameras, it works as advertised. And don't forget, Canon was the first DSLR/DSLM to have 4K. My point about heat dissipation was about highly compressed low bitrate 4K that the other companies are offering not the mjpeg or xf-avc codecs they are using in their higher end models. And as I said before, when your high bitrate 1080 looks as good as downscaled 4K from other manufacturers, then who needs 4K? Who really needs a 4K TV for that matter? They've created a catch-22 for consumers. They tell consumers... "Here's a 4K TV." The consumer replies... "Great, what can I watch on it?" They say... "Here's an expensive camera that shoots 4K, but it will overheat before your kid blows out her birthday candles." The consumer bends over and takes it in the ass with a big fat smile on their face. And then hands them a few grand for a TV and a camera.
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