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Everything posted by mercer

  1. mercer


    I will say the results look fantastic. Has there been confirmation if this will work with the eos-m? I really like this look. Which Canon camera did you use?
  2. Yeah, I imagine you wouldn't need to with a 20mm on FF. I'm actually one of the few people that like short focus throws. I don't use a follow focus, I either go by hand or use a focus lever and with peaking being so reliable these days, I find a short throw works better for my needs. Of course I did just find a rail-free follow focus that I may give a try.
  3. How do you like that 1.8 Sigma? I have been eyeing the 24mm or 28mm 1.8, from that same series, for a while now.
  4. I'm with Mattias on this one. There is more than enough with the Mkiv that will get still photographers to upgrade and that means they will need to sell their mkiiis
  5. Pentax lenses are some of the most overlooked lenses, when in reality they are unbelievably nice lenses... Are dirt cheap and probably have the best focus rings of any lenses I have used. Visually I believe they're as good as their Nikkor counterparts. Btw, the Pentax forums have an awesome review database for Pentax lenses, plus any third party lenses that came in a Pentax mount... Which are a lot. It's a great lens research resource.
  6. mercer


    Very interesting. I have fallen in love with the C-log on my XC10. And because of it, I have realized how much I had missed using Canon DSLRs as well. So recently I picked up the 50D to use ML Raw with. I know you can have a base profile with ML Raw, even though it can still be tweaked in post. Do you see a benefit, your Log profile would have on my 50d with ML Raw? Also, as a side question I noticed your guide to the 50d raw was still listed at a sale price even though the date had passed. Did you extend the sale or just haven't had the time to update the post?
  7. I am in M mode and I think I have expo preview set correctly, but I will definitely double check. Thanks. I think my error message had something to do with my settings. I am trying to turn off everything I do not need, because I have read that you can obtain the best, fastest write speeds if you only use the bare essentials. I think in the process, I turned off an essential. Even with the hiccups, the results I have been seeing are blowing me away. Yeah, I predict a mkii or iii in my future within a year.
  8. @Justin Bacle have you had any error messages where the camera freezes up on you? I had that happen to me today. And then the other issue I am having is I cannot actually set my ISO any higher than 200. If I set it higher, it changes back to 200 when I hit record, but it will still say I am on 800 or 1600 in the ML menu. It will also change my shutter speed on me too. I have to sit down and go through the ml forum and do more research, just figured I'd see if you have experienced anything similar.
  9. Oh that's not bad at all. I'll probably pick up some wasabi batteries or see how cheap the canon batteries go for now. If I can get a full hour to an hour and a half, with the camera on, using the battery grip, I'll be happy.
  10. Btw, how are you guys getting along with the battery charge. The camera I bought came with 2 batteries and they seem to last about 20 minutes. It also came with the battery grip, so I figured I will buy a couple new batteries and with the grip they should last at least an hour.
  11. Yeah please post something showing the lines. I won't have a chance to shoot with it again until next week, otherwise I would let you know if I am getting the same issue. I hope the files are clean up to 1600 ISO, that was one of the reasons I picked it up. Of course, I tend to never shoot over 800, I just like the option to.
  12. I mean, I guess you could put a fast lens on the gx85 and it will help. I just shot a micro short the other day on the XC10 and I shot wide dr up to 1600 and it was clean. At 3200 I noticed a little noise creeping in but nothing I couldn't work with if I had to. I would still in most instances try to keep everything at 1600 or below.
  13. Yeah, I have both. They are both awesome cams for different reasons. Specifically the 5-Axis, but the canon only has it in 1080, but I think their 1080 is almost as good as the gx85s 4K downscaled to 1080p... By my eye anyway. I just bought the xc10 about a month ago and mine came with the updated firmware, so I can't say if it's any better than the original firmware but most accounts I have read says it is. The face tracking works great though. It's not great in low light, but what AF is? I've never used DPAF... So maybe that is great in lowlight?
  14. I will say that after picking up another Canon dslr, I am happy to use the form factor again. They just fit well in your hands, the GX85 is a little small without a proper grip, but the IQ is amazing. A little less organic than the Canon t2i but definitely sharper with tons more resolution.
  15. Well, it does have "an eye catching red trigger button." Haha, who writes their copy. Some of the features that are touted in that article, the XC10 already has and there are a few nice minor improvements that I hope will funnel down to the xc10 in a few months. So, did they discontinue the XC10 yet?
  16. I just bought a 50D and I can tell after using it for 2 hours that I love ML Raw. I sincerely hope that the ML team continues with 5D Mkiv, because I would love another reason for the mkiii to drop in price on the used market in 6 months to a year. @squig do you shoot with a specific picture profile with ML raw or do you just let raw ride and create your look entirely in post?
  17. I hope they include waveform in an XC10 firmware update. Yeah, the XC10 has face tracking. It works great too, even with push AF.
  18. Obviously you are shooting regular raw and not MLVs? Have you noticed in live view that the screen flickers at anything over ISO 200? It doesn't get recorded but it does flicker. I assume one of my settings are off. I need to read up on it more. How is ACR compared to Resolve? Do you have to get the full Adobe subscription to get ACR, because it seems that most of the videos I have seen that I really liked were processed with ACR instead of Resolve. Also, what program are you using to turn the files into DNG? I used RawMagic Lite and it worked brilliantly and fast, but I shot at 200 ISO and below, due to the flickering.
  19. Looks good. It held up pretty well considering the upres. I thought you were an NX1 or a7s user or something, why the t3i? What I really like about it is that organic look you get with Canon cameras.
  20. Yeah, I need to invest in neat video one of these days, but this specific user claims to not use nr. I picked up the camera because it was a steal for the condition and extras and my only experience with ML Raw was from the eos-m and that was akin to banging my head against the wall. If I get along good with her, I may upgrade to mkiii next year. One question I have, when I raise the ISO above 200, the screen flickers in live view, are you familiar with ML Raw 50d?
  21. There's a guy on Vimeo called Planetarium Productions that made a lot of 50D ML Raw videos a couple years back and he was getting consistently good, clean results up to 1600 ISO.
  22. My 50D came in the mail today. Played with it for awhile when I should have been editing my short... Here's a boring grab from my kitchen table...
  23. mercer

    Canon XC15

    Yeah, I may pay more for that.
  24. mercer

    Canon XC15

    By day's end I will own 3 cameras... The XC10, the GX85, and 50D for ML Raw. Well I'll actually own 4 because I haven't sold my BMMCC yet, but that will be listed by next week. But anyway my point is, if I need a reliable camera that can be used in any possible situation, even shallow depth if I frame my shots accordingly, I'll reach for the XC10 every time. It's that good. Sure I would love a constant f/2.8 or and f/2 - f/2.8 but not at any cost of losing what the camera already has. The only real improvement they could do to the lens that would make me consider an upgrade at this point is the focus ring, but Push AF works so well, even then I would only pay a little more than what I paid for the XC10. The biggest feature I would upgrade for is 5-Axis in 4K. And I would probably pay 500 more for it... That's how good their 5-Axis is. The 1080 is as good as the 4K downscaled from the G7. The camera is clean at f4 easily up to 1600 ISO in Wide DR. It's just a fun camera to use, where you can expect professional results every time.
  25. One thing we know for sure, if the G8 costs more than the GX85, and more than the G7, when announced, then the GH5 will rise accordingly.
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