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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Really good work. The GX80/85 can do amazing things in the right hands. If this camera is any bit of a preview of the GH5, then that is going to be one epic camera.
  2. That's the mic they use on Naked and Afraid and I haven't noticed any wires or transmitters.
  3. It looks good. My only suggestion is finding a different mic solution... Not because of audio quality, it sounds good, but because the wireless transmitter and lav wires running through her clothes makes her body look strange... Not flattering for yoga videos. Maybe try one of those necklace wireless microphones that they use on reality shows. http://neckmics.com/Neckmics/Home.html
  4. It's not about taking away sales from the FS5... Of course they would want to do that, they're just not going to give away professional features at prosumer/enthusiast prices. That's not how economics works. It's like the old saying why charge a dollar if they'll pay five? So, if these rumors are true expect to pay about $2999 for them. I assume with the release of the GX85 at 900 USD, then the G8 will be more than a grand... Maybe even closer to 1500 with full kit and then the GH5 will be priced accordingly.
  5. I think Panasonic just went ahead and did it themselves, so a hack became unnecessary.
  6. Well since the newly announced firmware update for 1dXii has zero video updates and it is a direct update based on professional user feedback, it doesn't seem likely that the video features you desire will be implemented in the 1dXii anytime soon. I believe some form of 1dC successor is on the horizon... If it will be a direct mkii is another question. I think the smart play would be a 5-7500 USD 5dC addressing the hybrid market that is more video oriented than stills oriented like the 1dX. Linking their cinema line DSLR to the 5d series would be a smart marketing strategy for Canon. I know a lot of forum members believe Canon is run by the old guard that has no idea what they're doing but I would contend they know exactly what they're doing and 9 out of 10 times it works as planned.
  7. I've never used the D5500, but I love the video I have seen from it. Every time I am convinced to buy one... I decide to go another route... Due to a better deal. Plus I am waiting for the body price to drop a bit. With that being said, what don't you like about its usability?
  8. I use EditReady to convert to prores. It's fast, you can use a LUT during conversion, lots of metadata options. Nice program. And it's cheap.
  9. Idk, if the GH5 doesn't have IBIS, then this thread will turn into the current 5d threads and all the detractors will appear. It HAS to have IBIS. But you may be right that it can't have it all... So most likely the unlimited time will be axed.
  10. It almost seems like it has an in camera slow motion that you can enable while recording, but since you can't change the shutter speed to compensate for the frame rate change, a strange stutter appears. The colors are nice though.
  11. Once you use the ibis it will be at least 2.2x crop so in most circumstances it won't matter... If you use the 5-Axis.
  12. I just don't have the computer power to edit in 4K and since most of the stuff I do only requires 1080p, I downscale before I edit. And since I am a FCPX user, ProRes is the obvious choice. Plus I think the downscale adds a little heft to the sometimes brittle video like image coming out of the Panasonics. But to be fair, their IQ has jumped leaps and bounds with the release of the GX85, so I imagine the GH5 will be stunning.
  13. I don't like rigs. The BMMCC is unusable without one. The Pocket isn't much better from my understanding.
  14. God, I hope it's not h.265. Sure you save card space, but transcoding times take forever, especially if you're downscaling to 1080p ProRes.
  15. Well, I guess when you spend 35 bucks on it, if you use it once or even turn it on, you got your money's worth. I actually just bought one myself. I found a mint copy for a fair price, so I jumped on it. I've been wanting to get more into stills and was planning on getting a D5500 for stills and hybrid video, but then when I saw the deal I got, I figured I could easily brush up on my stills skills, with the 50d, and have ML Raw... Win win. I loved the raw from the BMMCC, just hated the ergonomics. With the 50d, I assume I'll like the ergonomics and hate the post workflow, but workflow is my time, I have plenty of that... ergonomics makes shooting more difficult and that time is limited. Yeah, I have heard of the downfalls, but I thought it would be a good way to get my feet wet with ML raw. I dabbled with the eos-m raw last fall, but after spending a couple hours shooting stuff, there was never a guarantee you could get rid of the pink dots. On most occasions, the entire shoot was a waste of time. The lack of audio, on the 50d, is annoying but for small, silent projects and mood pieces, it's doable. Eventually I am thinking along your lines... Pick up a Mkii. Right now they are a little out of my price range for the experimenting phase, but if I can get half the quality I've seen online out of the 50d, I may own a Mkii by year's end.
  16. All this talk of new cameras I can't afford reminded me of old cameras I couldn't afford then but can now... Now that you've had this for a little while, how are you getting on with it? From my research, it seems if you have a plan and a workflow, it's pretty painless and the results I've seen online... Beautiful.
  17. Not that I mind, just saying. I actually don't get the big deal about minuscule crop factors. An extra .14x crop factor just means you have to take .14 steps back... Problem solved.
  18. No crop in 4K, except when using 5-Axis IBIS.
  19. Back in the 70s, movie producers were hired to run the studios. Today studios are run by Harvard or Wharton business school graduates. They come from corporate America. In a lot of instances, they have no ties to the movie industry. They are selling widgets. The masses buy widgets.
  20. Which Samsung camera has FF 4K? APS-C is commonly referred to as a Super 35mm sized sensor. The crop of aps-c, is 1.6, so the 5d mk iv will be a little over... Basically super 35mm.
  21. Nobody in their right mind expected FF 4K, so the crop was always going to be a factor. I assumed it was going to be Super 35mm and it pretty much is. And personally, who gives a shit about the codec? The 1Dc and 1dxii samples I have seen look gorgeous. Never once when looking at any sample from either of those cameras have I ever thought... That would look so much nicer if it wasn't recorded in mjpeg.
  22. Idk, part of the whole DSLR movement was using cameras that weren't perfect but the benefits outweighed the minuses. With Canon colors and reliability you are getting that. This idea that Canon or Sony or whoever should manufacture a camera that meets every specific need of a relatively small niche market is ludicrous. It doesn't matter anyway, in a month when user videos start compiling and AR decides to buy one anyway and gives it a glowing review, the crickets from the regular Canon detractors will start sounding and everyone will be reminded why Canon is on top. Their color science is the best and their products work. The End.
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