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Everything posted by mercer

  1. Haha. People get so angry over camera features. Canon doesn't release a camera with a feature set you want... Plenty of other options. However, I will say this... At 3500 USD for body only, I would definitely pony up the extra 1500 hundred for the 1dC or 2 grand for the 1DXmkii.
  2. There's a difference between implementing and creating it. I don't believe a person can steal an idea from someone who didn't create it. That's what I was referring to in that comment. Now I'm not trying to take anything away from ML. Canon should have hired those guys to run their DSLRCine division. Well they should have created a DSLRCine division first and then hired them. What the ML guys did was revolutionary and it is simply astonishing that the 5dmkii with ML Raw is still a relevant image 8 years after the camera was released.
  3. Canon stole the idea from ML? Please reread that comment with a rational mind. ML would not have existed without Canon. And I highly doubt ML invented HDR.
  4. Spoken by someone who hasn't used the XC10 I presume?
  5. Looks amazing! Great lens!! Love the rack focus transition at 1:09!!! This was shot with the Nikon hack? How stable is it?
  6. If that's what your needs are, then maybe you should pick up the Little Darling or Tascam equivalent, and then pick up a tiny stick microphone, or one of those Sony T-shaped stereo mics. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=225510&gclid=CMrrmuLB184CFZNZhgodNMMF5Q&is=REG&ap=y&m=Y&c3api=1876%2C92051677682%2C&Q=&A=details
  7. mercer

    Canon XC15

    I'd love a 2.8 lens but my biggest gripe with the camera, as noted in your review, is the focus ring, it really is abysmal. But I really utilize the push af feature. I am using it on a narrative short, so the manual ring in some ways forces me to slow down and compose my shots, the push af gives me a pseudo rack focus as I pan or tilt. But the best feature of the camera, a feature its detractors could never discuss without using one, is the 5-Axis ibis in 1080p. It is. Simply. Amazing. It's like using a steadicam. So 5-Axis in 4K would be the one feature that would really make me consider upgrading to the XC15.
  8. Man, that looks like a lot of work. The space sequence was really cool.
  9. mercer

    Canon XC15

    Here we go again... Trust me the build quality is just fine. I have not seen the Camera Store review but I assume they had their hands on a preproduction model because the model I have is built pretty well. And as far as I know, this camera is marketed as a professional camcorder.
  10. mercer

    Canon XC15

    I don't know, I could see Canon doing that. Release it without it last year and then with it this year. They basically get more mileage out of the same product, plus they can get a paid upgrade from current owners.
  11. mercer

    Canon XC15

    How do we know the current sensor isn't capable of DPAF with just a firmware update?
  12. Yes, I am 6'3". I have never dropped a piece of equipment, but if I ever do I only want to invest in equipment that has a fighting chance. I am really happy that you are happy with the H1!!! As I have said, the audio quality is excellent, but the form factor and build quality is not up to par for me. YMMV.
  13. mercer

    Canon XC15

    Yes, I agree. I just hope they announce this week because my 30 day return window is quickly approaching and if it is a major upgrade, like a faster, constant aperture lens or 5-Axis in 4K, I will gladly fork up the extra cash. Btw, how do you like the XC10?
  14. My friend dropped his h1 from 5 feet onto carpet and it broke the mic capsule off. Again, for me, it's just too long. The point of the gx85 is its small footprint, the H1 will be too intrusive. I'd rather spend the extra hundred and get a Little Darling.
  15. mercer

    Canon XC15

    Idk, they did a mid line upgrade adding DPAF to the c100, so I could totally see the XC15 adding DPAF and as you said a few added buttons. I doubt it will be a heftier body because the body already is hefty, so unless they add weather sealing, I really don't see what more they could do. Maybe they could add the mjpeg 4K. I think any lens change would be part of mkii or xc20. I assume the xc10 has been selling better at $1999, but they like the $2500 price point, so the XC15 will add enough features for that price bracket.
  16. I found the build quality of the H1 to be horrible and the design just as bad. However, the audio quality is good, but at its size and build quality, I would choose the H2 or H2n over it. So for me, that's why I chose the Olympus, but to each their own.
  17. Yeah, I can't recommend them enough. The onboard mics are great . And they're so small they just get out of the way. My plan is to use that with the Rode VideoMicro on an L-bracket for a simple run and gun setup.
  18. I had the FX150. I really liked that little cam, gorgeous black and white. I didn't think of it, but yeah I guess the CCD could have attributed to it as well.
  19. I had a Sony and didn't love the colors. The em5 mkii has the flat profile that is great for video.
  20. @jase here's a link to the LS-7. They have newer models but I'm unsure of their size. Also, just to be clear the H1 is a great recorder, I just found that it was a little too big and I wasn't a fan of the plastic build quality. http://www.getolympus.com/us/en/ls-7-digital-voice-recorder.html
  21. If you are not interested in 4K and do not like Panasonics, then my first choice would be the Olympus em5 Mkii. My second choice would be the Nikon D5500.
  22. The problem with the H1 is that it's not that small. It's thin but it's long. Tascam makes a small recorder. @IronFilm linked to it in a previous post.
  23. Yeah, I used to use them with my eos-m and Sony 3N. As you know, awesome little lenses.
  24. mercer

    Canon XC15

    The XC15 moniker suggests it may be a small upgrade. If I had to guess, perhaps a constant f2.8 lens with a better focus ring or maybe 5-Axis in 4K. Of course, those are my only issues with the camera, so they would be a major upgrade in my mind. Otherwise maybe some higher frame rates in 4K and maybe some higher bitrates in 1080p. If they do announce soon, I hope they do it on the August 25th announcement date, because I can still return my XC10 I bought a little over 3 weeks ago, if the upgrades are big.
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